# Seminar.perl # Keith Refson # November 97 # # This version does not handle notes properly. # Text inside the slide and slide* environments is passed through # and processed into HTML. Anything inside an explicit note environment # is ignored. Notes *outside* a slide/slide* environment get mixed # up with the main text. # # Suppress option-warning messages: sub do_seminar_portrait{} sub do_seminar_a4{} # # New environments # Text inside the slide and slide* environments is passed through # and processed into HTML. Anything inside a note environment # sub do_env_slide { local($_) = @_; local($optional1,$dummy)=&get_next_optional_argument; local($failed, $labels, $comment, $halign) = ('','','','CENTER'); $failed = (/$htmlimage_rx|$htmlimage_pr_rx/); # force an image local($attribs, $border); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } local($saved) = $_; if ($failed) { $_ = &process_undefined_environment("slide", $br_id, $saved); $_ = (($comment.$labels)? "$comment$labels\n":''). $_; } else { $_ = &translate_environments($_); $_ = &translate_commands($_); } $halign = " ALIGN=\"$halign\"" if $halign; if ($border||($attribs)) { $_ = join('',"
\n\n" , &make_table( $border, $attribs, '', '', '', $_ ) , "\n
"); } elsif ($HTML_VERSION > 2.2) { $_ = join('',"

\n",$_ ,"

"); } else { $_ = join('',"


"); } } sub do_env_slidestar { &do_env_slide(@_); } sub do_env_note { ""; } # # Putting "slide*" into the ignored commands list causes a failure - # so do it by hand. *sigh*. "slide" is already in there.... ++$ignore{'slide*'}; # # Slidesmag changes the magstep causes overlarge images since we # pay no attention to it in the html file. Reset it to zero # so images come out correct size. # ${AtBeginDocument_hook} .= "&add_to_preamble(\'xxx\',\'\\slidesmag\{0\}\');"; # # Redefine the \newslide command to do sectioning. This splits the # document as one might hope. Declare our own global counter for slides. # %section_commands = ('newslide', 1, %section_commands); sub do_cmd_newslide { local($after) = @_; $section_number = "0" if ($section_number eq ""); $section_number++; #JKR: Don't prepend whitespace $TITLE = " Slide $section_number" if $section_number; join('', &make_section_heading(" ", "H4" , ""), $after); } &ignore_commands( <<_IGNORED_CMDS_); printlandscape slideframe # {} newslideframe # {} slidewidth slideheight slidesmag # {} landscapeonly portraitonly centerslidesfalse centerslidestrue raggedslides # [] extraslideheight # {} setslidelength # {} # {} addtoslidelength # {} # {} ptsize # {} onlyslides # {} notslides # {} articlemag # {} slidestyle # {} slidepagestyle # {} onlynotestoo _IGNORED_CMDS_ 1;