24th Linear Collider Project Committee Agenda 1. Date-time: 14 November 2003 (Friday) 1:30pm ~ 2. Place: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Seminar Hall at 4th Building Agenda 1. Reports (1) ACFA (Kurokawa, Komamiya) (2) GDO task force (Totsuka) (3) Japan-US cooperation on accelerator R&D (Kamiya, Enomoto) (4) Subcommittee of the GDO task force for comparison between warm and cold R&Ds (Yokoya, Urakawa) (5) Comparison special committee for TESLA evaluation (Yoshioka) (6) Accelerator special committee (Kamiya) (7) Physics and Detector special committees (Okada, Tauchi) (8) Others 2. Discussions (1) Toward the next ILCSC (2) Others