			Weekly JLC Physics Group Meeting

Place: BLDG 3, KEK
Time:  10:30, 97/02/28

[0] Agenda
   0.1) General Notifications
   0.2) CAL Subgroup Status
   0.3) CDC Subgroup Status
[1] General Notifications
   1.1) Apple Talk Problem (Miyamoto)
   	Finally the apple talk problem was solved. In order to
   	prevent such a problem in future, reorganization of
   	apple talk zones is being planned.
   	Local talk support will be terminated eventually.
   	A.Miyamoto will take care of the configuration of the
   	JLC related zones.

   1.2) OS Upgrade for JLCUXs.
   	OS Version up to HP-UX10.10 is planned on March 13-14.
   1.3) Kakenhi Report
   	0-th version is completed and will be available in
   	the JLC tea room.
   	Check at least the author list on a group-by-group
   	The final version should come out by the end of
   	the next week.

[2] CAL Subgroup Status (Y.Fujii)
   2.1) Newface
   	Tanaka from Konan Univ. is going to participate in
   	the calorimeter beam test.
   2.2) Beam Test
   	Hardware setup is almost finished and detector tuning
   	with beam will begin soon.	
[3] CDC Subgroup Status (Yamaguchi)

   Continuing cosmic ray data taking for slant tracks
   near the signal-side end of the chamber.
   First analysis results are expected in a week.	
