#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################################## # pnmquant ############################################################################## # By Bryan Henderson, San Jose CA; December 2001. # # Contributed to the public domain by its author. ############################################################################## use strict; use English; use Getopt::Long; use File::Temp "tempfile"; use File::Spec; use Fcntl ":seek"; my ($TRUE, $FALSE) = (1,0); sub parseCommandLine(@) { local @ARGV = @_; # GetOptions takes input from @ARGV only my ($opt_center, $opt_meancolor, $opt_meanpixel, $opt_floyd, $opt_spreadbrightness, $opt_spreadluminosity, $opt_mapfile); my $result = GetOptions( "center" => \$opt_center, "meancolor" => \$opt_meancolor, "meanpixel" => \$opt_meanpixel, "spreadbrightness" => \$opt_spreadbrightness, "spreadluminosity" => \$opt_spreadluminosity, "floyd|fs!" => \$opt_floyd, ); if (@ARGV > 2) { print(STDERR "This program takes at most 2 arguments. You specified ", 0+@ARGV, "\n"); exit(1); } if (@ARGV < 1) { print(STDERR "You must specify the number of colors as an argument.\n"); exit(1); } my $infile; my $ncolors = $ARGV[0]; if (!($ncolors =~ m{ ^[[:digit:]]+$ }x ) || $ncolors == 0) { print(STDERR "Number of colors argument '$ncolors' is not a positive " . "integer.\n"); exit(1); } if (@ARGV > 1) { $infile = $ARGV[1]; } else { $infile = "-"; } return($opt_meanpixel, $opt_meancolor, $opt_spreadluminosity, $opt_floyd, $ncolors, $infile); } sub openSeekableAsStdin($) { my ($infile) = @_; # Open the input file $infile and connect it to Standard Input # (assuming Standard Input is now open as the Perl file handle STDIN). # If $infile is "-", that means just leave Standard Input alone. But if # Standard Input is not seekable, copy it to a temporary regular # file and return a file handle for that. I.e. the file handle we # return is guaranteed to be seekable. # Note: this all works only because STDIN is already set up on file # descriptor 0. Otherwise, open(STDIN, ...) would just create a brand # new file handle named STDIN on some arbitrary file descriptor. if ($infile eq "-") { my $seekWorked = seek(STDIN, 0, SEEK_SET); if ($seekWorked) { # STDIN is already as we need it. } else { # It isn't seekable, so we must copy it to a temporary regular file # and return that as the input file. my ($inFh) = tempfile("pnmquantSeekableInputXXXX", SUFFIX => ".pnm", UNLINK => $TRUE, DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir()); if (!defined($inFh)) { die("Unable to create temporary file. Errno=$ERRNO\n"); } while () { print($inFh $_); } seek($inFh, 0, SEEK_SET) or die("Seek of temporary input file failed! " . "Errno = $ERRNO\n"); *INFH = *$inFh; # Because open() rejects '<&$inFh' open(STDIN, "<&INFH"); tell(INFH); # Avoids bogus "INFH is not referenced" warning } } else { open(STDIN, "<", $infile) or die("Unable to open input file '$infile'. Errno=$ERRNO\n"); } } sub makeColormap($$$$) { my ($ncolors, $opt_meanpixel, $opt_meancolor, $opt_spreadluminosity) = @_; # Make a colormap of $ncolors colors from the image on Standard Input. # Put it in a temporary file and return its name. my ($mapfileFh, $mapfileSpec) = tempfile("pnmquantMapXXXX", SUFFIX => ".pnm", UNLINK => $TRUE, DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir()); if (!defined($mapfileFh)) { print(STDERR "Unable to create temporary file for colormap. " . "errno = $ERRNO\n"); exit(1); } my $averageOpt; if (defined($opt_meanpixel)) { $averageOpt = "-meanpixel"; } elsif (defined($opt_meancolor)) { $averageOpt = "-meancolor"; } else { $averageOpt = "-center"; } my $spreadOpt; if (defined($opt_spreadluminosity)) { $spreadOpt = "-spreadluminosity"; } else { $spreadOpt = "-spreadbrightness"; } open(STDOUT, ">", $mapfileSpec); my $maprc = system("pnmcolormap", $ncolors, $averageOpt, $spreadOpt); if ($maprc != 0) { print(STDERR "pnmcolormap failed, rc=$maprc\n"); exit(1); } return $mapfileSpec; } sub remap($$) { my ($mapfileSpec, $opt_floyd) = @_; # Remap the image on Standard Input to Standard Output, using the colors # from the colormap file named $mapfileSpec. my $floydOpt = $opt_floyd ? "-floyd" : "-nofloyd"; my $remaprc = system("pnmremap", "-mapfile=$mapfileSpec", $floydOpt); if ($remaprc != 0) { print(STDERR "pnmremap failed, rc=$remaprc\n"); exit(1); } } ############################################################################## # MAIN PROGRAM ############################################################################## my ($opt_meanpixel, $opt_meancolor, $opt_spreadluminosity, $opt_floyd, $ncolors, $infile) = parseCommandLine(@ARGV); openSeekableAsStdin($infile); # Save Standard Output for our eventual output open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT"); select(OLDOUT); # avoids Perl bug where it says we never use STDOUT my $mapfileSpec = makeColormap($ncolors, $opt_meanpixel, $opt_meancolor, $opt_spreadluminosity); seek(STDIN, 0, SEEK_SET) or die("seek back to zero on input file failed.\n"); open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT"); remap($mapfileSpec, $opt_floyd);