# more_amsmath.perl # by Ross Moore 1-19-98 # # Extension to LaTeX2HTML to load further features from # the AMS packages, using advanced parsing # This package requires the `math' extension to be loaded # e.g. via switches: # # -no_math -html_version 3.2,math # OR -no_math -html_version 4.0,math # # This extension is loaded automatically from amstex.perl # when the \usepackage{amstex} or \usepackage{amsmath} # commands are used. # # Change Log: # =========== package main; # if ($HTML_VERSION < 3) { print "\n*** advanced features of the AMS math packages require HTML 3.2 or later ***\n"; return(1); } $display_env_rx = join('|', $display_env_rx ,'gather','multline','align','split'); sub do_htmlmath_array { local($colspec) = @_; if (defined &do_env_array) { join('', $comment, "

$sbig" , $labels, "\n" , &do_env_array("$O$max_id${C}$colspec$O$max_id$C$_") , "\n$ebig

" ) } else { join('', $comment, '

', $labels, , &process_undefined_environment($env, $id , $_),'

') } } sub set_math_size { local($mode) = @_; local($ssize,$esize); ($ssize,$esize) = ("","") if (!($mode =~ /inline/)&&($DISP_SCALE_FACTOR) &&($DISP_SCALE_FACTOR >= 1.2 )); if ($USING_STYLES) { $ssize .= ''; $esize = ''.$esize; } ($ssize,$esize) } sub set_math_valign { local($numbering) = @_; if (($numbering)&&(/^\s*\\begin<([<#])(\d+)([#>])>($array_env_rx)/)) { #RRM: align on the middle, if a array-environment follows... # (since aligning to the top/bottom of a table looks terrible) " VALIGN=\"MIDDLE\"" } else { # ...otherwise align on the baseline, where possible join(''," VALIGN=\"", ($NETSCAPE_HTML)? "BASELINE" : "MIDDLE","\""); } } sub get_eqn_number { local($outer_num, $scan) = @_; # an explicit \tag overrides \notag , \nonumber or *-variant local($labels,$tag); ($scan,$labels) = &extract_labels($scan); # extract labels $scan =~ s/\n/ /g; if ($scan =~ s/\\tag(\*|star\b)?\s*(($O|$OP)\d+($C|$CP))(.*)\2//) { local($star) = $1; $tag = $5; $tag = &translate_environments($tag) if ($tag =~ /\\begin/); $tag = &translate_commands($tag) if ($tag =~ /\\/); $tag = (($star)? $tag : $EQNO_START.$tag.$EQNO_END ); } elsif (($outer_num)&&(!($scan)||!($scan =~ s/\\no(tag|number)//)) &&(!($scan =~ /^\s*\\begin(<(<|#)\d+(>|#)>)($outer_math_rx)\b/)) ){ $global{'eqn_number'}++ ; if ($subequation_level) { local($sub_tag) = &get_counter_value('equation'); $tag = join('', $EQNO_START , $eqno_prefix , &falph($sub_tag) , $EQNO_END); } else { $tag = join('', $EQNO_START , &simplify(&translate_commands('\theequation')) , $EQNO_END); } } else { $tag = ';SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;;SPMnbsp;' } $*=0; if ($labels) { $labels =~ s/$anchor_mark/$tag/o; ($labels , $scan); } else { ($tag , $scan) } } $outer_math_rx = "(fl|x|xx)?align(at)?|multline|gather|(sub)?equation"; sub get_mult_eqn_number { local($num_rows,$valign, $scan) = @_; local($align,$tag); $align = " VALIGN=\"$valign\"" if $valign; ($tag,$scan) = &get_eqn_number(1,$scan); $tag = join('', $align, " ROWSPAN=$num_rows", $etag , $tag); ($tag , $scan); } sub start_math_display { join('' # , (($border||($attribs)||!($outer_math))? '': "

") , ((($doimage)||!($outer_math))? '': "\n") , (($labels)? $labels : '') , $comment , @_ ); } sub end_math_display { join('', @_ , ((($doimage)||!($outer_math))? '' : "\n
" )); } sub embed_display { # cancel tags when alignment inside subequations return( join('', $ebig, @_[0], $sbig) ) if ($outer_math && $subequation_level); # just return contents when alignment inside equation/multline return(@_[0]) if $outer_math; # at the outermost level if (($border)||($attribs)) { join('',"
\n\n" , &make_table( $border, $attribs, '', '', '', @_ ) , "\n
"); } else { join('', "

", @_ , "

") } } $smdiv_rx = "<(BR|DIV)"; $spdisplay = (($HTML_VERSION > 3.1)? "
"; $epdisplay = (($HTML_VERSION > 3.1)? "

"; $mdisp_width = " WIDTH=\"100%\""; $smarray = "" $emrow = ""; $emtag = ">"; $smncell = "\n"; $mlalign = " ALIGN=\"LEFT\">"; $mralign = " ALIGN=\"RIGHT\">"; $mvalign = " VALIGN=\"MIDDLE\""; $smlcell = $smncell.$mlalign; $smccell = $smncell.$mcalign; $smrcell = $smncell.$mralign; $mnocell = "\n"; $mspace = "\ "; $mdlim = $html_specials{'&'}; $lseqno = "$eqno_class WIDTH=\"10\" ALIGN=\"LEFT\">\n"; $rseqno = "$eqno_class WIDTH=\"10\" ALIGN=\"RIGHT\">\n"; # do these indirectly, so that they only over-ride the existing # ones when the right combination of packages is present. eval "sub do_env_equation { \&process_env_equation(1,\@_); }"; eval "sub do_env_equationstar { \&process_env_equation(0,\@_); }"; sub do_env_subequations { local($contents) = @_[0]; local($prev_eqn_number) = $global{'eqn_number'}++; local($eqno_prefix) = &translate_commands('\theequation'); $eqno_prefix =~ s/\s+$//; ++$subequation_level; local($outer_math) = 'subequations' unless $outer_math; $global{'eqn_number'} = 0; $contents = &process_env_equation(1, $contents); --$subequation_level; $global{'eqn_number'} = ++$prev_eqn_number; $contents; } sub process_env_equation { local($numbered, $_) = @_; local($math_mode, $failed, $labels, $comment, $doimage) = ("equation",'','','',''); local($attribs, $border); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } local($saved) = &revert_array_envs($_); local($falign) = 'CENTER'; local($sbig,$ebig)= &set_math_size($math_mode); $failed = 1 if ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH); # simplifies the next call ($labels, $comment, $_) = &process_math_env($math_mode,$_); $failed = 0; $failed = (/$htmlimage_rx|$htmlimage_pr_rx/); # force an image local($outer_math) = $env unless ($outer_math); if ($USING_STYLES) { $env_id =~ s/(CLASS=\")(\w+)/$1$outer_math/; $env_style{$outer_math} = "" unless ($env_style{$outer_math}); $env_id = ' CLASS="'.$outer_math.'"' unless $env_id; } if ($failed) { local($this_env) = $outer_math; if (!($this_env =~ s/(star|\*)$/\*/)) { $global{'eqn_number'}++ }; $_ = &process_undefined_environment($this_env, $id, $saved); $falign = (($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/)? 'LEFT' : 'RIGHT') if $numbered; local($fsdisplay,$fedisplay) = ($spdisplay,$epdisplay); if (!($fsdisplay =~ s/(ALIGN\s*=\s*\")[^\"]*\"/$1$falign\"/)) { $fsdisplay .= ""; $fedisplay = ''.$epdisplay; } $_ = join('', $fsdisplay, $labels, $comment, $_, $fedisplay); } elsif ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH) { # if ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH) { $failed = 0; s/$htmlimage_rx/$doimage = $&;''/eo ; # force an image s/$htmlimage_pr_rx/$doimage .= $&;''/eo ; # force an image local($valign) = &set_math_valign(); local($sarray, $srow, $scell, $calign, $ecell, $erow, $earray); # local($env_id) = $env_id; # if ($USING_STYLES) { # $env_id =~ s/(CLASS=\")(\w+)/$1$outer_math/; # $env_style{$env} = "" unless ($env_style{$env}); # } ($sarray, $erow, $earray, $sempty, $calign) = ( $smarray.$env_id.$smarrayB.$mdisp_width.$mcalign , $emrow , $emarray, $emcell.$mnocell, $mcalign ); $env_id = ''; local($return) = &start_math_display ( $sarray ); local($eqno, $inner_numbered); ($eqno, $_) = &get_eqn_number($numbered,$_); local($valign) = &set_math_valign($eqno); $_ = &protect_array_envs($_); if ($_ =~ /\s*\\begin\s*$O\d+$C\s*align/) { # no equation numbering --- handled by the inner-alignment $inner_numbered = 1; ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag, $smncell , $emcell); $return .= $srow . $scell; } elsif ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/) { # equation number on left ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( # $smrow.$valign.$emtag.$smcell.$mcalign, $smncell , $emcell); $smrow.$valign.$emtag.$smcell.$lseqno, $smncell , $emcell); $return .= $srow . $eqno . $ecell . $scell; } else { # equation number on right ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag , $smncell , $emcell); $return .= $srow . $scell ; } if (s/\\shove(righ|lef)t//) { local($whichway) = $1; $return .= (($1 =~/lef/)? $mlalign : $mralign ); if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $_ = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$_ ) unless ($_ eq ''); } else { $_ = &make_math('display','','',$_) unless ($_ eq '') } if (!($_ eq '')) { $return .= join('' , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? $mspace.$mspace : '') , ((/^$smarray/)? $_ : $sbig.$_.$ebig ) , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? '' : $mspace.$mspace ) , $ecell , $erow); } else { $return .= join('', $mspace , $ecell, $erow); } } else { $thismath = $_; $* =1; $thismath =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g; $*=0; if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $thismath = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$thismath ) unless ($thismath eq '' ); } else { if ($thismath =~ /$subAMS_array_env_rx/) { $outer_math =~ s/(equation)(star)?$/$1star/; $thismath = &make_math($outer_math,'','', $thismath); } else { $thismath = &make_math('display','','', $thismath) unless ( $thismath eq '' ); } } if ($thismath ne '') { $return .= join('', $calign , (($thismath =~ /^$smarray/)? $thismath : $sbig . $thismath . $ebig ) , $ecell); } else { $return .= join('', $sempty, "\ ", $ecell); } } # $return .= $smncell.$mcalign.$eqno.$ecell $return .= $smncell.$rseqno.$eqno.$ecell unless (($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/)||$inner_numbered); # eqn-num on right $return .= $erow; $_ = &end_math_display($return , $earray ); } else { $_ = &do_htmlmath_array('c'); } undef $outer_math unless ($subequation_level); &embed_display($_); } ### Multiline formulas sub do_env_multline { &process_env_multline(1,@_); } sub do_env_multlinestar { &process_env_multline(0,@_); } sub process_env_multline { local($numbered, $_) = @_; local($math_mode, $failed, $labels, $comment, $doimage) = ("equation",'','','',''); local($attribs, $border); local($outer_math) = $env unless ($outer_math); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } local($saved) = $_; local($sbig,$ebig)= &set_math_size($math_mode); $failed = 1 if ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH); # simplifies the next call ($labels, $comment, $_) = &process_math_env($math_mode,$_); local($falign) = 'CENTER'; $failed = (/$htmlimage_rx|$htmlimage_pr_rx/) unless ($outer_math); # force an image local($outer_math) = $env unless ($outer_math); if ($failed) { $_ = &process_undefined_environment( 'multline'.(($numbered) ? '':"*"), $id, $saved); $falign = (($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/)? 'LEFT' : 'RIGHT') if $numbered; local($fsdisplay,$fedisplay) = ($spdisplay,$epdisplay); if (!($fsdisplay =~ s/(ALIGN\s*=\s*\")[^\"]*\"/$1$falign\"/)) { $fsdisplay .= "

"; $fedisplay = '
'.$epdisplay; } $_ = join('', $fsdisplay, $labels, $comment, $_, $fedisplay); } elsif ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH) { $failed = 0; s/$htmlimage_rx/$doimage = $&;''/eo ; # force an image s/$htmlimage_pr_rx/$doimage .= $&;''/eo ; # force an image local($valign) = &set_math_valign(); local($sarray, $srow, $scell, $calign, $ecell, $erow, $earray); local($env_id) = $env_id; if ($USING_STYLES) { $env_style{$env} = "" unless ($env_style{$env}); } ($sarray, $erow, $earray, $sempty, $calign) = ( $smarray.$env_id.$smarrayB.$mdisp_width.$mcalign , $emrow , $emarray, $emcell.$mnocell, $mlalign ); $env_id = ''; local($return) = &start_math_display ( $sarray ); local($eqno); ($eqno, $_) = &get_eqn_number($numbered,$_); local($valign) = &set_math_valign($eqno); $_ = &protect_array_envs($_); if ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/) { # equation number on left ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( # $smrow.$valign.$emtag.$smcell.$mcalign , $smncell , $emcell); $smrow.$valign.$emtag.$smcell.$lseqno , $smncell , $emcell); $return .= $srow . $eqno . $ecell . $scell; } else { # equation number on right ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag , $smncell, $emcell); $return .= $srow . $scell ; } local(@rows,$thismath); s/\\\\[ \t]*(\*|\[[^\]]*])/\\\\/g; # remove forced line-heights @rows = split(/\\\\/); $#rows-- if ( $rows[$#rows] =~ /^\s*$/ ); local($row_cnt); foreach (@rows) { # displaymath if ($row_cnt) { $eqno = '' if ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/); $calign = $mcalign; $calign = $mralign if ($row_cnt == $#rows ); $return .= $erow . $srow . $scell ; } $row_cnt++; if (s/\\shove(righ|lef)t//) { local($whichway) = $1; $return .= (($1 =~/lef/)? $mlalign : $mralign ); if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $_ = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$_ ) unless ($_ eq ''); } else { $_ = &make_math('display','','',$_) unless ($_ eq '') } if (!($_ eq '')) { $return .= join('' , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? $mspace.$mspace : '') , ((/^$smarray/)? $_ : $sbig.$_.$ebig ) , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? '' : $mspace.$mspace ) , $ecell , $erow); } else { $return .= join('', $mspace , $ecell , $erow); } next; } # columns to be set using \displaystyle $thismath = $_; $* =1; $thismath =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g; $*=0; if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $thismath = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$thismath ) unless ($thismath eq '' ); } else { $thismath = &make_math('displaymath','','' , $thismath) unless ( $thismath eq '' ); } if ($thismath ne '') { $return .= join('', $calign , (($row_cnt == 1)? $mspace.$mspace : '') , (($thismath=~/^$smarray/)? $thismath : $sbig.$thismath.$ebig ) , (($row_cnt == 1+$#rows )? $mspace.$mspace : '') , $ecell); } else { $return .= join('', $sempty, "\ ", $ecell); } } # $return .= $smncell.$mcalign.$eqno.$ecell $return .= $smncell.$rseqno.$eqno.$ecell unless ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/); # eqn-num on right $return .= $erow; $_ = &end_math_display($return , $earray ); } else { $_ = &do_htmlmath_array('c'); } undef $outer_math unless ($subequation_level); &embed_display($_); } sub process_intertext { local($eq_nums, $_) = @_; local($text,$post); s/\\intertext//o; $_ = $'; local($pre) = $`; $pre =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//go; local($span) = (/$mdlim/) + $eq_nums + 1; $text = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$text = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$text = $2;''/e)); $post = $_; $post =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//go; $text = &translate_commands(&translate_environments($text)) if ($text =~ /\\/); $text = join('', $smrow, $emtag , (($span > 1) ? $smcell." COLSPAN=$span".$mlalign : $smlcell) , "
", $text, "

", $emcell, $emrow); ($text, $pre . $post ); } sub do_env_align { local($_) = @_; local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(1,"align",'','',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_alignstar { local($_) = @_; local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(0,"align*",'','',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_alignat { local($_) = @_; local($aligns); $aligns = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e )); local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(1,"alignat",$aligns,'',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_alignatstar { local($_) = @_; local($aligns); $aligns = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e )); local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(0,"alignat*",$aligns,'',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_xalignat { local($_) = @_; local($aligns); $aligns = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e )); local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(1,"xalignat",$aligns,'',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_xalignatstar { local($_) = @_; local($aligns); $aligns = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e )); local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(0,"xalignat*",$aligns,'',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_xxalignat { local($_) = @_; local($aligns); $aligns = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e )); local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(1,"xxalignat",$aligns,'',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_xxalignatstar { local($_) = @_; local($aligns); $aligns = &missing_braces unless ( (s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e) ||(s/$next_pair_rx/$aligns = $2;''/e )); local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(0,"xxalignat*",$aligns,'',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_flalign { local($_) = @_; local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(1,"flalign",'','',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_flalignstar { local($_) = @_; local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(0,"flalign*",'','',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_gather { local($_) = @_; local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(1,"gather",'','c',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub do_env_gatherstar { local($_) = @_; local($math_mode, $attribs, $border) = ("equation",'',''); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $_ = &process_env_align(0,"gather*",'','c',$_); &embed_display($_); } sub process_env_align{ # parameters # $numbered : 0 = *-version, no implicit equation-numbering # $outer-math : outer-most environment # $num_aligns : expected number of alignment pairs per row # $align_spec : alignment of rows without any `&'s # $_ : the row/column data # # if $num_aligns is empty, count the number of cells delimiters (`&`) # per row --- align columns alternating right-/left- # # use the $align_spec only when there is just a single column # local($numbered, $outer_math, $num_aligns, $align_spec, $_) = @_; local($failed, $labels, $comment, $def_align) = ('','','',''); local($saved)= $_; local($falign)= 'CENTER'; $saved = join('',"\\begin\{$env\}$num_aligns" , $_, "\\end\{$env\}\n") if ($outer_math); $num_aligns = 2*$num_aligns - 1 if ($num_aligns); if ($align_spec =~ /(l|r)/) { $def_align = (($1 eq 'l')? $smlcell : $smrcell ) } elsif ($align_spec eq 'c') { $def_align = $smccell } # elsif (!$num_aligns) { $def_align = $smlcell } elsif (!$num_aligns) { $def_align = $smccell } local($sbig,$ebig)= &set_math_size($math_mode); $failed = 1 if ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH); # simplifies the next call ($labels, $comment, $_) = &process_math_env($math_mode,$_) unless ($outer_math); $failed = (/$htmlimage_rx|$htmlimage_pr_rx/); # force an image if ($failed) { local($this_env) = ($outer_math ? $outer_math : $env ); if ($saved =~ s/^\s*\\begin((($O|$OP)\d+($C|$CP|))|\{)\Q$this_env\E(\2|\})//){ $saved =~ s/\\end((($O|$OP)\d+($C|$CP))|\{)\Q$this_env\E(\2|\})\s*$//s; } $_ = &process_undefined_environment($this_env,$id,$saved); $falign = (($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/)? 'LEFT' : 'RIGHT') if $numbered; local($fsdisplay,$fedisplay) = ($spdisplay,$epdisplay); if (!($fsdisplay =~ s/(ALIGN\s*=\s*\")[^\"]*\"/$1$falign\"/)) { $fsdisplay .= "

"; $fedisplay = '
'.$epdisplay; } $_ = join('', $fsdisplay, $labels, $comment, $_, $fedisplay); } elsif ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH) { $failed = 0; s/$htmlimage_rx/$doimage = $&;''/eo ; # force images of parts s/$htmlimage_pr_rx/$doimage .= $&;''/eo ; # force an image local($env_id) = $env_id; if ($USING_STYLES) { $env_id =~ s/(CLASS=\")(\w+)/$1$outer_math/; $env_style{$env} = "" unless ($env_style{$env}); } local($sarray, $erow, $earray, $sempty, $calign) = ( $smarray.$env_id.$smarrayB.$mdisp_width.$mcalign, $emrow , $emarray, $mnocell.$mspace, $mcalign ); $env_id = ''; local($valign, $scell, $eqno) = ($mvalign,'',''); local($srow, $ecell, $slcell, $srcell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag , $emcell , $smncell.$mlalign, $smncell.$mralign ); local($return) = &start_math_display ( $sarray ); # revert all protection, before protecting alignment in sub-envs $_ = &revert_array_envs($_); $_ = &protect_array_envs($_); if ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/) { # equation number on left ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag.$smcell , $smncell , $emcell); } else { # equation number on right ($srow, $scell, $ecell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag , $smncell, $emcell ); } local($xcols) = '0'; local(@rows, @cols, $eqno, $thismath); s/\\\\[ \t]*(\*|\[[^\]]*])/\\\\/g; # remove forced line-heights @rows = split(/\\\\/); $#rows-- if ( $rows[$#rows] =~ /^\s*$/ ); foreach (@rows) { # displaymath next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore last row, if empty if (/\\intertext/) { local($extra_row); #der -- David Rourke #there is an equation-number cell, even if empty #($extra_row,$_) = &process_intertext($numbered,$_); ($extra_row,$_) = &process_intertext(1,$_); $return .= $extra_row; } ($eqno, $_) = &get_eqn_number($numbered,$_); $valign = &set_math_valign($eqno); if ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/) { # $return .= $srow.$mcalign.$eqno.$ecell $return .= $srow.$lseqno.$eqno.$ecell } else { $return .= $srow } local($scell) = $srcell; # so 1st cell is right-aligned... local($xcols) = $num_aligns - (/$mdlim/g); if ($num_aligns) { while ($xcols > 0) { $_ .= $mdlim; $xcols--; } if ($xcols < 0) { local($orig_code) = &revert_to_raw_tex($_); &write_warnings("\ntoo many cols in alignment:\n\t$orig_code"); print "\ntoo many columns in alignment:\n$orig_code\n"; } # ... unless there is no explicit alignment } elsif ($xcols == 0) { $scell = $def_align } if (s/\\shove(righ|lef)t//) { local($whichway) = $1; $return .= (($1 =~/lef/)? $slcell : $srcell ); if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $_ = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$_ ) unless ($_ eq ''); } else { $_ = &revert_array_envs($_); $_ = &make_math('display','','',$_) unless ($_ eq '') } if (!($_ eq '')) { $return .= join('' , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? $mspace.$mspace : '') , ((/^$smarray/)? $_ : $sbig.$_.$ebig ) , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? '' : $mspace.$mspace ) , $ecell); } else { $return .= join('', $mspace , $ecell); } # $return .= $smncell.$mcalign.$eqno.$ecell $return .= $smncell.$rseqno.$eqno.$ecell unless ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/); # eqn-num on right $return .= $erow; next; } # columns to be set using \displaystyle @cols = split(/$mdlim/o); local($col_cnt); foreach (@cols) { # set in displaymath # alternating right/left aligned $scell = (($scell eq $slcell)? $srcell : $slcell) if ($col_cnt); $thismath = $_; $col_cnt++; $* =1; $thismath =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g; $*=0; if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $thismath = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$thismath ) unless ($thismath eq '' ); } elsif ($thismath ne '') { $thismath = &revert_array_envs($thismath); $thismath = &make_math('display','','',$thismath); } if ($thismath ne '') { $return .= join('', $scell , (($thismath=~/^$smarray/)? $thismath : $sbig.$thismath.$ebig ) , $ecell); } else { $return .= $sempty.$ecell; } } # $return .= $smncell.$mcalign.$eqno.$ecell $return .= $smncell.$rseqno.$eqno.$ecell unless ($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/); # eqn-num on right $return .= $erow; } $_ = &end_math_display($return , $earray ); } else { $_ = &do_htmlmath_array(''); } $_; } sub do_env_aligned { local($_) = @_; local($saved) = join('' , "\\begin\{aligned\}" , &revert_array_envs($_) , "\\end\{aligned\}\n" ); local($inner_math) = 'aligned'; &process_undefined_environment( 'displaymath' , ++$global{'max_id'}, $saved); } sub do_env_alignedat { local($_) = @_; $_ = &revert_array_envs($_); local($saved) = join('' , "\\begin\{alignedat\}" , &revert_array_envs($_) , "\\end\{alignedat\}\n" ); local($inner_math) = 'alignedat'; &process_undefined_environment( 'displaymath' , ++$global{'max_id'}, $saved); } sub do_env_gathered { local($_) = @_; $_ = &revert_array_envs($_); local($saved) = join('' , "\\begin\{gathered\}\n" , &revert_array_envs($_) , "\\end\{gathered\}\n" ); local($inner_math) = 'gathered'; &process_undefined_environment( 'displaymath' , ++$global{'max_id'}, $saved); } sub do_env_cases { local($_) = @_; $_ = &revert_array_envs($_); local($saved) = join('' ,"\\begin\{cases\}\n" , &revert_array_envs($_) , "\\end\{cases\}\n" ); local($inner_math) = 'cases'; &process_undefined_environment( 'displaymath' , ++$global{'max_id'}, $saved); } sub do_env_split { local($_) = @_; local($failed, $labels, $comment, $doimage) = ('',''); local($saved) = join('',"\\begin\{split\}\n", $_, "\\end\{split\}\n"); local($sbig,$ebig)= &set_math_size($math_mode); $failed = 1 if ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH); # simplifies the next call local($falign) = 'CENTER'; $failed = (/$htmlimage_rx|$htmlimage_pr_rx/) unless ($outer_math); # force an image local($outer_math) = $env unless ($outer_math); if ($failed) { $_ = &process_undefined_environment( $outer_math.(($numbered) ? '':"*"), $id, $saved); $falign = (($EQN_TAGS =~ /L/)? 'LEFT' : 'RIGHT') if $numbered; local($fsdisplay,$fedisplay) = ($spdisplay,$epdisplay); if (!($fsdisplay =~ s/(ALIGN\s*=\s*\")[^\"]*\"/$1$falign\"/)) { $fsdisplay .= "
"; $fedisplay = '
'.$epdisplay; } $_ = join('', $fsdisplay, $labels, $comment, $_, $fedisplay); } elsif ($NO_SIMPLE_MATH) { $failed = 0; local($outer_math) = 0; # not an "outer" environment s/$htmlimage_rx/$doimage = $&;''/eo ; # forces images of cells s/$htmlimage_pr_rx/$doimage .= $&;''/eo ; # force an image local($valign) = &set_math_valign(); local($sarray, $srow, $scell, $calign, $ecell, $erow, $earray); local($env_id) = $env_id; if ($USING_STYLES) { $env_style{$env} = "" unless ($env_style{$env}); } ($sarray, $erow, $earray, $sempty, $calign) = ( $smarray.$env_id.$smarrayB.$emtag, $emrow , $emarray, $mnocell.$mspace, $mcalign ); $env_id = ''; ($srow, $scell, $ecell, $slcell, $srcell) = ( $smrow.$valign.$emtag , $smncell, $emcell , $smcell.$mralign, $smncell.$mlalign ); local($return) = &start_math_display ( $sarray ); $_ = &protect_array_envs($_); local(@rows,$eqno,$thismath); s/\\\\[ \t]*(\*|\[[^\]]*])/\\\\/g; # remove forced line-heights @rows = split(/\\\\/); $#rows-- if ( $rows[$#rows] =~ /^\s*$/ ); foreach (@rows) { # displaymath next if (/^\s*$/); # ignore last row, if empty if (s/\\shove(righ|lef)t//) { local($whichway) = $1; $return .= (($1 =~/lef/)? $mlalign : $mralign ); if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $_ = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$_ ) unless ($_ eq ''); } else { $_ = &make_math('display','','',$_) unless ($_ eq '') } if (!($_ eq '')) { $return .= join('' , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? $mspace.$mspace : '') , ((/^$smarray/)? $_ : $sbig.$_.$ebig ) , (($whichway =~ /lef/)? '' : $mspace.$mspace ) , $ecell , $erow); } else { $return .= join('', $mspace , $ecell, $erow); } next; } else { $return .= $srow; } # columns to be set using \displaystyle @cols = split(/$mdlim/o); # left column, set using \displaystyle $thismath = shift(@cols); $* =1; $thismath =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g; $*=0; if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $thismath = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$thismath ) unless ($thismath eq '' ); } else { $thismath = &make_math('display','','' , $thismath) unless ( $thismath eq '' ); } if (!($thismath eq '')) { $return .= join('', $slcell , (($thismath=~/^$smarray/)? $thismath : $sbig.$thismath.$ebig ) , $ecell); } else { $return .= $sempty.$ecell; } # right column, set using \displaystyle $thismath = shift(@cols); $* =1; $thismath =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g; $*=0; if (($doimage)||($failed)) { $thismath = &process_math_in_latex("indisplay",'','' , $doimage.$thismath ) unless ($thismath eq '' ); } else { $thismath = &make_math('display','','' , $thismath) unless ( $thismath eq '' ); } if (!($thismath eq '')) { $return .= join('', $srcell , (($thismath=~/^$smarray/)? $thismath : $sbig.$thismath.$ebig ) , $ecell); } else { $return .= $sempty . $ecell} $return .= $erow; } $_ = &end_math_display($return , $earray ); } else { $_ = &do_htmlmath_array('rl'); } $_; } 1; # This must be the last line