A Special One-Day Seminar
Place: 3F Bldg 3, KEK Time: 9:30, 98/08/28 [0] Agenda 0.1) Vertex Detector 0.2) Central Tracker 0.3) Calorimeter 0.4) Event Generation, Simulation, and Analysis [1] Vertex Detector [1-1] Possible Technologies for JLC Vertex Detector (Y.Sugimoto) Y.Sugimoto reviewed various candidate technologies for the JLC vertex detector: hybrid or monolithic pixel sensors and CCD. His summary can be found in http://mac3g415.kek.jp/jlc/ccd/rep980828/start.html. [1-2] R&D for JLC Vertex Detector T.Tsukamoto summarized the R&D so far carried out by the VTX group and clarified the remaining issues. The group has been pursuing the possibility of room temperature operation, taking advantage of the MPP mode. A spatial resolution of 3 microns or better has already been achieved with a 24x24 microns**2 CCD in beam tests. Remaining R&D items include radiation hardness and faster readout system. His talk will be available as copies of transparencies on a web soon. [2] Central Tracker [2-1] Various Possibilities for Linear Collider CDC (Y.Kurihara) Y.Kurihara reviewed CDC designs so far presented at various linear collider related meetings: a TPC for TESLA and a solid state tracker for NLC as of Snowmass 96. He then summarized why the JLC CDC group decided to study the current mini-jet cell type first. [2-2] R&D for JLC CDC (N.Khalatyan) N.Khalatyan begins with a list of publications in contrast with the main R&D issues: problems originating from the chamber length such as wire sags and tensions, stereo wires, and problems concerning the local properties of the chamber such as Lorentz angle, gas gain, two-track separation, etc. You can find more information at http://www-jlc.kek.jp/subg/cdc/index-e.html. [3] Calorimeter [Y.Fujii] Y.Fujii reviewed possible technologies for JLC calorimeters. tile fiber: capable of operation in B=2T, hermetic, but with low light yield requiring a goo amplification device. ---> the current choice, Shashlik : highly granular but singular at fibers, bad in e/h, Liq.Ar : having an existing proof of H1 but software weighting being essential, in the context of the present calorimeter R&D. You can learn more from the CAL group's web pages: http://www-jlc.kek.jp/subg/cal/index-e.html. [4] Event Generation, Simulation, and Analysis (J.Kanzaki) J.Kanzaki reviewed the current trend in computing and analysis for HEP experiments in the world. The trend is called "Object- Oriented Programming". He examined the necessity of the OOP and discussed possible strategies for the shift to the OO framework.