Weekly JLC Physics Group Meeting

Place: 3F Bldg 3, KEK
Time:  10:30, 98/07/03

[0] Agenda
   0.1) Miscellaneous Notifications
   0.2) VTX R&D Status
   0.3) CAL R&D Status
[1] Miscellaneous Notifications

[1-1] Member List (A.Miyamoto)

Machinery to automatically propagate any changes in the master data base
built on Macintosh's file maker pro to various member lists on web pages, 
etc. is now operational. You can try them in the ACFA Joint Linear Collider
Physics and Detector Working Group Page:
and its subpages. The changes are not automatically reflected to the
mailing lists at this moment, since this requires the disabling of any
mechanism to modify the lists on the mailing list server side.

[1-2] Network Security (A.Miyamoto)

Taking into account ever increasing danger of unauthorized system accesses
and subsequent exploitations against public benefits, it becomes necessary
to turn off any unused accounts on the jlc related workstations.
An inquiry will be sent to each account holder to confirm its continuation.

[1-3] Detector R&D Review (S.Iwata)

S.Iwata requested to hold a meeting to review detector R&D's for JLC.
The review should cover state of the art of each component detector in
general, as well as the detector R&D's so far performed by the JLC group.

[2] VTX R&D Status (Y.Sugimoto)

A beam test was carried out in the period of June 15 to 22 at the KEK PS
T1 beam line. The main purpose of this beam test was to study an EEV
20-micron thick CCD with a pixel size of 22x22 microns^2 and a HPK 50-
micron thick CCD with a pixel size of 24x24 microns^2, using a new 
readout electronics system that has a common clock frequency: in the
previous beam test, the EEV and the HPK CCD's were driven at different
frequencies, thereby making clock noise reduction very difficult.

The beam data were taken for
	p    = 2.0, 1.0, 0.7, 0.5 GeV/c (pions)
	T    = -15, -5, +5, -15 degrees centigrade
	Theta= 0, 40, 60 degrees
without zero-suppression (3MB/frame) and amounted to 170 GB in total!

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     <--------------------------------------- Beam
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         |         |         |         |
                    Tested EEV/HPK device

The new readout system worked pretty well, resulting in clean data
for the EEV device. It turned out that the EEV's dark current is
1/10 that of the HPK. More detailed analyses are on going.

[3] CAL R&D Status (S.Kaga)

S.Kaga summarized the beam test just finished for a test calorimeter
with a new configuration: tile-fiber towers each of which consists of
20 layers and is longitudinally segmented into 4 blocks.

   +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+	Each layer now consists of 5x5
   |     |     |     |     |     |	separate tiles each bolted to
   |     |     |     |     |     |	a plastic backing.
   |     |     |     |     |     |	The goals of this beam test was
   |     |     |     |     |     |	to study, for the tile structure
   |     |     |     |     |     |	 a) resolution and e/pi, etc.
   |     |     |     |     |     |	 b) tower boundary effects
   +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+	 c) on-fiber effects
   |     |     |     |     |     |	 ....
   |     |     |     |     |     |	
   |     |     |     |     |     |	
   |     |     |     |     |     |

The beam test yielded

  i)   >10k events for energy dependence
  ii)  >5k  events for position dependence in 2cm step
  iii) >10k events for tower boundary effects
  iv)  >5k  events for on-fiber effects
  v)   >10k events for acrylic backing effects
  vi)  >10k events for effects of a BGO calorimeter in front

with e, pi, mu, and beam halo triggers. Throughout the data taking, the
system stability has been monitored by an LED monitoring system.
