Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of ALCSC and ACFA, it is my great pleasure and 
honor to announce that we selected the new LC name, 
Global Linear Collider (GLC).

Dr. Bhawalkar, ACFA Chairman, Prof. Komamiya, ALCSC and 
ILCSC member, and myself had a meeting on April 18, 2003 
in Indore, India.  Reviewing all the returns from ACFA 
and ALCSC members, we found that "GLC" got the most votes 
for the new LC name out of 5 final candidates by the LC 
Promotion Committee.

We would like to thank everybody who participated in 
uggestion and votes for the new LC name.  Prof. Kawabata 
of KEK has the database for the suggested name of "Global 
Linear Collider."  I believe that he will acknowledge 
individuals for the winning name.

With this new name, we are confident that the Global Linear 
Collider will be realized in the near future.

Sincerely yours,

Won Namkung
April 27, 2003