5-th JLC workshop

This page provides information on 5th JLC workshop.

Feb. 16 (Thu.)

1. Opening Session         9:00-10:05              Chairman Hirose
   Matsui    (KEK)         Opening Address  
   Tsukamoto (Saga)        Physics at LEP(TIFF,57page,0.8M)    
   Tauchi    (KEK)         Report from EE500 WS(page,0.3M)

2. Theory Session          10:20-11:40             Chairman Mori 
   Hikasa    (Tohoku)      Can We See TC at sqrts=500GeV?
   Miyamoto  (KEK)         Vector Resonance in e^+e^- --> W^+W^-
   Asaka     (Tohoku)      Search for Dynamical Symmetry Breaking 
                           by Using Top Quark (TIFF,11page,0.5M)
   Watanabe  (Ochanomizu)  Higgs Study at a Gamma Gamma Collider

3. Experiment Session      13:00-14:40             Chairman Tsukamoto
   Jimbo     (T.K.College) The GRACE System for SUSY Processes
   Kawabata  (KEK)         GRACE and CATALOGUE
   Kurihara  (KEK)         Event Generator for W-Pair Production
   Matsukado (Hiroshima)   R&D on Photon-Photon Colliders
   Tauchi    (KEK)         IR Issues(TIFF,14page,0.2M)

4. Accelerator Session     14:50-16:10             Chairman Kawagoe
   Yamamoto  (KEK)         Achievements of FFTB
   Takeda    (KEK)         Present Status of ATF
   Akemoto   (KEK)         R&D of Klystron Modulators

5. Accelerator Session     16:20-17:20             Chairman Kawagoe
   Terunuma  (KEK)         R&D of Damping Ring and Vacuum Chamber
   Hinode    (KEK)         R&D of BPM for Damping Ring(TIFF,14page,0.5M)
   Takeuchi  (KEK)         Present Status of Alignment Technology
   Omori     (KEK)         Polarized Positrons(TIFF,9page,0.2M)
   Okugi     (Toritsu)     Generation of Polarized Positrons 
                           via Compton Scattering

Feb. 17 (Fri.)

1. Detector Session        9:00-10:05             Chairman Tauchi
   Kawabata  (KEK)         Towards LCWS95 in Iwate
   Sugimoto  (KEK)         VTX Progress Report
   Abe       (Nagoya)      Present Status of CDC R&D(TIFF,17page,1.5M)
   Fujii(Y)  (KEK)         CAL Progress Report
   Tawada    (Nagoya)      R&D of Polarized Electron Source

2. Theory Session          10:15-11:45             Chairman Hikasa
   Szalapski (KEK)         The Measurment of Weak Boson Properties
                           at Linear and hadron Collider
   Choi      (KEK)         Probing the Weak Boson Sector 
                           in e^+e^- -> Z gamma and gamma e -> Z e
   Ishihara  (Hyogo.Edu.)  Consequences of New Interactions in the EW 
                           Boson Sector
   Kamoshita (KEK)         Higgs Production and Decay in an Extended 
                           Supersymmetric Standard Model
   Nojiri(M) (KEK)         Precision SUSY Studies at Future Linear 
   Izubuchi  (Tokyo)       S-quark correction to e^+e^- W^+W^- at JLC

3. R&D of Pol. e^+ Source  10:15-11:45             Chairman Fujii(Y)
   Kumita    (Toritsu)     Overview
   You       (Toritsu)     Production and Transportation   
   Matsumoto (Toritsu)     Measurement
   Kawasaki  (Toritsu)     Quenching Method

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miyamoto@kekux1.kek.jp Apr. 4, 1995