################################################################################ # Copyright 1998-1999 by Jens Lippmann (lippmann@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de) # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is" # and without any express or implied warranties. # ################################################################################ # # HTCWEB.PERL # # Extension to LaTeX2HTML to translate HyTeX specific commands. # See also htcweb.tex, htcweb.sty. # # $Source: /home/latex2ht/cvs/latex2html/user/cweb2html/htcweb.perl,v $ # $RCSfile: htcweb.perl,v $ # $Revision: 1.3 $ # $Date: 1999/10/15 22:05:37 $ # $Author: JCL $ # $State: Exp $ # ################################################################################ # History # # $Log: htcweb.perl,v $ # Revision 1.3 1999/10/15 22:05:37 JCL # small patch to get real node names with l2h 99.2 instead subsequent M.html or N.html # # Revision 1.2 1999/04/09 19:25:33 JCL # changed my e-Mail address # # Revision 1.1 1998/02/24 02:29:50 latex2html # for 98.1 # # Revision 1.1 1998/02/24 02:15:57 latex2html # ready for 98.1 # # Revision 1.13 1997/11/10 09:24:32 zohar # th-darmstadt -> tu... # # Revision 1.12 1997/09/13 01:07:04 lippmann # improved support of LoI, LoR navigation buttons # # Revision 1.11 1997/06/26 19:00:11 lippmann # improved input logic for .scn .idx files (seeks TEXINPUTS) # # Revision 1.10 1997/06/01 13:20:20 lippmann # more enhancements depending on HTCwebmode (titles, \A, \As etc.) # # Revision 1.9 1997/06/01 11:56:08 lippmann # o changed name from htmlmac to htcweb # o htcweb.perl takes different actions depending on $HTCwebmode # (\U, \Us, \Q, \Qs string translation currently) # # Revision 1.8 1997/06/01 10:42:49 lippmann # o handles now enumerations of section cited along \U, \Q, \Us and \Qs # occurring in cweave generated output # o variable names adhere to HTCweb name space # o uses initialisation function # # Revision 1.7 1997/06/01 08:18:23 lippmann # Introduced the name space HTCweb, which will be used both in TeX and Perl # packages and for mapping to some CWEB internals hidden from LaTeX2HTML. # # HTmode, HTpretty, HTnoderef -> HTCweb... # HTweb -> HTCweb # \ciao -> \HTCwebdocumentend # 1 -> HTCweboneright # 2 -> HTCweboneleft # 3 -> HTCweboptbreak # 4 -> HTCwebthisleft # 5 -> HTCwebbigoptbreak # 6 -> HTCwebbreak # 7 -> HTCwebbigbreak # 8 -> HTCwebclearleft # 9 -> HTCwebempty # idit -> HTCwebidit # idma -> HTCwebidma # idbo -> HTCwebidbo # idtt -> HTCwebidtt # discr -> HTCwebdiscr # mathque -> HTCwebmathque # smllspc -> HTCwebsmllspc # # Revision 1.6 1997/05/31 01:52:35 lippmann # handles new synopsis of \HTwebNodeRef to translate multi-part refinement # types in the list of refinements # # Revision 1.5 1997/05/25 22:34:12 lippmann # added some interesting parsing logic to process list of identifiers/refinements # - calls pre_process, substitute_meta_cmds (and wrap_shorthand_environments) # - &do_cmd_fin keeps its contents mostly processed by l2h, this enabled me # to remove redundant parsing # # Revision 1.4 1997/05/25 21:17:49 lippmann # o handles cweave generated list of identifiers # o handling of multi-part refinements is missing # # Revision 1.3 1997/01/26 19:31:30 lippmann # improved handling of external labels # # Revision 1.2 1996/12/11 11:16:07 lippmann # adapted to work with new htmlmac macros # # Revision 1996/07/08 15:46:25 liefke # initial version for Darmstadt # # Revision 1996/07/08 15:46:25 liefke # initial version for Darmstadt # # Revision 1.6 1996/06/25 20:58:52 lippmann # - external bubble names handled conditionally on whether it's been found # in label files or not # - suitable standard output for above cases # # Revision 1.5 1996/06/20 02:04:53 lippmann # - HTweb macros are handled, stand-alone web documents may be # interlinked now ... yeah! # # Revision 1.4 1996/06/09 17:49:18 lippmann # slightly revised, glossar feature improved # # Revision 1.3 1996/05/16 00:53:34 lippmann # change for do_cmd_N # # Revision 1.2 1996/05/10 17:38:45 lippmann # needed to introduce \ciao as substitution for \end{document}. # This is a hack. # # Revision 1.1 1996/04/25 12:31:40 lippmann # new home for these files # ################################################################################ package main; # latex2html adds

when a non-ignored command appears at the line end, # even if the command has a perl function. Hence we have to ignore some # commands explicitely if we don't want a

(such as \6,\7,\SHC,..). &ignore_commands( <<"#IGNORED_CMDS"); NODECOMMAND ADDCONTENTSCOMMAND HTCwebdiscr PB MRL HTCweboptbreak#{} HTCwebbigoptbreak 5 LASTM#{} LIXM#{} GLOSSARM#{} HyTeXSetDown addvspace HTCwebdocumentend HTCwebX fi hbox mathrel #IGNORED_CMDS %section_commands = ('N', 'H1', 'M', 'H2', 'inx', 'H2', 'fin', 'H2', %section_commands); $CUSTOM_TITLES = 1; sub custom_title_hook { local($title) = @_; print "XXX customize title <$title> to \n"; "node$OUT_NODE"; } sub top_navigation_panel { &navigation_panel; } sub bot_navigation_panel { &navigation_panel; } sub navigation_panel { local($GLOSSARY,$LOI,$LOR); local($border) = (length($NAV_BORDER) ? "BORDER=\"$NAV_BORDER\"" : ""); local($url) = ($LOCAL_ICONS ? "" : "$ICONSERVER/"); local($loi_img) = "\"Identifiers\""; local($lor_img) = "\"Refinements\""; $GLOSSARY = &add_special_link($glossary_visible_mark, $gls_file, $file) if ($styles_loaded{'lips'} && $INDEX_IN_NAVIGATION); ($LOI,$LOR) = (&add_special_link($loi_img, $HTCweb_loi_file, $file), &add_special_link($lor_img, $HTCweb_lor_file, $file)) if $INDEX_IN_NAVIGATION; "" . # Now add a few buttons with a space between them "$NEXT $UP $PREVIOUS $CONTENTS $INDEX $GLOSSARY $LOI $LOR $CUSTOM_BUTTONS" . "\n
" . # Line break # If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel ($NEXT_TITLE ? "\n Next: $NEXT_TITLE" : undef) . # Similarly with the ``up'' title ... ($UP_TITLE ? "\n Up: $UP_TITLE" : undef) . # ... and the ``previous'' title ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "\n Previous: $PREVIOUS_TITLE" : undef) . # These
s separate it from the text body. "\n

" } # The following functions reflect the translation of the TeX macro # as defined in roughly the same order in cwebmac.tex (hywebmac.tex). # # A function starting with 'HTCweb' is the translation for the synonym # to Cweb defined in htcweb.sty and occurs beneath the original one. # # Some Cweb macros simply need to be ignored, hereto belongs a list of # ignored commands defined in this file. # # Some of the Cweb macros didn't make sense to get translated, such # omissions are marked with (#...). # This had been the case when no occurrence of such macros within # any of the CWEB generated TeX files (except hycweave.tex) has been # noticed (sorry but empirical to me are our project sources and I do # not support esoteric stuff until I see a reason) # # Functions #xyz needed no translation, their argument(s) # are simply passed through LaTeX2HTML. # # See also the htcweb.sty documentation. #... sub do_cmd_hT { join('','HyTeX', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_cweb { join('','CWEB ', $_[0]); } #... sub do_cmd_CEE { join('','C ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_UNIX { join('','UNIX ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_TEX { join('','TeX', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_CPLUSPLUS { join('','C++ ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_Cee { join('','C ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_9{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; $_; } sub do_cmd_HTCwebempty{ &do_cmd_9; } sub do_cmd_HTCwebidit{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join(''," $2 ",$_); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebidma{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join(''," $2 ",$_); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebidbo{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join(''," $2 ",$_); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebidtt{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join(''," $2 ",$_); } #HTCwebdiscr #... #PB sub do_cmd_AM { join('','&', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_BS { join('','\', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_LB { join('','{', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_RB { join('','}', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_SP { join('',' ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_TL { join('','~', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_UL { join('','_', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_CF { join('','^', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_PP { join('','+ +', $_[0]); } # contiguous minuses might be compressed by LaTeX2HTML # to mimick TeX behaviour. sub do_cmd_MM { join('','- -', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_MG { join('','->', $_[0]); } #MRL sub do_cmd_GG { join('','>>', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_LL { join('','<<', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_NULL { join('','NULL', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_AND { join('','&', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_OR { join('','|', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_XOR { join('','^', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_CM { join('','~', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_MOD { join('','%', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_DC { join('','::', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_PA { join('','.*', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_MGA { join('','->*', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_this { join('','this', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_1 { $HTCweb_cmode_indent = join("","",$HTCweb_cmode_indent); $HTCweb_cmode_break = ""; join('',"

", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_HTCweboneright { &do_cmd_1; } sub do_cmd_2 { $HTCweb_cmode_indent =~ s/<\/DL>//; join('',"
", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_HTCweboneleft { &do_cmd_2; } #3 sub do_cmd_HTCweboptbreak { $_[0] =~ s/^\d//; $_[0]; } sub do_cmd_4 { $HTCweb_skip_indent = join("","
",$HTCweb_skip_indent); $HTCweb_cmode_break = ""; join('',"
", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebthisleft { &do_cmd_4; } #5 sub do_cmd_6 { local($indent,$break) = ($HTCweb_skip_indent,$HTCweb_cmode_break); $HTCweb_skip_indent = ""; $HTCweb_cmode_break = "
"; join('',"$break$indent", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebbreak { &do_cmd_6; } sub do_cmd_7 { local($indent) = $HTCweb_skip_indent; $HTCweb_skip_indent = ""; $HTCweb_cmode_break = "
"; join('',"$indent

", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebbigbreak { &do_cmd_7; } sub do_cmd_8 { local($full_skip) = $HTCweb_cmode_indent; $full_skip =~ s/<\/DL>//; $HTCweb_skip_indent = $full_skip; $HTCweb_skip_indent =~ s/\///g; $HTCweb_cmode_break = ""; join('',"$full_skip", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebclearleft { &do_cmd_8; } #... sub do_cmd_HTCwebmathque { join('','?', $_[0]); } #... sub do_cmd_A { local($_)=@_; # If raw digits follow the command, it's a cweave-like reference. # Get a list of numbers terminated by a dot and hyperize them. s/^([^\.]*)/&HTCweb_replace_refs($1)/e if /^\s*\d/; join('', $HTCweb_also_string, ' ', $_); } sub do_cmd_As { local($_)=@_; # If raw digits follow the command, it's a cweave-like reference. # Get a list of numbers terminated by a dot and hyperize them. s/^([^\.]*)/&HTCweb_replace_refs($1)/e if /^\s*\d/; join('', $HTCweb_alsos_string, ' ', $_); } # Backwards compatiblity sub do_cmd_B { $HTCweb_skip_indent = ""; $HTCweb_cmode_indent = ""; join('','

', $_[0]); } # Formerly do_cmd_B sub do_cmd_HTCwebB { $HTCweb_skip_indent = ""; $HTCweb_cmode_indent = "
"; join('','
', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_C{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join(''," /* $2 */",$_); } sub do_cmd_SHC{ &do_cmd_C; } sub do_cmd_D { join('','#define ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_E { join('','==', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_ET { join('',' and ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_ETs { join('',',and ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_F { join('','format ', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_G { join('','>=', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_I { join('','!=', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_K { join('','=', $_[0]); } # This is sectioning command, care for '<<','>>' delimiters of next pair sub do_cmd_M { local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_rx//o; local($no) = $2; # build title string and capitalize first letter $TITLE = "$HTCweb_chunkname $no"; $TITLE =~ s/^(\w)/chr(ord($1)-32)/e; join('',&anchor_label(&HTCweb_seclabel_from_no($no),$CURRENT_FILE,"


"),$_); } sub do_cmd_N { local($_) = @_; # skip depth s/$next_pair_rx//o; s/$next_pair_rx//o; local($no) = $2; # build title string and capitalize first letter $TITLE = "$HTCweb_chunkname $no"; $TITLE =~ s/^(\w)/chr(ord($1)-32)/e; local($label) = &HTCweb_seclabel_from_no($no); # get the title and build the complete header. # Cweb limits its \N caption to the first dot s/^([^\.]*)\.//; local($head) = $1; $head =~ s/\n/ /g; local($dot) = ($HTCwebmode eq "hyweb" ? "." : ""); join('',&anchor_label($label,$CURRENT_FILE,"

$no. $head$dot

"),$_); } #LASTM #LIXM #GLOSSARM sub do_cmd_Q { local($_)=@_; # If raw digits follow the command, it's a cweave-like reference. # Get a list of numbers terminated by a dot and hyperize them. s/^([^\.]*)/&HTCweb_replace_refs($1)/e if /^\s*\d/; join('', $HTCweb_cite_string, ' ', $_); } sub do_cmd_Qs { local($_)=@_; # If raw digits follow the command, it's a cweave-like reference. # Get a list of numbers terminated by a dot and hyperize them. s/^([^\.]*)/&HTCweb_replace_refs($1)/e if /^\s*\d/; join('', $HTCweb_cites_string, ' ', $_); } sub do_cmd_R { join('','!', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_T { local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; local($value) = $2; # care of extras for constants # octal, hexadecimal trailer already handled by \oct, \hex # exponents $value =~ s/_/e/g; # next is subcripted suffix, could be in some time $value =~ s/\$//g; join('',"$value",$_); } sub do_cmd_U { local($_)=@_; # If raw digits follow the command, it's a cweave-like reference. # Get a list of numbers terminated by a dot and hyperize them. s/^([^\.]*)/&HTCweb_replace_refs($1)/e if /^\s*\d/; join('', $HTCweb_use_string, ' ', $_); } sub do_cmd_Us { local($_)=@_; # If raw digits follow the command, it's a cweave-like reference. # Get a list of numbers terminated by a dot and hyperize them. s/^([^\.]*)/&HTCweb_replace_refs($1)/e if /^\s*\d/; join('', $HTCweb_uses_string, ' ', $_); } sub do_cmd_V { join('','||', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_W { join('','&&', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_Y { join('',"

", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_Z { join('','<=', $_[0]); } #ZZ? sub do_cmd_secttag { # section changed tag join('','*', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_oct { join('','0', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_hex { join('','0x', $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_vb{ local($_) = @_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join(''," $2 ",$_); } #... ? sub do_cmd_HTCwebsmllspc { join('',' ', $_[0]); } # Backwards compatiblity sub do_cmd_cio { local($indent) = $HTCweb_skip_indent . $HTCweb_cmode_indent; $HTCweb_cmode_indent = ""; join('',"$indent

", $_[0]); } # Formerly do_cmd_cio sub do_cmd_HTCwebpar { local($indent) = $HTCweb_skip_indent . $HTCweb_cmode_indent; $HTCweb_cmode_indent = ""; join('',"$indent

", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_noderef { local($_) = @_; local($id,$label); s/$next_pair_pr_rx/($id, $label) = ($1, $2);''/eo; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; join('',"$2<\/A>",$_); } sub do_cmd_HTCwebNodeRef { local($_) = @_; # get comma separated list of {$2 $no"; foreach $labelpair (@labellist) { # this also affects @labellist, but don't care $labelpair =~ s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; $label = $2; $labelpair =~ /$next_pair_pr_rx/; $out .= ", $2"; } join('',"<",$out,">",$_); } sub do_env_HTCwebNodeRefExtEnv { local($_)=@_; s/$any_next_pair_rx//o; #get label text, and fold newlines local($text) = $2; # local($text)=substr($2,1); cut leading space $text =~ s/\n/ /g; if ($HTCweblabelnode{$text}) { print("\n+ \@<$text\@>"); $_ = "<$text" . " $HTCweblabelfile{$text}.w $HTCweblabelno{$text}>"; } else { print("\n- \@<$text\@>"); $_ = "<$text 0>"; } $_; } # Read the cweave or hycweave produced list of identifiers, parse it, # and produce hyperlinks between index references and text. # This approach is preferred over passing the contents to LaTeX2HTML, # because we had to redefine &do_cmd_I in this case. # # hycweave produces following format (perl-like regexp): # HyIndex ::= HyLine* # HyLine ::= \\I(IndexEntry), (NodeRef|\\[NodeRef])(, NodeRef|, \\[NodeRef])*.\n # IndexEntry ::= String|\\\\\{String\}|\\\&\{String\}|\\\.\{String\}|\\\|\{String\} # NodeRef ::= \\noderef\{SecLabel\}\{SecNo\} # SecLabel ::= section_\d+ # SecNo ::= \d+ # # cweave produces following format (perl-like regexp): # Index ::= Line* # Line ::= \\I(IndexEntry), (SecNo|\\[SecNo])(, SecNo|, \\[SecNo])*.\n # # To get cweave indexes hyperlinked, we do some acrobatics to 'sensify' the SecNo's. # Bugs: # If an index entry contains ", " -> breaks # sub do_cmd_inx { local($line,$list,$references); print("\nDoing the list of identifiers...\n"); $HTCweb_loi_file = $CURRENT_FILE; &HTCweb_texinput("$FILE.idx"); s/\%\n//g; # Each line might be truncated with %, care of this first. &pre_process; #care for special chars, verbatim, braces, etc. &substitute_meta_cmds; # &wrap_shorthand_environments; (wants to wrap \[ \]) $list = "

List of Identifiers

\n"; while (s/\\I.*//) { $line = $&; if ($line =~ /,\ /) { $line = "$`: "; $references = $'; $line =~ s/\\I/
/; $line =~ s/\\_/_/g; $line =~ s/\\\\$any_next_pair_rx/$2<\/I>/; #the next substitution takes knowledge of some l2h internal quirks. sorry. $line =~ s/\\\\ $any_next_pair_rx/$2<\/I>/; $line =~ s/\\\&$any_next_pair_rx/$2<\/B>/; $line =~ s/\\\.$any_next_pair_rx/$2<\/TT>/; $line =~ s/\\\|$any_next_pair_rx/ $2 <\/B>/; $list .= $line; $references =~ s/\\\[//g; $references =~ s/\]/<\/I><\/B>/g; if ($references =~ /noderef/) { # That's a dull way to determine if we have a hycweave generated index. # Alternatively we could look at \HTCwebmode. $references =~ s/\\noderef$any_next_pair_rx$any_next_pair_rx/ "$4<\/A>"/geo; } else { # cweave generated index $references =~ s/(\d+)/ "$1<\/A>"/geo; } $list .= "$references\n"; } } "$list
\n"; } sub do_cmd_fin { print("\nDoing the list of refinements...\n"); $HTCweb_lor_file = $CURRENT_FILE; &HTCweb_texinput("$FILE.scn"); s/\%\n//g; # Each line might be truncated with %, care of this first. &pre_process; #care for special chars, verbatim, braces, etc. &substitute_meta_cmds; &wrap_shorthand_environments; s/\\I/
/g; s/\\\*/\*/g; $HTCweb_cite_string = "Cited in ${HTCweb_chunkname}"; $HTCweb_cites_string = "Cited in ${HTCweb_chunkname}"; $HTCweb_use_string = "Used in ${HTCweb_chunkname}"; $HTCweb_uses_string = "Used in ${HTCweb_chunkname}"; # local($text); # $* = 1; # Multiline matching ON # # bubble names may contain a newline # # s/$match_br_rx\~\\HTCwebX/\000/g; # end marker # # the substitution here is pretty equal to &do_env_HTCwebNodeRefExtEnv # s/\\HTCwebX\~\\HTCwebNodeRefExt$O ([^\000]*)\000/$text = $1; # $text =~ s|\n| |g; $HTCweblabelnode{$text} ? # "< $text<\/B><\/A>" . # " $HTCweblabelfile{$text}.w<\/CODE> $HTCweblabelno{$text}>" : # "< $text<\/B><\/A> 0>"/geo; # # s/$C\n/\000\n/g; # s/\\HTCwebNodeRef$O([^}]*)$C$O([^}]*)$C$O([^\000]*)\000/ # "<$3<\/B><\/A> $2>"/geo; #$* = 0; # Multiline matching OFF # #s/\\noderef$O([^}]*)$C$O([^}]*)$C/$2<\/A>/go; "

List of Refinements

\n"; } # # Translation of Schrod's cweb.sty 'user' interface. # Yet incomplete. # sub do_cmd_cwebIndexIntro { local($_)=@_; s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o; $HTCwebIndexIntro = $2; $_; } sub do_env_HTCweblabelsEnv { local($_)=@_; s/$any_next_pair_rx//o; local(@dvilabels) = split(/,/,$2); s/$any_next_pair_rx//o; local(@htmllabels) = split(/,/,$2); return("") unless ($#dvilabels == $#htmllabels); foreach $dvilabel (@dvilabels) { local($htmllabel) = $htmllabels[0]; $dvilabel =~ s/\s//g; $htmllabel =~ s/\s//g; if ($dvilabel =~ /\S/ && $htmllabel =~ /\S/) { local($filea,$fileb) = ("$dvilabel.lbl","$htmllabel/labels.pl"); local($founda,$foundb) = (0,0); # env TEXINPUTS is expanded to .., etc. See deal_with_texinputs. foreach $dir (split(/:/,$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'})) { if (-f ($_ = "$dir/$filea")) { $filea = $_; $founda++; last; } } $founda = -f $filea unless $founda; #is it global? unless ($founda) { print "No such label file <$filea> in TEXINPUTS or absolute\n"; next; } foreach $dir (split(/:/,$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'})) { if (-f ($_ = "$dir/$fileb")) { $fileb = $_; $foundb++; last; } } $foundb = -f $fileb unless $foundb; #is it global? unless ($foundb) { print "No such label file <$fileb> in TEXINPUTS or absolute\n"; next; } &HTCweb_readlabels($filea,$fileb); } shift(@htmllabels); } ""; } sub HTCweb_readlabels { local(%string); local($dvilabels,$htmllabels,%htmllabels); local($_,$found,$key,$label,$file,$name,$no,$text); print "\nReading <$_[0]>..." if $DEBUG; open(INPUT,"<$_[0]"); while () { $string{'STRING'} .= $_; } $dvilabels = delete $string{'STRING'}; print "\nReading <$_[1]>..." if $DEBUG; open(INPUT,"<$_[1]"); while () { $string{'STRING'} .= $_; } $htmllabels = delete $string{'STRING'}; while ($dvilabels =~ s/^([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^\n]+)\n[^\n]+\n//) { ($file,$name,$no,$text) = ($1,$2,$3,$4); print "\nFound label: \@<$text\@>, file <$file>, name <$name>" if $DEBUG; # the dummy package will make all assignments local %htmllabels = eval("package dummy; $htmllabels; \%external_labels"); $found = 0; while (($key, $label) = each %htmllabels) { if ($key eq $name) { $found = 1; print "\nMatch label: \@<$text\@>, extern label <$label>" if $DEBUG; $HTCweblabelfile{$text} = $file; $HTCweblabelname{$text} = $name; $HTCweblabelno{$text} = $no; # get the last part of the URL without slashes $label =~ /([^\/]*)$/; $HTCweblabelnode{$text} = $1; } } unless ($found) { print"\nCorrupted label file $_[1]"; return; } if ($_[1] =~ /(.*)\//) { $HTCweblabelpath{$text} = $1; } else { $HTCweblabelpath{$text} = "."; } } } # This function hyperizes a Cweb generated list of section numbers. # sub HTCweb_replace_refs { local($_)=@_; s/(\d+)/"
$1<\/A>"/eg; $_; } # The next two functions reflect the mapping between section number # and section label. # It is very global so I put it into functions. # See also ProcessCwebTex and htcweb.sty. # sub HTCweb_seclabel_from_no { local($no) = @_; "section_$no"; } sub HTCweb_secno_from_label { local($_) = @_; s/section_//; $_; } # Reads the entire input file into a # single string. sub HTCweb_texinput { local($file) = @_; local(%string,$dir); # search TeX's input list foreach $dir (split(/:/,$ENV{'TEXINPUTS'})) { if (-f "$dir/$file") { $file = "$dir/$file"; last; } } open(INPUT,"<$file") || die "Could not open $file\n"; while () { $string{'STRING'} .= $_}; $_ = delete $string{'STRING'}; # Blow it away and return the result } # Initializes the module by setting global variables. # sub HTCweb_initialize { # the mode might been preset by a wrapper $HTCwebmode = "cweb" unless $HTCwebmode; # This is inserted in place of \Q, \Qs, \U, \Us respectively. $HTCweb_chunkname = ($HTCwebmode eq "hyweb" ? "section" : "chunk" ); $HTCweb_also_string = "See also $HTCweb_chunkname"; $HTCweb_alsos_string = "See also ${HTCweb_chunkname}s"; $HTCweb_cite_string = "This code is cited in $HTCweb_chunkname"; $HTCweb_cites_string = "This code is cited in ${HTCweb_chunkname}s"; $HTCweb_use_string = "This code is used in $HTCweb_chunkname"; $HTCweb_uses_string = "This code is used in ${HTCweb_chunkname}s"; # Will be expanded by
's when \4 or \8 occurs. $HTCweb_skip_indent = ""; # Holds the
's necessary to close the cmode section. $HTCweb_cmode_indent = ""; # Used to suppress
if \1, \4 or \8 occurs. $HTCweb_cmode_break = "
"; # file name variable for final addition to navigation panel $HTCweb_loi_file = $HTCweb_lor_file = undef; # return state 'successful' 1; } # # Initialize module and return control to mother ship. # &HTCweb_initialize;