/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- libpam.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the library functions, which belong in the libpnm library, that deal with the PAM (Portable Arbitrary Format) image format. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* See libpbm.c for the complicated explanation of this 32/64 bit file offset stuff. */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #define _LARGE_FILES #include #include #include "mallocvar.h" #include "nstring.h" #include "pam.h" #include "ppm.h" #include "libpbm.h" #include "libpgm.h" #include "libppm.h" #include "colorname.h" #include "fileio.h" char stripeq(const char * const comparand, const char * const comparator) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compare two strings, ignoring leading and trailing white space. Return true (1) if the strings are identical, false (0) otherwise. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *p, *q, *px, *qx; char equal; /* Make p and q point to the first non-blank character in each string. If there are no non-blank characters, make them point to the terminating NULL. */ p = (char *) comparand; while (ISSPACE(*p)) p++; q = (char *) comparator; while (ISSPACE(*q)) q++; /* Make px and qx point to the last non-blank character in each string. If there are no nonblank characters (which implies the string is null), make them point to the terminating NULL. */ if (*p == '\0') px = p; else { px = p + strlen(p) - 1; while (ISSPACE(*px)) px--; } if (*q == '\0') qx = q; else { qx = q + strlen(q) - 1; while (ISSPACE(*qx)) qx--; } equal = TRUE; /* initial assumption */ /* If the stripped strings aren't the same length, we know they aren't equal */ if (px - p != qx - q) equal = FALSE; while (p <= px) { if (*p != *q) equal = FALSE; p++; q++; } return(equal); } static void validateComputableSize(struct pam * const pamP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Validate that the dimensions of the image are such that it can be processed in typical ways on this machine without worrying about overflows. Note that in C, arithmetic is always modulus arithmetic, so if your values are too big, the result is not what you expect. That failed expectation can be disastrous if you use it to allocate memory. It is very normal to allocate space for a tuplerow, so we make sure the size of a tuple row, in bytes, can be represented by an 'int'. Another common operation is adding 1 or 2 to the highest row, column, or plane number in the image, so we make sure that's possible. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (pamP->depth > INT_MAX/sizeof(sample)) pm_error("image depth (%u) too large to be processed", pamP->depth); else if (pamP->depth * sizeof(sample) > INT_MAX/pamP->width) pm_error("image width and depth (%u, %u) too large " "to be processed.", pamP->width, pamP->depth); else if (pamP->width * (pamP->depth * sizeof(sample)) > INT_MAX - pamP->depth * sizeof(tuple *)) pm_error("image width and depth (%u, %u) too large " "to be processed.", pamP->width, pamP->depth); if (pamP->depth > INT_MAX - 2) pm_error("image depth (%u) too large to be processed", pamP->depth); if (pamP->width > INT_MAX - 2) pm_error("image width (%u) too large to be processed", pamP->width); if (pamP->height > INT_MAX - 2) pm_error("image height (%u) too large to be processed", pamP->height); } int pnm_tupleequal(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const comparand, tuple const comparator) { /* TODO: For speed reasons, we should probably make this an inline */ unsigned int plane; bool equal; equal = TRUE; /* initial value */ for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) if (comparand[plane] != comparator[plane]) equal = FALSE; return equal; } void pnm_assigntuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const dest, tuple const source) { /* TODO: For speed reasons, we should probably make this an inline */ unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) { dest[plane] = source[plane]; } } void pnm_scaletuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const dest, tuple const source, sample const newmaxval) { /* TODO: For speed reasons, we should probably make this an inline */ unsigned int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pamP->depth; ++plane) dest[plane] = pnm_scalesample(source[plane], pamP->maxval, newmaxval); } void pnm_scaletuplerow(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple * const destRow, tuple * const sourceRow, sample const newMaxval) { unsigned int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; ++col) pnm_scaletuple(pamP, destRow[col], sourceRow[col], newMaxval); } void createBlackTuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple * const blackTupleP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a "black" tuple. By that we mean a tuple all of whose elements are zero. If it's an RGB, grayscale, or b&w pixel, that means it's black. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ *blackTupleP = pnm_allocpamtuple(pamP); if (pamP->format == PAM_FORMAT) { /* In this format, we don't know the meaning of "black", so we just punt. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < pamP->depth; i++) (*blackTupleP)[i] = 0; } else { xel black_xel; black_xel = pnm_blackxel(pamP->maxval, pamP->format); (*blackTupleP)[0] = PPM_GETR(black_xel); (*blackTupleP)[1] = PPM_GETG(black_xel); (*blackTupleP)[2] = PPM_GETB(black_xel); } } tuple * pnm_allocpamrow(const struct pam * const pamP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We assume that the dimensions of the image are such that arithmetic overflow will not occur in our calculations. NOTE: pnm_readpaminit() ensures this assumption is valid. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const int bytes_per_tuple = pamP->depth * sizeof(sample); tuple * tuplerow; /* The tuple row data structure starts with 'width' pointers to the tuples, immediately followed by the 'width' tuples themselves. Each tuple consists of 'depth' samples. */ tuplerow = malloc(pamP->width * (sizeof(tuple *) + bytes_per_tuple)); if (tuplerow == NULL) pm_error("Out of memory allocating space for a tuple row of\n" "%d tuples by %d samples per tuple by %d bytes per sample.", pamP->width, pamP->depth, sizeof(sample)); { /* Now we initialize the pointers to the individual tuples to make this a regulation C two dimensional array. */ char *p; int i; p = (char*) (tuplerow + pamP->width); /* location of Tuple 0 */ for (i = 0; i < pamP->width; i++) { tuplerow[i] = (tuple) p; p += bytes_per_tuple; } } return(tuplerow); } tuple ** pnm_allocpamarray(const struct pam * const pamP) { tuple **tuplearray; int row; /* If the speed of this is ever an issue, it might be sped up a little by allocating one large chunk. */ MALLOCARRAY(tuplearray, pamP->height); if (tuplearray == NULL) pm_error("Out of memory allocating the row pointer section of " "a %u row array", pamP->height); for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; row++) { tuplearray[row] = pnm_allocpamrow(pamP); } return(tuplearray); } void pnm_freepamarray(tuple ** const tuplearray, const struct pam * const pamP) { int row; for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; row++) pnm_freepamrow(tuplearray[row]); free(tuplearray); } void pnm_setpamrow(struct pam const pam, tuple * const tuplerow, sample const value) { int col; for (col = 0; col < pam.width; ++col) { int plane; for (plane = 0; plane < pam.depth; ++plane) tuplerow[col][plane] = value; } } #define MAX_LABEL_LENGTH 8 #define MAX_VALUE_LENGTH 255 static void parse_header_line(const char buffer[], char label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH+1], char value[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH+1]) { int buffer_curs; buffer_curs = 0; /* Skip initial white space */ while (ISSPACE(buffer[buffer_curs])) buffer_curs++; { /* Read off label, put as much as will fit into label[] */ int label_curs; label_curs = 0; while (!ISSPACE(buffer[buffer_curs]) && buffer[buffer_curs] != '\0') { if (label_curs < MAX_LABEL_LENGTH) label[label_curs++] = buffer[buffer_curs]; buffer_curs++; } label[label_curs] = '\0'; /* null terminate it */ } /* Skip white space between label and value */ while (ISSPACE(buffer[buffer_curs])) buffer_curs++; /* copy value into value[] */ strncpy(value, buffer+buffer_curs, MAX_VALUE_LENGTH+1); { /* Remove trailing white space from value[] */ int value_curs; value_curs = strlen(value)-1; while (value_curs >= 0 && ISSPACE(value[value_curs])) value[value_curs--] = '\0'; } } static void process_header_line(const char buffer[], struct pam * const pamP, int * const endofheaderP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process a line from the PAM header. The line is buffer[], and it is not a comment or blank. Put the value that the line defines in *pamP (unless it's ENDHDR). set *endofheader true if it's an ENDHDR line, false otherwise. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH+1]; char value[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH+1]; parse_header_line(buffer, label, value); if (strcmp(label, "ENDHDR") == 0) *endofheaderP = TRUE; else { *endofheaderP = FALSE; if (strcmp(label, "WIDTH") == 0 || strcmp(label, "HEIGHT") == 0 || strcmp(label, "DEPTH") == 0 || strcmp(label, "MAXVAL") == 0) { if (strlen(value) == 0) pm_error("Missing value for %s in PAM file header.", label); else { char *endptr; long int numeric_value; errno = 0; /* Clear errno so we can detect strtol() failure */ numeric_value = strtol(value, &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0) pm_error("Too-large value for %s in " "PAM file header: '%s'", label, value); if (*endptr != '\0') pm_error("Non-numeric value for %s in " "PAM file header: '%s'", label, value); else if (numeric_value < 0) pm_error("Negative value for %s in " "PAM file header: '%s'", label, value); } } if (strcmp(label, "WIDTH") == 0) pamP->width = atoi(value); else if (strcmp(label, "HEIGHT") == 0) pamP->height = atoi(value); else if (strcmp(label, "DEPTH") == 0) pamP->depth = atoi(value); else if (strcmp(label, "MAXVAL") == 0) pamP->maxval = atoi(value); else if (strcmp(label, "TUPLTYPE") == 0) { int len = strlen(pamP->tuple_type); if (len + strlen(value) + 1 > sizeof(pamP->tuple_type)-1) pm_error("TUPLTYPE value too long in PAM header"); if (len == 0) strcpy(pamP->tuple_type, value); else { strcat(pamP->tuple_type, "\n"); strcat(pamP->tuple_type, value); } pamP->tuple_type[sizeof(pamP->tuple_type)-1] = '\0'; } else pm_error("Unrecognized header line: '%s'. " "Possible missing ENDHDR line?", label); } } static void pnm_readpaminitrest(struct pam * const pamP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read the rest of the PAM header (after the first line -- the magic number line). Fill in all the information in *pamP. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char buffer[256]; char *rc; int through_header; pamP->width = 0; pamP->height = 0; pamP->depth = 0; pamP->maxval = 0; pamP->tuple_type[0] = '\0'; { int c; /* Read off rest of 1st line -- probably just the newline after the magic number */ while ((c = getc(pamP->file)) != -1 && c != '\n'); } through_header = FALSE; while (!through_header) { rc = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pamP->file); if (rc == NULL) pm_error("EOF or error reading file while trying to read the " "PAM header"); else { if (buffer[0] == '#'); /* Ignore it; it's a comment */ else if (stripeq(buffer, "")); /* Ignore it; it's a blank line */ else process_header_line(buffer, pamP, &through_header); } } if (pamP->height == 0) pm_error("HEIGHT value is zero or unspecified in PAM header"); if (pamP->width == 0) pm_error("WIDTH value is zero or unspecified in PAM header"); if (pamP->depth == 0) pm_error("DEPTH value is zero or unspecified in PAM header"); if (pamP->maxval == 0) pm_error("MAXVAL value is zero or unspecified in PAM header"); } void pnm_readpaminit(FILE *file, struct pam * const pamP, const int size) { if (size < (char*)&pamP->tuple_type - (char*)pamP) pm_error("pam object passed to pnm_readpaminit() is too small. " "It must be large\n" "enough to hold at least up to the " "'tuple_type' member, but according\n" "to the 'size' argument, it is only %d bytes long.", size); pamP->size = size; pamP->file = file; pamP->len = MIN(pamP->size, sizeof(struct pam)); /* Get magic number. */ pamP->format = pm_readmagicnumber(file); pamP->plainformat = (pamP->format == PBM_FORMAT || pamP->format == PGM_FORMAT || pamP->format == PPM_FORMAT); switch (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format)) { case PAM_TYPE: pnm_readpaminitrest(pamP); break; case PPM_TYPE: { pixval maxval; ppm_readppminitrest(pamP->file, &pamP->width, &pamP->height, &maxval); pamP->maxval = (sample) maxval; pamP->depth = 3; strcpy(pamP->tuple_type, PAM_PPM_TUPLETYPE); } break; case PGM_TYPE: { gray maxval; pgm_readpgminitrest(pamP->file, &pamP->width, &pamP->height, &maxval ); pamP->maxval = (sample) maxval; pamP->depth = 1; strcpy(pamP->tuple_type, PAM_PGM_TUPLETYPE); } break; case PBM_TYPE: pbm_readpbminitrest(pamP->file, &pamP->width,&pamP->height); pamP->maxval = (sample) 1; pamP->depth = 1; strcpy(pamP->tuple_type, PAM_PBM_TUPLETYPE); break; default: pm_error("bad magic number - not a PAM, PPM, PGM, or PBM file"); } if (pamP->maxval >> 8 == 0) pamP->bytes_per_sample = 1; else if (pamP->maxval >> 16 == 0) pamP->bytes_per_sample = 2; else if (pamP->maxval >> 24 == 0) pamP->bytes_per_sample = 3; else pamP->bytes_per_sample = 4; validateComputableSize(pamP); } static sample get_sample(FILE *file, const int bytes) { sample value; /* our return value */ if (bytes == 1) { /* Here's a speedup for the common 1-byte sample case: */ value = getc(file); if (value == EOF) pm_error("EOF/error reading 1 byte sample from file."); } else { /* This code works for bytes == 1..4 */ /* We could speed this up by exploiting knowledge of the format of an unsigned integer (i.e. endianness). Then we could just cast the value as an array of characters instead of shifting and masking. */ int shift; unsigned char inval[4]; int cursor; int n_read; n_read = fread(inval, bytes, 1, file); if (n_read < 1) pm_error("EOF/error reading %d byte sample from file.", bytes); value = 0; /* initial value */ cursor = 0; for (shift = (bytes-1)*8; shift >= 0; shift-=8) value += inval[cursor++] << shift; } return(value); } void pnm_readpamrow(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple* const tuplerow) { /* Need a special case for raw PBM because it has multiple tuples (8) packed into one byte. */ if (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format) == PBM_TYPE) { int col; bit *bitrow; if (pamP->depth != 1) pm_error("Invalid pam structure passed to pnm_readpamrow(). " "It says PBM format, but 'depth' member is not 1."); bitrow = pbm_allocrow(pamP->width); pbm_readpbmrow(pamP->file, bitrow, pamP->width, pamP->format); for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; col++) tuplerow[col][0] = bitrow[col] == PBM_BLACK ? PAM_PBM_BLACK : PAM_PBM_WHITE; pbm_freerow(bitrow); } else { int col; for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; col++) { int samp; for (samp = 0; samp < pamP->depth; samp++) { if (pamP->plainformat) tuplerow[col][samp] = pm_getuint(pamP->file); else tuplerow[col][samp] = get_sample(pamP->file, pamP->bytes_per_sample); } } } } tuple** pnm_readpam(FILE *file, struct pam * const pamP, const int size) { tuple **tuplearray; int row; pnm_readpaminit(file, pamP, size); tuplearray = pnm_allocpamarray(pamP); for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; row++) pnm_readpamrow(pamP, tuplearray[row]); return(tuplearray); } void pnm_writepam(struct pam *const pamP, tuple ** const tuplearray) { int row; pnm_writepaminit(pamP); for (row = 0; row < pamP->height; row++) pnm_writepamrow(pamP, tuplearray[row]); } void pnm_writepaminit(struct pam *const pamP) { if (pamP->size < pamP->len) pm_error("pam object passed to pnm_writepaminit() is smaller " "(%d bytes, according to its 'size' element) " "than the amount of data in it " "(%d bytes, according to its 'len' element).", pamP->size, pamP->len); if (pamP->len < (char*)&pamP->tuple_type - (char*)pamP) pm_error("pam object passed to pnm_writepaminit() is too small. " "It must be large\n" "enough to hold at least up to the " "'tuple_type' member, but according\n" "to its 'len' element, it is only %d bytes long.", pamP->len); if (pamP->maxval >> 8 == 0) pamP->bytes_per_sample = 1; else if (pamP->maxval >> 16 == 0) pamP->bytes_per_sample = 2; else if (pamP->maxval >> 24 == 0) pamP->bytes_per_sample = 3; else pamP->bytes_per_sample = 4; switch (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format)) { case PAM_TYPE: fprintf(pamP->file, "P7\n"); fprintf(pamP->file, "WIDTH %d\n", pamP->width); fprintf(pamP->file, "HEIGHT %d\n", pamP->height); fprintf(pamP->file, "DEPTH %d\n", pamP->depth); fprintf(pamP->file, "MAXVAL %ld\n", pamP->maxval); if (!stripeq(pamP->tuple_type, "")) fprintf(pamP->file, "TUPLTYPE %s\n", pamP->tuple_type); fprintf(pamP->file, "ENDHDR\n"); break; case PPM_TYPE: if (pamP->depth != 3) pm_error("pnm_writepaminit() got PPM format, but depth = %d " "instead of 3, as required for PPM.", pamP->depth); if (pamP->maxval > PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL) pm_error("pnm_writepaminit() got PPM format, but maxval = %ld, " "which exceeds the maximum allowed for PPM: %d", pamP->maxval, PPM_OVERALLMAXVAL); ppm_writeppminit(pamP->file, pamP->width, pamP->height, (pixval) pamP->maxval, 0); break; case PGM_TYPE: if (pamP->depth != 1) pm_error("pnm_writepaminit() got PGM format, but depth = %d " "instead of 1, as required for PGM.", pamP->depth); if (pamP->maxval > PGM_OVERALLMAXVAL) pm_error("pnm_writepaminit() got PGM format, but maxval = %ld, " "which exceeds the maximum allowed for PGM: %d", pamP->maxval, PGM_OVERALLMAXVAL); pgm_writepgminit(pamP->file, pamP->width, pamP->height, (gray) pamP->maxval, 0); break; case PBM_TYPE: if (pamP->depth != 1) pm_error("pnm_writepaminit() got PBM format, but depth = %d " "instead of 1, as required for PBM.", pamP->depth); if (pamP->maxval != 1) pm_error("pnm_writepaminit() got PBM format, but maxval = %ld " "instead of 1, as required for PBM.", pamP->maxval); pbm_writepbminit(pamP->file, pamP->width, pamP->height, 0); break; default: pm_error("Invalid format passed to pnm_writepaminit(): %d", pamP->format); } } static void write_sample(FILE *file, const unsigned int value, const int bytes) { if (bytes == 1) { /* Here's a speedup for the common 1-byte sample case: */ int rc; rc = fputc(value, file); if (rc == EOF) pm_error("Error writing 1 byte sample to file."); } else { /* This code works for bytes == 1..4 */ /* We could speed this up by exploiting knowledge of the format of an unsigned integer (i.e. endianness). Then we could just cast the value as an array of characters instead of shifting and masking. */ int shift; unsigned char outval[4]; int cursor; int n_written; cursor = 0; for (shift = (bytes-1)*8; shift >= 0; shift-=8) { outval[cursor++] = (value >> shift) & 0xFF; } n_written = fwrite(&outval, bytes, 1, file); if (n_written == 0) pm_error("Error writing %d byte sample to file.", bytes); } } void pnm_writepamrow(const struct pam *const pamP, const tuple * const tuplerow) { /* For speed, we don't check any of the inputs for consistency here (unless it's necessary to avoid crashing). Any consistency checking should have been done by a prior call to pnm_writepaminit(). */ /* Need a special case for raw PBM because it has multiple tuples (8) packed into one byte. */ if (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format) == PBM_TYPE) { int col; bit *bitrow; bitrow = pbm_allocrow(pamP->width); for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; col++) bitrow[col] = tuplerow[col][0] == PAM_PBM_BLACK ? PBM_BLACK : PBM_WHITE; pbm_writepbmrow(pamP->file, bitrow, pamP->width, 0); pbm_freerow(bitrow); } else { int col; if (pm_plain_output) pm_error("-plain is not valid with this program. It is " "valid in Netpbm 10.24 and higher."); for (col = 0; col < pamP->width; col++) { int samp; for (samp = 0; samp < pamP->depth; samp++) { /* If we allowed writing of plain format via the pam functions, we could do a putus() here to write a plain sample. We'd also need some stuff to put in the spaces and line breaks. */ write_sample(pamP->file, tuplerow[col][samp], pamP->bytes_per_sample); } } } } void pnm_checkpam(const struct pam *const pamP, const enum pm_check_type check_type, enum pm_check_code * const retval_p) { if (check_type != PM_CHECK_BASIC) { if (retval_p) *retval_p = PM_CHECK_UNKNOWN_TYPE; } else switch (PAM_FORMAT_TYPE(pamP->format)) { case PAM_TYPE: { pm_filepos const need_raster_size = pamP->width * pamP->height * pamP->depth * pamP->bytes_per_sample; pm_check(pamP->file, check_type, need_raster_size, retval_p); } break; case PPM_TYPE: pgm_check(pamP->file, check_type, pamP->format, pamP->width, pamP->height, pamP->maxval, retval_p); break; case PGM_TYPE: pgm_check(pamP->file, check_type, pamP->format, pamP->width, pamP->height, pamP->maxval, retval_p); break; case PBM_TYPE: pbm_check(pamP->file, check_type, pamP->format, pamP->width, pamP->height, retval_p); break; default: if (retval_p) *retval_p = PM_CHECK_UNCHECKABLE; } } double pnm_lumin_factor[3] = {PPM_LUMINR, PPM_LUMING, PPM_LUMINB}; void pnm_YCbCrtuple(const tuple tuple, double * const YP, double * const CbP, double * const CrP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assuming that the tuple 'tuple' is of tupletype RGB, return the Y/Cb/Cr representation of the color represented by the tuple. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const int red = tuple[PAM_RED_PLANE]; const int grn = tuple[PAM_GRN_PLANE]; const int blu = tuple[PAM_BLU_PLANE]; *YP = (+ PPM_LUMINR * red + PPM_LUMING * grn + PPM_LUMINB * blu); *CbP = (- 0.16874 * red - 0.33126 * grn + 0.50000 * blu); *CrP = (+ 0.50000 * red - 0.41869 * grn - 0.08131 * blu); } void pnm_YCbCr_to_rgbtuple(const struct pam * const pamP, tuple const tuple, double const Y, double const Cb, double const Cr, int * const overflowP) { double rgb[3]; unsigned int plane; bool overflow; rgb[PAM_RED_PLANE] = Y + 1.4022 * Cr + .5; rgb[PAM_GRN_PLANE] = Y - 0.7145 * Cr - 0.3456 * Cb + .5; rgb[PAM_BLU_PLANE] = Y + 1.7710 * Cb + .5; overflow = FALSE; /* initial assumption */ for (plane = 0; plane < 3; ++plane) { if (rgb[plane] > pamP->maxval) { overflow = TRUE; tuple[plane] = pamP->maxval; } else if (rgb[plane] < 0) { overflow = TRUE; tuple[plane] = 0; } else tuple[plane] = rgb[plane]; } if (overflowP) *overflowP = overflow; } /*============================================================================= pm_system() Standard Input feeder and Standard Output accepter functions. =============================================================================*/ void pm_feed_from_pamtuples(int const pipeToFeedFd, void * const feederParm) { struct pamtuples * const inputTuplesP = feederParm; struct pam outpam; outpam = *inputTuplesP->pamP; outpam.file = fdopen(pipeToFeedFd, "w"); /* The following signals (and normally kills) the process with SIGPIPE if the pipe does not take all 'inputLength' bytes. */ pnm_writepam(&outpam, *inputTuplesP->tuplesP); pm_close(outpam.file); } void pm_accept_to_pamtuples(int const pipeToSuckFd, void * const accepterParm ) { struct pamtuples * const outputTuplesP = accepterParm; struct pam inpam; *outputTuplesP->tuplesP = pnm_readpam(fdopen(pipeToSuckFd, "r"), &inpam, sizeof(inpam)); pm_close(inpam.file); }