Installation of ppa-0.8.5 with S.u.S.E. Linux (Special Installation with Hp820 and paper size A4) ___________________________________________________ 0. Introduction This text describes how to use the package pbm2ppa written by Tim Norman with the S.u.S.E Linux System. This program allows the use of GDI (Winows only) printers with Linux. The program pbm2ppa is actually a converter between the two formats pbm (an output format from ghostscript) and the format understood by the HP printers 720, 820 and 1000. So anyway we have to use ghostscript to produce pbm (or faster: pbmraw) files. To print ascii files there is an extra step invoking enscript to convert the ascii to postscript files. I rather constructed two new printer spoolers in printcap from scratch then using apsfilter: one for postscript files and another for ascii files. I welcome solutions in combination with the apsfilter script. The installation is quiet easy - after seven steps you should be ready to print postscript and ascii files, but it may take some time to adjust the constants properly, don't despair. 0.1. Modifications This was modified on October 18, 1998 by Tim Norman to conform to the new A4 paper support in version 0.8.5. 1. Installation of program package ppa-0.8.5 Get the packate at and compile it with # make 820 or put in your printer number (720, 820 or 1000) (see also INSTALL and README file). 2. To adjust the paper size to DIN A4, use the -s a4 option to pbm2ppa or change your pbm2ppa.conf file to read "papersize a4" (see step 5). 3. You can now calibrate the printer with For US size paper: # pbmtpg | pbm2ppa > /dev/lp1 ( as root ) For A4 size paper: # pbmtpg -a4 | pbm2ppa -s a4 > /dev/lp1 ( as root ) or you try first printing some sample files and calibrate in step 5. 4. Now you can print (postscript) files with a shell script like this: Contents of print: cat $1 | gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \ pbm2ppa - - >/dev/lp1 After changing the file modes (i.e. chmod 755 print) you are able to print a postscript file invoking the shell script print like: # print To print ascii files just extend the script print with the use of enscript: Contents of printascii: enscript -2rj -p- $1 | \ gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \ pbm2ppa - - >/dev/lp1 Check the manpage for enscript to adjust the options to your flavour. Now you can also print ascii files with # printascii filename.ascii 5. It may be possible that you have to recalibrate your printer (see 3.) Here follow the results from my calibration after printing ascii files with the shell script printascii (see 4.). The program pbm2ppa takes the arguments in the following order: 1. shell arguments 2. config file /etc/pbm2ppa.conf 3. Compiled options from default.h So whenever you invoke pbm2ppa without arguments the program uses the options stored in the file /etc/pbm2ppa.conf, so I suggest to leave there a copy of this file. # Sample configuration file for the HP820 and DIN A4 paper size # # This file will be automatically read upon startup if it's placed in # /etc/pbm2ppa.conf # version 820 papersize a4 xoff 0 # \ Adjust these for your printer. yoff -600 # / (see CALIBRATE) # 1/4 inch margins all around (at 600 DPI) top 50 bottom 50 left 50 right 50 6. To integrate the converter into the Linux system we create two printer spooler in /etc/printcap. One to print postscript files and another to print plain ascii files. Contents of /etc/printcap: lp:\ :lp=/dev/lp1:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\ :lf=/var/spool/lpd/lp/log:\ :af=/var/spool/lpd/lp/acct:\ :if=/usr/local/bin/ps.if:\ :la:mx#0:\ :sh:sf: ascii:\ :lp=/dev/lp1:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/ascii:\ :lf=/var/spool/lpd/ascii/log:\ :af=/var/spool/lpd/ascii/acct:\ :if=/usr/local/bin/ascii.if:\ :la:mx#0:\ :sh:sf: Here follow some explanations (for more information consult the printcap manpage). We use the lp1 device, have two spool directories /var/spool/lpd/ascii and /var/spool/lpd/lp (better you create them now) a log file (lf) an accounting file (af), suppress form feeds (sf), suppress printing of burst page header (sh) and the maximum file size is unlimited (mx#0). To integrate the converter pbm2ppa into the system we use two input filters. Maybe you have a better solution in combination with apsfilter but until then try this way. Actually, the two input filter files are almost identical with the shell scripts print and printascii we created in step 4. File /usr/local/bin/ascii.if: #! /bin/sh enscript -2rj -p- | \ gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \ /usr/local/bin/pbm2ppa - - File /usr/local/bin/ps.if: #! /bin/sh gs -sDEVICE=pbmraw -q -dNOPAUSE -r600 -sOutputFile=- - | \ /usr/local/bin/pbm2ppa - - 7. Place pbm2ppa in the directory /usr/local/bin. Now you are ready to print files with # lpr and # lpr -P ascii filename.ascii like you are used to it. Enjoy 19. May 1998 Michael Buehlmann Badenerstrasse 285 8003 Zuerich Switzerland