Next: CAIN functions
Up: Basic Grammer of the
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In the example in Sec.1.1, the right_hand_sides of some operands
are written in the form of mathematical expressions. In
general, `expression' is a mathematical expression which is almost
identical to FORTRAN floating expression.
It may contain
- Literal numbers, such as 2, 2.0, -3E-5, etc.
To indicate the exponent, any of E,e,D,d,Q,q may be used.
Note that there is no integer expression so that 2 is
identical to 2.0.
- Operators +,-,*,/,^.
Note that power is indicated
by ``^'' instead of ``**''.
- Parenthesis: ( [ { ) ] } .
Must match.
- Pre-defined parameters :
There are three types of predefined
parameters. The first type is the universal constants that
never change:
- Pi
- E
- Euler
- Euler's constant
- Deg
- 0.0174
You can write, e.g., 10*Deg where
the randian unit is required.
- Cvel
- velocity of light (m/sec).
- Hbar
- Planck's constant (Joule
- Hbarc
- Planck's constant times the velocity of
light (eV
- Emass
- Electron mass (eV/
- Echarge
- Elementary charge (Coulomb).
- Reclass
- Classical electron radius (m).
- LambdaC
- Compton wavelength (m).
- FinStrC
- Fine structure constant.
The second type is the parameters whose values are determined
by the program. Users cannot change their values but can refer to.
- T,X,Y,S
Running variables
for particle coordinate (m).
- En,Px,Py,Ps
- Running variables for
energy-momentum (eV, eV/c).
The energy is En but not E.
- Sx,Sy,Ss
- Electron/positron spin.
Helicity may be written approximately as Ss*Sgn(Ps).
- Xi1,Xi2,Xi3
- Photon Stokes parameters
- Kind
- Particle species. 1,2,3 for photon, electron, positron.
- Gen
- Particle generation.
- Time
- Running variables for global time coordinate (m).
The third type is
those whose names are predefined with default values and which
the user can change (by SET command) such as
- MsgFile
- File reference number for echo, error messages,
and default destination of PRINT command.
- Outfile
- File reference number for voluminous outputs.
The default destination of WRITE command.
- OutFile2
- Other print output. Not used. (default=12)
- TDFile
- TopDrawer file number. (default=8)
- MsgLevel
- Message level. (default=0, i.e., error
messages only)
- Rand
- Random number seed. (default=3)
- Debug
- Debug parameter for the programmer.
If you set Debug
call and return from major subroutines
are announced. (default=0)
- Smesh
- Longitudinal mesh size
(m) for the calculation
of beam-beam field, luminosity, etc.
No default value.
- User-defined parameters :
Those defined by SET command. Upto 16 characters consisting
of upper/lower case alphabets, numericals, and underscore
`'137'. The first character must not be a numerical.
- Predefined functions such as
I nt,Nint,Sgn,Step,Abs,Frac,Sqrt,Exp,Log,Log10,
C os,Sin,Tan, ArcSin,ArcCos,ArcTan,
C osh,Sinh,Tanh, ArcSinh,ArcCosh,ArcTanh, Gamma,
M od, Atan2, M in, Max
Defintions are the same as in standard FORTRAN except
Sgn and Step:
to 10mmSgn(x)=1, 0, -1, for x>0, x=0, x<0.
to 10mmStep(x)=1, 0, for
, x<0.
Enclose the argument by ( ) or [ ] or
{ }.
Separate arguments by ``,'' if there are more than
one argument (Mod, Atan2, Min, Max).
(Number of arguments for Min and Max is arbitrary.)
There are functions of other type, which are defined for CAIN.
See the next subsection Sec.2.5.
Next: CAIN functions
Up: Basic Grammer of the
Previous: Commands
Toshiaki Tauchi
Thu Dec 3 17:27:26 JST 1998