16th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda
1. Date-time: 11 June 2012 (Monday) 13:30 ~ 17:00
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 3rd Build. 1F Seminar hall
- 13:30 Introduction, Yamamoto Chairman
- 13:40 International and domestic status of ILC, Suzuki Director General
- 14:00 Progress reports on R&Ds of SCRF accelerator technologies
- STF, H.Hayano
- Cavity production at KEK, M.Yamanaka
- ATF, N.Terunuma
- 15:20 break
- 15:30 Update of the KEK roadmap, Y.Okada
- 15:40 Future planning of R&Ds at STF/ATF, Yamamoto Chairman and S.Yamaguchi
- 16:00 Comment on ring colliders, K. Yokoya
- 16:15 discussion
- 16:45 summary with homeworks
- 17:00 end