% $Id: linkex1.w,v 1.3 1999/10/15 22:02:26 JCL Exp $ \documentclass{cweb} %begin{latexonly} % This is a fix to not upset html.sty about missing sectioning commands: \let\subsection\null\let\subsubsection\null\let\paragraph\null %end{latexonly} \usepackage{html} % This command also turns on the special treatment of refinement names % such as writing them to the label file. \HTCweblabels{dvi.obj/linkex1,dvi.obj/linkex2}{html.obj/linkex1,html.obj/linkex2} \def\CWEB{{\tt CWEB\/}} \begin{document} \title{An Example of Linked \CWEB{} Documents} \author{\htmladdnormallinkfoot{Jens Lippmann} {mailto:lippmann@@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de}} \date{22 Feb 98} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This example demonstrates the capability of the \CWEB{} to \texttt{HTML} translator to link stand-alone documents together. You are introduced into the example on the next page. \end{abstract} @* Example of linked \CWEB{} documents (1/2). This example demonstrates the capability of {\tt htcweb.sty} to link the two stand-alone \CWEB{} documents |@| and |@| together. It is also possible to link to single refinements of stand-alone documents, as example take |@|. In contrast to internal refinements of the document, such as |@|, I differentiate between inter-refinement and intra-refinement links. The {\tt htcweb.perl} package implements this semantics also on the {\tt HTML} layer, which probably brings out the results at its best. The link features that {\tt htcweb} provides will help you to mesh your project sources together, and to create a more hypertext-like presentation of the project. From my point of view, this approach strengthens the literate programming philosophy. If you are interesting in a living example, see the home page of the \htmladdnormallinkfoot{{\sc LiPS}}{http://www.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de} project, {\sc LiPS} Manual 2.4, ``Der Tupelraum'' (this is in German, but the project sources like {\tt out.w}, {\tt in.w} are documented in English). This user manual points to its actual sources, which are themselves meshed together. I hope you will appreciate this small demonstration, and wish you a bunch full of exciting new ideas for your project represantation. @c @@/ @@/ @ See also the include files used in |@|. @= #include @ See also the main function as defined in |@|. You will not be able to follow this link |@|. @= int main() { printf("%d\n",42); exit(0); } @ \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % $Log: linkex1.w,v $ % Revision 1.3 1999/10/15 22:02:26 JCL % added latexonly sequence that defines \sub...section and \paragraph \null to make html.sty happy % % Revision 1.2 1999/04/09 19:25:37 JCL % changed my e-Mail address % % Revision 1.1 1998/02/24 02:29:52 latex2html % for 98.1 % %