29th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda
1. Date-time: 19 February 2015 (Thursday) 13:00 ~ 17:00
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 3rd Build. 1F Seminar Hall
I. Reports
- Status of the Linear Collider Project, Y.Okada(KEK Trustee)
- Report from LCB , S.Komamiya(remote)
- Report from LC strategy committee, S.Yamashita(remote)
- Report from MEXT physics WG, S.Komamiya(remote)
- Report from MEXT TDR review WG, A.Yamamoto
- Personnel training and international cooperation for ILC construction, A.Yamamoto
II. Technical reports and discussion
- Highly polarized electron source with the strained super lattice cathode with high quantum efficiency, S. Kim (KEK) and N.Yamamoto (Nagoya univ.)
- Experiences of SEIKAN tunnel and prospect for ILC , K. Akita (JRTT and KEK)
- Discussion