From:  Maury, Dec. 1, 2004

Re:  Since our meeting in KEK


I have been reflecting on our meeting at KEK and its implications for proceeding.  It seems to me that there are widely divergent views on what has to be accomplished before a convincing design and cost estimate can be produced.  Before we can sensibly define a CDR, TDR, and R&D program, we have to arrive at a unified view of our objectives.  This will be a primary task of the Central Team and needs to be carried out expeditiously.


Accordingly, the objective of our “continuation” of the First ILC Workshop using as many as possible of the original conveners should be to continue exploring the accelerator physics and technology issues in the ILC and to carry these investigations to as deep a level as possible, and to enumerate the options for dealing with some of the challenges, e.g. the size of the damping ring.


You will be pleased to know that considerable progress has been made on launching the “continuation”.  I hope to be able to report details shortly.


Your comments are welcome.