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All the input data have to be written in the directory
21b/in with file names having a suffix `.i'.
The file set sent to you has some example data (see the readme file).
The directory 21b/exec contains a csh script file @go
for execution. As @make it works only when the
current directory is 21b.exec
When you want to run CAIN with the input data example.i,
for example, you would say @go example (without `.i').
If you use the same input file as in the previous run, @go suffices.
TopDrawer output will be written on 21b/out/example.tdr,
OutFile on 21b/out/example and OutFile2 on
If you want a submit job, please write an approproate shell script
by yourself.
Toshiaki Tauchi
Thu Dec 3 17:27:26 JST 1998