Study items in 2004
- Thin Wafer (using S7960-modj
- Measurement of mechanical strength and flatness
- Measurement of electrical property (Dark current, Readout speed, etc.)
- Impact on Physics: Simulation(Efficiency, Purity, Jet charge, etc.) (1)
- Radiation Tolerance
- Clock (frequency, width, amplitude) dependence of CTI, DCP, and Hot pixels(2)
- New driver boards, Timing generator(FPGA)AcPCI DAQ system are needed.
- Effect of radiation damage on the spatial resolution (study using LASER) (3)
- Study on the radiation tolerance of back-thinned CCDs
- Beam-irradiation experiment in the latter half of the fiscal year (?) or
90Sr irradiation ?
- Beam Background Simulation: Particulary, 2-Photon Background w/o pt cut (4)
- (Multi-port CCD: Conceptual design)
- (Readout ASIC: Conceptual design)
iThe themes with underlines (1)--(4) can be Thesis or Papersj