# LaTeX2HTML configuration file # special hand-edited version for the TeXlive CDROM # Author: Marek Rouchal # This file mainly contains generic paths, i.e. the external programs # must be locatable through the $PATH environment variable. # Furthermore some assumptions about the capabilities of the external # programs are made. These are fulfilled by: # - the latest Web2C including latex, dvips, kpsewhich etc. # - gs4.03 or higher # - netpbm 1mar1994p1 (p1 *is* important) # - pnmtopng (?) # # Currently (TeXlive 3) the following required items are missing: # - perl # - gs # - netpbm (and pnmtopng) # If they are present in PATH, latex2html seems to work... # # TeXlive does not seem to support OS/2... package cfgcache; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(%cfg); $cfg{'ANYTOPNM'} = q|anytopnm|; $cfg{'BINDIR'} = q|/tmp/TeXlive/bin|; $cfg{'CRAYOLAFILE'} = q|crayola.txt|; $cfg{'DVIPS'} = q|dvips|; $cfg{'DVIPSOPT'} = q'-E -Ppdf'; $cfg{'GIFTOPNM'} = q|giftopnm|; $cfg{'GS'} = q|gs|; # gs is not included on TeXlive! $cfg{'GSALIASDEVICE'} = q|ppmraw|; $cfg{'GSDEVICE'} = q|pnmraw|; $cfg{'GSLANDSCAPE'} = q||; $cfg{'GS_LIB'} = q||; # this could be set to $TEXLIVEROOT/... $cfg{'HASHBANG'} = q'0'; $cfg{'ICONPATH'} = q||; # overridden in l2hconf.pin $cfg{'ICONSTORAGE'} = q||; $cfg{'IMAGE_TYPES'} = q|gif|; $cfg{'INITEX'} = q|initex|; $cfg{'KPSEWHICH'} = q|kpsewhich|; $cfg{'LATEX'} = q|latex|; $cfg{'LATEX2HTMLDIR'} = q||; # overridden by the wrapper scripts $cfg{'LATEX2HTMLPLATDIR'} = q||; # overridden by the wrapper scripts $cfg{'LIBDIR'} = q|/tmp/TeXlive/latex2html|; $cfg{'MKTEXLSR'} = q|texhash|; $cfg{'METADPI'} = q|180|; $cfg{'METAMODE'} = q|toshiba|; $cfg{'NULLFILE'} = q|/dev/null|; # overridden by L2hos->nulldev $cfg{'PBMMAKE'} = q|pbmmake|; $cfg{'PCXTOPPM'} = q|pcxtoppm|; $cfg{'PERL'} = q|perl|; $cfg{'PERLFOOTER'} = '__END__'; $cfg{'PERLHEADER'} = q" -*- perl -*- -w\n"; $cfg{'PERLSCRIPTDIR'} = q'/usr/bin'; # not used with TeXlive $cfg{'PICTTOPPM'} = q|picttoppm|; $cfg{'PK_GENERATION'} = q|0|; $cfg{'PNMBLACK'} = q||; $cfg{'PNMCAT'} = q|pnmcat|; $cfg{'PNMCROP'} = q|pnmcrop -verbose |; $cfg{'PNMCROPOPT'} = q| -sides |; $cfg{'PNMCUT'} = q|pnmcut|; $cfg{'PNMFILE'} = q|pnmfile|; $cfg{'PNMFLIP'} = q|pnmflip|; $cfg{'PNMPAD'} = q|pnmpad|; $cfg{'PNMROTATE'} = q|pnmrotate|; $cfg{'PNMSCALE'} = q|pnmscale|; $cfg{'PNMTOPNG'} = q|pnmtopng|; $cfg{'PPMQUANT'} = q|ppmquant|; $cfg{'PPMTOGIF'} = q|ppmtogif|; $cfg{'PPMTOJPEG'} = q|ppmtojpeg|; $cfg{'PREFIX'} = q|/tmp/TeXlive|; $cfg{'RGBCOLORFILE'} = q|rgb.txt|; $cfg{'SGITOPNM'} = q|sgitopnm|; $cfg{'SHLIBDIR'} = q'/tmp/TeXlive/latex2html'; $cfg{'TEX'} = q|tex|; # is the following correct? $cfg{'TEXPATH'} = q|/tmp/TeXlive/texmf/tex/latex/latex2html|; $cfg{'TIFFTOPNM'} = q|tifftopnm|; $cfg{'TMPSPACE'} = q||; # not needed in TeXlive $cfg{'WEB2C'} = q|1|; $cfg{'XBMTOPBM'} = q|xbmtopbm|; $cfg{'XWDTOPNM'} = q|xwdtopnm|; $cfg{'dd'} = q|/|; # overridden by L2hos->dd $cfg{'distver'} = '99.2alpha6'; $cfg{'exec_extension'} = q''; # overridden by build.pl $cfg{'gif_interlace'} = q|netpbm|; $cfg{'gif_trans'} = q|netpbm|; $cfg{'have_dvipsmode'} = q|1|; $cfg{'have_geometry'} = q|1|; $cfg{'have_images'} = q|1|; $cfg{'have_pstoimg'} = q|1|; $cfg{'perl_starter'} = q''; # automatic $cfg{'pipes'} = q|0|; # pity... $cfg{'plat'} = q|unix|; # overridden by build.pl $cfg{'srcdir'} = q'.'; $cfg{'texlive'} = q|1|; $cfg{'wrapper'} = q|0|; 1; # must be last line