# xy.perl by Ross Moore 3-18-96 # # Extension to LaTeX2HTML supply support for the Xy-pic # suite of macros for typesetting diagrams and graphics # within TeX and LaTeX. # # Change Log: # =========== package main; # # Make the xy environment be translated as # generating an image. # sub do_env_xy { local($border,$attribs); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $contents = &process_undefined_environment($env, $id,$contents); if ((($border)||($attribs))&&($HTML_VERSION > 2.1 )) { $contents = &make_table( $border, $attribs, '', '', '', $contents ) } else { $contents } } sub do_env_diagram { &do_env_xy(@_); } sub do_env_diagramnocompile { &do_env_xy(@_); } # Suppress the possible options to \usepackage[....]{xy} sub do_xy_all { } sub do_xy_arrow { } sub do_xy_arc { } sub do_xy_cmtip { } sub do_xy_color { } sub do_xy_crayon { } sub do_xy_curve { } sub do_xy_dummy { } sub do_xy_frame { } sub do_xy_graph { } sub do_xy_idioms { } sub do_xy_import { } sub do_xy_knot { } sub do_xy_line { } sub do_xy_matrix { } sub do_xy_poly { } sub do_xy_recat { } sub do_xy_rotate { } sub do_xy_tile { } sub do_xy_tips { } sub do_xy_v2 { } sub do_xy_web { } sub do_xy_2cell { } sub do_xy_ps { } sub do_xy_tpic { } # ...including the device drivers: sub do_xy_dvips { } sub do_xy_xdvi { } sub do_xy_textures { } sub do_xy_16textures { } sub do_xy_cmactex { } sub do_xy_17oztex { } sub do_xy_oztex { } sub do_xy_emtex { } sub do_xy_dvidrv { } sub do_xy_dvitops { } &ignore_commands( <<_IGNORED_CMDS_); arraycolsep # &ignore_numeric_argument xyoption # {} xyrequire # {} xywithoption # {} # {} xyeverywithoption # {} # {} xyeveryrequest # {} # {} dumpPSdict # {} _IGNORED_CMDS_ &process_commands_inline_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_); xy # <<\\endxy>> xystar # <<\\endxy>> xygraph # {} xypolygon # {} xymatrix # {} xymatrixcompile # {} xymatrixnocompile # {} diagram # <<\\enddiagram>> diagramcompileto # <<\\enddiagram>> _RAW_ARG_CMDS_ &process_commands_nowrap_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_NOWRAP_CMDS_); CompileMatrices # [] NoCompileMatrices CompilePrefix # {} CompileAllDiagrams # {} NoCompileAllDiagrams ReCompileAllDiagrams LaTeXdiagrams LoadAllPatterns # {} LoadPattern # {} # {} AliasPattern # {} # {} # {} UsePatternFile # {} newxypattern # {} # {} MultipleDrivers UseSingleDriver xyReloadDrivers xyShowDrivers NoisyDiagrams SloppyCurves splinetolerance # {} UseResizing NoResizing NoRules UseRules OnlyOutlines UseComputerModernTips NoComputerModernTips UseCrayolaColors UsePSheader # {} xyPSdefaultdict UsePScolor NoPScolor UsePSframes NoPSframes UsePSlines NoPSlines UsePSrotate NoPSrotate UsePStiles NoPStiles UsePSspecials # {} NoPSspecials UseDVIPSspecials UseTexturesPSspecials UseTexturesSpecials UsePostScriptSpecials UseOzTeXspecials UseDVITOPSspecials UseEMspecials NoEMspecials maxTPICpoints # {} UseTPICspecials NoTPICspecials UseTPICframes NoTPICframes UseAllTwocells UseTwocells UseHalfTwocells UseCompositeMaps arrowobject # {} curveobject # {} lowercurveobject # {} uppercurveobject # {} modmapobject # {} twocellhead # {} twocelltail # {} definemorphism # {} # {} # {} # {} everyentry # {} everyxy # {} entrymodifiers # {} newdir # {} # {} newxycolor # {} # [] # {} newgraphescape # {} # [] # {} knotholesize # {} knotstyle # {} knotstyles # {} knotSTYLE # {} knottips # {} labelmargin # {} turnradius # {} objectmargin # <<>> {} objectwidth # <<>> {} objectheight # <<>> {} #objectstyle # <<>> {} spreaddiagramcolumns # {} spreaddiagramrows # {} xymatrixrowsep # {} xymatrixcolsep # {} _RAW_ARG_NOWRAP_CMDS_ #&process_commands_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_); #xymatrix # {} #xymatrixcompile # {} #xymatrixnocompile # {} #xygraph # {} #xypolygon # {} #_RAW_ARG_CMDS_ #$XY_DONT_INCLUDE = join(':',xy,xypic,xyv2); $DONT_INCLUDE = join(':',$DONT_INCLUDE,xy,xypic,xyv2); 1; # This must be the last line