12th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda

1. Date-time: 13 July 2010 (Tuesday) 13:30 ~
2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 3rd Build. 1F Meeting room


  1. Greeting from KEK director general, ICFA, FALC and ILCSC, A.Suzuki (15')
  2. Accelerator Overview, S.Yamaguchi (30')
  3. Status and plan of STF and pilot plant of cavity, H.Hayano (20')
  4. Status and plan of ATF, S.Kuroda (20')
  5. LC Review Committee, K.Oide (15')
  6. Report by Regional GDR Director, K.Yokoya (15')
  7. Detector R&D, K.Fujii (10')
  8. ACFA, M.Nozaki (5')
  9. AAA (Advanced Accelerator Association), F.Takasaki (5')
  10. exchange of opinions (15')