29th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda

1. Date-time: 19 February 2015 (Thursday) 13:00 ~ 17:00
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 3rd Build. 1F Seminar Hall


I. Reports
  1. Status of the Linear Collider Project, Y.Okada(KEK Trustee)
  2. Report from LCB , S.Komamiya(remote)
  3. Report from LC strategy committee, S.Yamashita(remote)
  4. Report from MEXT physics WG, S.Komamiya(remote)
  5. Report from MEXT TDR review WG, A.Yamamoto
  6. Personnel training and international cooperation for ILC construction, A.Yamamoto
II. Technical reports and discussion
  1. Highly polarized electron source with the strained super lattice cathode with high quantum efficiency, S. Kim (KEK) and N.Yamamoto (Nagoya univ.)
  2. Experiences of SEIKAN tunnel and prospect for ILC , K. Akita (JRTT and KEK)
  3. Discussion