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July 10 (Wed)

18:30-  Workshop Party

July 11 (Thu) 9:40-10:20 A.Bacala Updates on 6-jet higgstrahlung and CDC baby chamber studies and CDC baby chamber studies 15:30-15:50 H.Yamaoka IP Vibration studies 16:10-16:40 H.Park Vertex and Intermediate Trackers 16:40-17:00 M.Iwasaki Full simulation study for the Linear Collider Silicon Tracker 17:00-17:40 H.Matsunaga Calorimeters
July 12 (Fri) 9:00- 9:30 H.Aihara Interaction Region 10:30-11:00 A.Miyamoto Update of Simulators 11:00-11:15 K.Hoshina Simulator status for JLC-Detectors based on Geant4
yoshiaki.fujii@kek.jp, July 10,2002 at 5th ACFA LCWS at Tokyo