# $Id: french.perl,v 1.16 1998/09/08 12:17:12 RRM Exp $ # FRENCH.PERL by Nikos Drakos 25-11-93 # Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds. # # Extension to LaTeX2HTML to translate LaTeX french special # commands to equivalent HTML commands and ISO-LATIN-1 characters. # Based on a patch to LaTeX2HTML supplied by Franz Vojik # . # # Change Log: # =========== # $Log: french.perl,v $ # Revision 1.16 1998/09/08 12:17:12 RRM # -- implement more of the macros in the Babel package --- thanks Michel # # Revision 1.14 1998/08/24 12:50:18 RRM # -- updated for the new Babel capabilities # # Revision 1.12 1998/05/04 11:58:58 latex2html # -- added a translation for $foot_title # # Revision 1.10 1998/03/02 09:46:51 latex2html # -- fixed the accents in static titles and dates # # Revision 1.8 1998/02/23 11:59:29 latex2html # *** empty log message *** # # Revision 1.7 1998/02/23 11:48:17 latex2html # -- in language-titles, use TeX accent-macros, rather than entities # # Revision 1.6 1998/02/23 02:26:41 latex2html # -- replaced &get_date by &get_date() # error reported with SunOS (thanks Yannick Patois) # -- added some more $GENERIC_WORDS # # Revision 1.4 1998/02/22 05:27:08 latex2html # revised &german|french_titles # # Revision 1.3 1998/02/16 03:33:12 latex2html # -- provided $GENERIC_WORDS to be omitted from filenames derived from # section-titles, when using -long_titles # # Revision 1.2 1996/12/23 01:39:54 JCL # o added informative comments and CVS log history # o changed usage of to an OS independent construction, the # patch is from Piet van Oostrum. # # # 11-MAR-94 Nikos Drakos - Added support for \inferieura and \superrieura package french; # Put french equivalents here for headings/dates/ etc when # latex2html start supporting them ... sub main'french_translation { @_[0] } package main; if (defined &addto_languages) { &addto_languages('french') }; sub do_cmd_frenchTeX { # Just in case we pass things to LaTeX $default_language = 'french'; $latex_body .= "\\frenchTeX\n"; @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_originalTeX { # Just in case we pass things to LaTeX $default_language = 'original'; $latex_body .= "\\originalTeX\n"; @_[0]; } sub do_cmd_inferieura { "< @_[0]" } sub do_cmd_superrieura { "> @_[0]" } #AYS: Prepare the french environment ... sub french_titles { $toc_title = "Table des mati\\`eres"; $lof_title = "Liste des figures"; $lot_title = "Liste des tableaux"; $idx_title = "Index"; $ref_title = "R\\'ef\\'erences"; $bib_title = "Bibliographie"; $abs_title = "R\\'esum\\'e"; $app_title = "Annexe"; $pre_title = "Pr\\'eface"; $foot_title = "Notes"; $thm_title = "Th\\'eoràve"; $fig_name = "Figure"; $tab_name = "Tableau"; $prf_name = "Preuve"; $date_name = "Date"; $page_name = "page"; # Sectioning-level titles $part_name = "Partie"; $chapter_name = "Chapitre"; $section_name = "Section"; $subsection_name = "Sous-section"; $subsubsection_name = "Sous-sous-section"; $paragraph_name = "Paragraphe"; # Misc. strings $child_name = "Sous-sections"; $info_title = "\\`A propos de ce document..."; # names in navigation panels $also_name = "voir aussi"; $see_name = "voir"; $next_name = "suivant"; $up_name = "monter"; $prev_name = "précédent"; $group_name = "groupe"; # mail fields $encl_name = "P.J. "; $headto_name = ""; $cc_name = "Copie \\`a"; @Month = ('', 'janvier', "f\\'evrier", 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', "ao\\^ut", 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', "d\\'ecembre"); $GENERIC_WORDS = "a|au|aux|mais|ou|et|donc|or|ni|car|l|la|le|les" . "|c|ce|ces|un|une|d|de|du|des"; } #AYS(JKR): Replace do_cmd_today (\today) with a nicer one, which is more # similar to the original. #JCL introduced &get_date. sub french_today { local($today) = &get_date(); $today =~ s|(\d+)/0?(\d+)/|$2 $Month[$1] |; join('',$today,$_[0]); } sub do_cmd_up { local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join('',"",$&,"",$_); } sub do_cmd_FrenchEnumerate { local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join('',$&,"o",$_); } sub do_cmd_FrenchPopularEnumerate { local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join('',$&,"o)",$_); } sub do_cmd_ieme {join('',"e",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_iemes {join('',"es",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_ier {join('',"er",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_iers {join('',"ers",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_iere {join('',"re",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_ieres {join('',"res",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_primo {join('',"1o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_secundo {join('',"2o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_tertio {join('',"3o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_quatro {join('',"4o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_fprimo {join('',"1o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_fsecundo {join('',"2o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_ftertio {join('',"3o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_fquatro {join('',"4o",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_No {join('',"No",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_no {join('',"no",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_at {join('',"@",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_circonflexe {join('',"^",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_tild {join('',"~",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_boi {join('',"\\",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_degre {join('',"°",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_degres {join('',"°",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_og {join('',"«",$_[0]);} sub do_cmd_fg {join('',"»",$_[0]);} # ... and use it. &french_titles; $default_language = 'french'; $TITLES_LANGUAGE = "french"; $french_encoding = 'iso-8859-1'; 1; # Not really necessary...