# $Id: turkish.perl,v 1.1 1998/08/25 01:59:11 RRM Exp $ # # turkish.perl for turkish babel, inspired heavily by finnish.perl # by H. Turgut Uyar # # Change Log: # =========== # $Log: turkish.perl,v $ # Revision 1.1 1998/08/25 01:59:11 RRM # Babel language support # # Revision 1.1 1998/08/10 09:46:51 latex2html , # -- added translation for the info page (from finnish.perl) # -- removed french-specific commands # Revision 1.0 1998/08/07 09:46:51 latex2html # -- first pass # package turkish; sub main'turkish_translation { @_[0]; } package main; if (defined &addto_languages) { &addto_languages('turkish') }; &do_require_extension('latin5'); sub turkish_titles { $toc_title = '\.Içindekiler'; # "ðÁindekiler"; $lof_title = '\c Sekil Listesi'; # "Þekil Listesi"; $lot_title = "Tablo Listesi"; $idx_title = "Dizin"; $ref_title = "Kaynaklar"; $bib_title = 'Kaynakça'; # "KaynakÁa"; $abs_title = 'Özet'; # "÷zet"; $app_title = "Ek"; $pre_title = 'Önsöz'; # "÷ns–z"; ## $foot_title = ""; $fig_name = '\c Sekil'; # "Þekil"; $tab_name = "Tablo"; $prf_name = 'Kan\i t'; # "Kan›t"; $page_name = 'Sayfa'; # Sectioning-level titles $part_name = 'K\i s\i m'; # "K›s›m"; $chapter_name = 'Bölüm'; ## $section_name = ''; ## $subsection_name = ''; ## $subsubsection_name = ''; ## $paragraph_name = ''; $subject_name = '\.Ilgili'; # Misc. strings $child_name = "Altblümler"; # "Altb–l¸mler"; $info_title = "Bu belge üzerine..."; # "Bu belge ¸zerine..."; $also_name = 'ayr\i ca bkz.'; $see_name = 'bkz.'; # names in navigation panels ## $next_name = "Next"; ## $up_name = "Up"; ## $prev_name = "Previous"; ## $group_name = "Group"; # mail fields $encl_name = '\.Ili\c sik'; $headto_name = 'Al\i c\i'; $cc_name = 'Di\u ger Al\i c\i lar'; @Month = ('', 'Ocak', '\c Subat', 'Mart', 'Nisan', 'May\i s', 'Haziran', 'Temmuz', 'A\v gustos', 'Eylül', 'Ekim', 'Kas\i m', "Aral\i k"); # @Month = ('', 'Ocak', "Þubat", 'Mart', 'Nisan', 'May›s', # 'Haziran', 'Temmuz', "A•ustos", 'Eyl¸l', 'Ekim', # 'Kas›m', "Aral›k"); $GENERIC_WORDS = "ve|ile|ki|de|da|mi|m›|mu|m¸|ise"; } #AYS(JKR): Replace do_cmd_today (\today) with a nicer one, which is more # similar to the original. #JCL introduced &get_date. sub turkish_today { local($today) = &get_date(); $today =~ s|(\d+)/0?(\d+)/|$2. $Month[$1] |; join('',$today,$_[0]); } sub turkish_infopage { local($_) = @_; ( ($INFO == 1) ? join('', $close_all , "$t_title

\nBu belge\n" , "LaTeX2HTML" , " Sürüm $TEX2HTMLVERSION ile haz›rlanm›œt›r.\n" , "

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,\n" , "Nikos Drakos, \n" , "Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.\n" , "
Copyright © 1997, 1998,\n" , "Ross Moore, \n" , "Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.\n" , "

Belgenin oluœturulmas›nda kullan›lan komut:
\n " , "latex2html $argv.\n" , (($INIT_FILE ne '')? "\n

$INIT_FILE\n$init_file_mark\n" :'') , "

Belgeyi oluœturan: $address_data[0] $address_data[1]" , $open_all, $_) : join('', $close_all, $INFO,"\n", $open_all, $_)) } # use'em &turkish_titles; $default_language = 'turkish'; $TITLES_LANGUAGE = "turkish"; $turkish_encoding = 'iso-8859-9'; 1; # Not really necessary...