【General things】
・TIPP2017 (Deadline of submit is Feb.10 2017)
・Article for the High Energy News
・Analysis of result of Beam test(by A.Shoji)
・Simulation about Gating GEM(by T.Ogawa)
We didn't discuss many things.
- Submission of an abstract to TIPP2017:
The deadline of an abstract is 10/Feb/2017. Before we decide to submit
an abstract to this conference, we need to analyze data of beam test at
first ( and have discussions in LCTPC ). If we can not get reasonable
and reliable results, we should not reports it(overall performance of a
gating GEM) at a big conference. Fortunately, there are still enough
time to analyze data and make decision.
- The budget of KEK/TPC group:
There are still additional money that we can use in KEK/TPC group. It
will be ~ ¥2,000,000? If someone have good ideas for the future
experiment and measurement, we can use it, for example, an electronics
for ion blocking, 10x10 gating GEM, remodeling of the small test box for
gain-fluctuation measurement .
==> desided to purchase small size 10x10 gateing GEMs for DESY and Sacray group.
The price of one is ¥1,000,000, $10,000.
- Master thesis:
Students started to write there master thesis.
- Next weekly meeting may be on 5 January.
Mon, 12/26/2016 - 14:31
Analysis of result of Beam test(by A.Shoji) Slide