32nd Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda
1. Date-time: 15 October 2015 (THusday) 13:00 ~ 16:00
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 3rd Build. 1F Seminar Hall
3. TV meeting no. = xxx
I. Reports (13:00 - 15:00)
- Report from KEK LC project office, A.Yamamoto
- Report from KEK-DG, M.Yamauchi (KEK-DG)
- Report from JSPS etc , H.Aihara
- Report from LC strategy committee, S.Yamashita
- Report from MEXT expert's committee, K.Tokushuku
- Report from ICFA, T. Mori (ICEPP)
- Q?A and discussion, All
II. Technical reports ( 15:00 - 15:30)
- Report of SRF2015 - progress of the EU-XFEL, A. Yamamoto