Weekly JLC Physics Group Meeting
Place: 3F Bldg 3, KEK
Time: 10:30, 97/11/28
[0] Agenda
0.1) General Notifications
0.2) APPI98
[1] General Notifications
[1-1] Network Security
Attacks aiming at computer security vulnerability
become one of primary concerns in the KEK site.
While setting up some organized and systematic
defence mechanism, individual users of network
computers, those who use PC's in particular, should
be prepared for potential dangers due to attacks
from outside including cracking, mail bombing, etc.
by stopping applications which may contain potential
security holes such as IMAP, POPPER, SENDMAIL,
POPPER and by making frequent backups of local
file systems.
[1-2] Announcements of Meetings
16:00, Dec. 4, 1997 in the 5F meeting room, Bldg. 3, KEK
Director general, Sugawara will explain the current
status around the MOU.
Hadron Structure'98, Sep.7-13, 1998 in Stara Lesna, Slovakia
A JLC talk has been officially requested from the organizing
LCWS98, mid. November, 1998 near Barcelona (in Sitges)
The full announcement of the meeting will be made in a few weeks.
[1-3] Next Year's Open House
T. Omori will continue as a JLC representative. Thanks.
[2] APPI 98
[2-1] Schedule
Other related meetings:
Jan.11-14: ICEPP Symposium
Feb.1-4: CP
Thus, APPI will be held on
The first bulletin will be released in a couple of weeks.
Applications will be closed on Feb.3.
[2-2] Guide Line
Conference fee: 30k yens per person X 30?
Talk: 1 hour per person X 12?
(Phys:3, Acc:3, Center:4, NonHE:2 ?)
---> could be frexible.
10 pages per talk X 12 = 120 pages ?