### File: heqn.perl ### Optional LaTeX2HTML style file ### Written by Herbert W. Swan ### Version 0.1, December 22, 1995 ### This is part of the 96.1 release of LaTeX2HTML by Nikos Drakos ## Copyright (C) 1995 by Herbert W. Swan ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. package main; # # This package is invoked by including the "heqn" style (package) in # your LaTeX source file. It was no effect on the LaTeX version of # your document, but it alters they way equations are processed # by LaTeX2HTML. This style file causes the equation numbers for # equations in the "equation" environment to be processed by # LaTeX2HTML as text in front of the equation. The advantage of # doing this is that the equations become order-independent and # do not have to be regenerated every time the document is modified # in the slightest way. A side-effect of this routine is that # equation numbers are left-justified. # &process_commands_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_); equation # <<\\endequation>> eqnarray # <<\\endeqnarray>> _RAW_ARG_CMDS_ $global{'eqn_number'} = 0; sub do_env_equation { local ($_) = @_; local ($eqn_number, $equation_id, $image_id, $step_id, $eqnstr); local($attribs, $border); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } $equation_id = $global{'max_id'}++; $image_id = $equation_id + 1; $step_id = ++$global{'max_id'}; $eqn_number = $global{'eqn_number'} + 1; $global{'eqn_number'} = $eqn_number; $eqnstr = &make_end_cmd_rx($step_id) . "equation" . &make_end_cmd_rx($step_id); &do_cmd_refstepcounter($eqnstr); $contents = "\\htmlimage$O$image_id${C}align=middle$O$image_id$C".$contents; $contents = &process_undefined_environment('displaymath',$equation_id,$contents); if (($border)&&($HTML_VERSION > 2.1 )) { $contents = &make_table( $border, $attribs, '', '', '', $contents ) } else { $contents =~ s/


($eqn_number)$1/; $contents .= ""; } $contents; } sub do_env_eqnarray { local ($cntnts) = @_; local ($nlines) = 1; local ($eqn_number, $image_id1, $image_id2, $pre); local($attribs, $border); if (s/$htmlborder_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } elsif (s/$htmlborder_pr_rx//o) { $attribs = $2; $border = (($4)? "$4" : 1) } # # First, put leqno into the preamble, if it's not already there. # $_ = $preamble; if (! /leqno/) { s/(\\document)(class|style)\[([^]]*)]\{/$1$2\[$3,leqno\]\{/; s/(\\document)(class|style)\{/$1$2\[leqno\]\{/; $preamble = $_; } $order_sensitive_rx =~ s/eqnarray\[\^\*\]\|//; # # Count the number of \\'s and \nonumber's there are: # (If there are more than one \nonumber's on a single line: Tough luck!) # $_ = $cntnts; s/\\\\/do{$nlines++; $&}/ge; s/\\nonumber/do{$nlines--; $&}/ge; # # Update the internal counters. # $eqn_number = $global{'eqn_number'}; $global{'eqn_number'} = $eqn_number + $nlines if ($nlines > 0); $image_id = $global{'max_id'}++; $html_id1 = $global{'max_id'}++; $html_id2 = $global{'max_id'}++; # # Left-justfy the equation array. # $contents = "\\html$O$html_id2${C}eqn$eqn_number$O$html_id2$C".$contents; $contents = "\\htmlimage$O$html_id1${C}align=nojustify$O$html_id1$C".$contents; $contents = &process_undefined_environment('eqnarray', $image_id, $contents); if (($border)&&($HTML_VERSION > 2.1 )) { $contents = &make_table( $border, $attribs, '', '', '', $contents ) } else { $contents = "

" . $contents . "

"; $contents .= ""; } $contents; } 1; # This must be the last line