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- 1
- JLC group, ``JLC-I", KEK Report 92-16, December 1992.
In this paper we took the parameters of the c-band accelerator for the
- 2
- R.A. Erickson,``Monitoring in future
colliders",SLAC-PUB-4974, May 1989.
- 3
- T. Shintake, ``Proposal of nano-meter beam size
monitor for
linear colliders", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A311, 453 (1992). For the
other methods, see references therein.
- 4
- T. Tauchi, K. Yokoya and P. Chen, Particle Accelerators 41, 29 (1993).
- 5
- K. Yokoya and P. Chen, ``Beam-beam phenomena in
linear colliders", lecture at 1990 US-CERN School on Particle
Accelerators, Nov.7-14, 1990, Hilton Head Island, So. Carolina, USA,
Lecture Notes in Physics 400. Frontiers of Particle Beams:
Intensity Limitations , Springer Verlag, pp.415-445.
- 6
K. Yokoya, ABEL,`A Computer Simulation Code for the Beam-Beam
Interaction in Linear Colliders', KEK-Report-85-9, Oct. 1985,
also Nucl. Instr. Meth. B251, 1 (1986).
- 7
- C.J.S.Damerell,
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A342, 78 (1994) and "Vertex Detectors at Linear Colliders(Present
and Future), RAL Report, RAL-94-096.
- 8
- Private communication with C.J.S. Damerell.
- 9
- This detector might have about 1000 readout channels
since 0.4cm
area of a CCD vertex detector can be read out at
150Hz as described in p83-86 of ``JLC-I", KEK Report 92-16.
Toshiaki Tauchi
Sat Dec 21 00:34:16 JST 1996