27th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda

1. Date-time: 16 September 2014 (Friday) 13:00 ~ 17:00
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 3rd Build. 1F Seminar Hall


I. Reports
  1. Status of the Linear Collider Project, A.Suzuki(KEK-DG)
  2. Report from LC strategy committee, S.Yamashita(remote)
  3. Report from LCB , S.Komamiya(remote)
  4. Report from MEXT physics WG, S.Komamiya(remote)
  5. Report from MEXT TDR review WG, A.Yamamoto
  6. Report from MEXT Advisory Council, K.Tokushuku
  7. Report from KEK LC project office, A.Yamamoto
II. Discussion
  1. Construction status of SC accelerating cavity system at EXFEL, H.Hayano
  2. Adjustment of tunnel length for timing between the two beam at ILC, K.Yokoya
  3. Discussion