LATEX2HTML Frequently Asked Questions Release 98.1 Contents * Contents * 1. Overview * 2. Installation and Further Support + 2.1 Getting LATEX2HTML + 2.2 Getting Support and More Information * 3. Known Problems + 3.1 Troubleshooting * Bibliography 1. Overview This manual describes the LATEX2HTML translator which is used to create Web pages from document source written for the LATEX typesetting system, or simply containing LATEX commands. ----- To use LATEX2HTML to translate a file .tex containing LATEX commands, simply type: latex2html .tex This will create a new directory called which will contain the generated HTML files, some log files and possibly some images. ----- Basically the translator reads the source document and creates a linked set of HTML pages, displaying the information it contains. The LATEX commands and environments that are found are interpreted either as ``markup'' instructions, or as macros expanding into more text or markup commands. Where such markup corresponds to the intended use for markup tags in the HTML language, a direct translation is made. If there is no natural way to present the information using simple text embellished with HTML markup tags, then an image is generated, using LATEX itself to interpret the portion of code. Of course this is a drastically over-simplified description of what LATEX2HTML actually does. Many questions spring readily to mind. The answers to these and the options available to handle particular situations are discussed elsewhere in this manual. ----- * What does ``natural way to present the information'' really mean? Text and paragraphing clearly should appear as such, whether printed or on-screen. Different font sizes and styles such as ``bold-face'' or ``italic'' are generally rendered accordingly. However, whereas LATEX has access to appropriate fonts for specialised purposes such as mathematical symbols, these cannot be guaranteed to be available with all Web-browsers. So for information requiring such things, LATEX2HTML will generally resort to making an image, using LATEX itself to typeset the material required for that image. The next page contains a brief overview of how LATEX's standard environments are handled within LATEX2HTML. It also mentions some of the extra features that are available. In general LATEX2HTML attempts to use textual constructions to represent the required information. Generation of an image is done only when there is no adequate textual construction with the required version of HTML, or when specifically requested to do so. Various extensions, to cope with the different HTML versions and extra features, are discussed elsewhere. That describes what to expect on the HTML pages, with little or no changes required to the LATEX source. Just as LATEX has various packages which can be used to present specific types of information in appropriate ways, so is LATEX2HTML capable of handling the commands from many of these packages. See this table for a listing of those packages which currently have special support. ----- * Some features of HTML have no direct counterpart in a LATEX typeset document. Can such features be used with LATEX2HTML? Any effect currently available with any version of the HTML standard can be specified for a document processed by LATEX2HTML. New LATEX commands are defined in the html.sty package; the features that these commands allow are the subject of a whole section of this manual. Some of the new commands provide improved strategies for effects already existing in LATEX; e.g. cross-references and citations. To use these effectively requires only small changes to the LATEX source. Other commands define new environments which are completely ignored when processed by LATEX. Indeed the full scope of HTML 3.2 is available, using LATEX-like macros to help structure the source, reduce the tedium of repetitious use of tags, and ensure that all appropriate tags are correctly closed. ----- * What determines the amount of information that goes onto a single HTML page? How are different pages linked? The HTML pages can contain whole chapters, sections, (sub)subsections or (sub)paragraphs. This is fully customisable using the command-line options discussed in detail in a separate section of this manual. ----- * Does the original document have to be a valid LATEX document, typesetting without errors? If not, does it help if it is? In fact any document can be fed to the LATEX2HTML processor, but it is designed specifically to recognise and sensibly translate the intentions expressed by LATEX markup commands. Although sensible results can be obtained even when the LATEX source is not valid, the most reliable translations are obtained when it is. Relevant issues are discussed in a later section. ----- * When developing a document which contains special HTML features, is it best to regularly test it in LATEX or with LATEX2HTML? The answer to such a question changes as the developer gains more experience with the available tools. Some aspects to be considered are discussed in a later section of this manual. _________________________________________________________________ ----- Information relevant to obtaining the latest version of LATEX2HTML, installation within the local environment, and where to look for help when things do not go as expected, can be found in the support section. 2. Installation and Further Support 2.1 Getting LATEX2HTML _________________________________________________________________ change_begin 98.1 One way LATEX2HTMLmay be obtained is through one of the three Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN) sites. They are located at * US United States:, * UK United Kingdom: * DE Germany: In the directory should be the latest version, uncompressed. There are also many mirrors. To find the nearest to you, get a listing via the command: finger change_begin 97.1 The site at is a convenient alternative for European users. This is connected to the developer's repository, so should always have the most recent release. change_end 97.1 Alternatively, a compressed tar file of the source and related files may be obtained via anonymous ftp to html-98.1.tar.gz. Two other ftp -sites are and ar.gz. Other ftp -sites nearer to you can be found using Archie at or (faster) or more recent Web-searching tools such as FTP search in Norway. Warning: Some ftp -sites may not carry the latest version. Updates and patches are posted on the LATEX2HTML server at change_end 98.1 change_begin 97.1 For users of Windows NT, there is a port of LATEX2HTML obtainable from Obtain the release from this site and follow the instructions in the accompanying file README.win32. Thanks to Fabrice Popineau for this work. In future it is planned to merge this code with the main distribution. change_end 97.1 change_begin 97.1 Finally there is the LATEX2HTML developers' CVS repository, at The files to be found here are the most up-to-date with current developments, but they cannot be guaranteed to be fully reliable. New features may be still under development and not yet sufficiently tested for release. A daily updated compressed archive of the developers' work may be downloaded from t.tar.gz. Warning: Use the files from this site at your own risk. change_end 97.1 _________________________________________________________________ Having obtained a compressed tar version, save it into a file latex2html-98.1.tar.gz say, then extract its contents with % gzip -d latex2html-98.1.tar.gz % tar xvf latex2html-98.1.tar You should then have the following: * README file; change_begin 98.1 * Changes index with latest changes; * Changes.detailed (no longer supplied); change_end 98.1 * latex2html Perl script; * texexpand Perl script1; * latex2html.config configuration file; * install-test Perl script, for installation and testing; * dot.latex2html-init sample initialisation file; change_begin 97.1 * texinputs/ subdirectory, containing various LATEX style-files; * versions/ subdirectory, containing code for specific HTML versions; * makemap Perl script; * example/ subdirectory, containing the segmentation example, described in detail in a later section; * .dvipsrc file; * pstogif Perl script (no longer supplied); change_end 97.1 change_begin 97.1 * pstoimg Perl script for image conversion (replaces pstogif ); * configure-pstoimg Perl script for installation; * Perl input file; * icons.gif/ subdirectory, containing icons in GIF format; * icons.png/ subdirectory, containing icons in PNG format; * makeseg Perl script and examples to handle segmented documents via a generated Makefile, see makeseg.tex; change_end 97.1 change_begin 98.1 * foilhtml/ package to support FoilTeX to HTML translation, by Boris Veystman; * IndicTeX-HTML/ package that contains Perl and LATEX code for translating IndicTEX documents (see README file); change_end 98.1 * docs/ subdirectory, containing the files needed to create a version of this manual; * styles/ subdirectory, containing Perl code for handling some style-files; * tests/ contains some test documents for LATEX2HTML. _________________________________________________________________ 2.1.1 Requirements The translator makes use of several utilities all of which are freely available on most platforms. You may use Archie , or other Web-searching tools such as FTP search , to find the source code of any utilities you might need. For the best use of LATEX2HTML you want to get the latest versions of all the utilities that it uses. (It will still work with earlier versions, but some special effects may not be possible. The specific requirements are discussed below.) change_begin 98.1 * Perl version 5.002, or later (check with perl -v); Perl should be compiled to use the csh or tcsh shell, though LATEX2HTML can also work with the bash shell if Perl is recompiled to use it as ``full csh''. Don't care about this, you will be reported about missing things by install-test if there are any. change_end 98.1 * LATEX, meaning LATEX2e dated <1995/06/01>, or later; * dvips or dvipsk , at version 5.58 or later; * Ghostscript at version 4.02 or later; * the netpbm library of graphics utilities version 1-MAR-94 (check with pnmcrop -version). _________________________________________________________________ More specific requirements for using LATEX2HTML depend on the kind of translation you would like to perform, as follows: 1. LATEX commands but without equations, figures, tables, etc. + Perl change_begin 98.1 Note: LATEX2HTML requires Perl 5 to operate. change_end 98.1 Warning 1: You really do need Perl 5. Versions of LATEX2HTML up to V96.1H work both with Perl 4 at patch level 36 and Perl 5, though some of the packages may only work with Perl 5. Warning 2: Various aspects of Perl, which are used by LATEX2HTML, assume certain system commands to be provided by the operating system shell. If csh or tcsh is used to invoke LATEX2HTML then everything should work properly. Perl 5 eliminates this requirement on the shell. + DBM or NDBM , the Unix DataBase Management system, or GDBM , the GNU database manager. Note: Some systems lack any DBM support. Perl 5 comes with its own database system SDBM, but it is sometimes not part of some Perl distributions. change_begin 98.1 The installation script install-test will check that for you. If no database system is found, you will have to install Perl properly. change_end 98.1 2. LATEX commands with equations, figures, tables, etc. As above plus ... + latex (version 2e recommended but 2.09 acceptable); + dvips (version 5.516 or later) or dvipsk change_begin 98.1 Version 5.62 or higher enhances the performance of image creation with a significant speed-up. See latex2html.config for this after you are done with the installation. Do not use the 'dvips -E' feature unless you have 5.62, else you will get broken images. change_end 98.1 + change_begin 98.1 gs Ghostscript (version 4.03 or later); with the ppmraw device driver, or even better pnmraw. Upgrade to 5.10 or later if you want to go sure about seldom problems with 4.03 to avoid (yet unclarified). change_end 98.1 + change_begin 98.1 The netpbm library. Netpbm 1 March 1994 is recommended. Check with pnmcrop -version. change_end 98.1 Several of the filters in those libraries are used during the PostScript to GIF conversion. + change_begin 98.1 If you want PNG images, you need pnmtopng (current version is 2.31). It is not part of netpbm and requires libpng-0.89c.tar.gz and libz (1.0.4) (or later versions). pnmtopng supports transparency and interlace mode. Hooray!!! Netscape Navigator v4.04 has been reported to grok PNG images! That means your PNG option is not longer ahead of its time! change_end 98.1 3. Segmentation of large documents If you wish to use this feature, you will have to upgrade your LATEX to LATEX2e. Some other hyperlinking features also require LATEX2e. 4. Transparent inlined images If you dislike the white background color of the generated inlined images then you should get either the netpbm library (instead of the older pbmplus ) or install the giftrans filter by Andreas Ley . LATEX2HTML now supports the shareware program giftool (by Home Pages, Inc., version 1.0), too. It can also create interlaced GIFs. If Ghostscript or the netpbm library are not available, it is still possible to use the translator with the -no_images option. If you intend to use any of the special features of the translator then you have to include the html.sty file in any LATEX documents that use them. Since by default the translator makes use of inlined images in the final HTML output, it would be better to have a viewer which supports the tag, such as NCSA Mosaic or Netscape Navigator. change_begin 97.1 Any browser which claims to be compatible with HTML 3.2 should meet this requirement. change_end 97.1 If only a character-based browser, such as lynx , is available, or if you want the generated documents to be more portable, then the translator can be used with the -ascii_mode option. 2.1.2 Installing LATEX2HTML change_begin 98.1 To install LATEX2HTML you MUST do the following: 1. Specify where Perl is on your system. In each of the files latex2html , texexpand , pstoimg , install-test and makemap , modify the first line saying where Perl is on your system. Some system administrators do not allow Perl programs to run as shell scripts. This means that you may not be able to run any of the above programs. In this case change the first line in each of these programs from #!/usr/local/bin/perl to: # *-*-perl-*-* eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"' if $running_under_some_shell; 2. Copy the files to the destination directory. Copy the contents of the texinputs/ directory to a place where they will be found by LATEX, or set up your TEXINPUTS variable to point to that directory. 3. Run install-test . This Perl script will make some changes in the latex2html file and then check whether the path-names to any external utilities required by latex2html are correct. It will not actually install the external utilities. install-test asks you whether to configure for GIF or PNG image generation. Finally it creates the file which houses pathnames for the external utilities determined earlier. You might need to make install-test executable before using it. Use chmod +x install-test to do this. You may also need to make the files pstogif , texexpand , configure-pstoimg and latex2html executable if install-test fails to do it for you. 4. If you like so, copy or move the latex2html executable script to some location outside the $LATEX2HTMLDIR directory. 5. You might want to edit latex2html.config to reflect your needs. Read the instructions about $ICONSERVER carefully to make sure your HTML documents will be displayed right via the Web server. While you're at it you may want to change some of the default options in the same file. If you do a system installation for many users, only care for general aspects and let the user override them with $HOME/.latex2html-init. Note that you must run install-test now (formerly you needn't). If you want to reconfigure LATEX2HTML for GIF/PNG image generation, or because some of the external tools changed the location, simply rerun configure-pstoimg . change_end 98.1 ___________________________________ This is usually enough for the main installation, but you may also want to do some of the following, to ensure that advanced features of LATEX2HTML work correctly on your system: * To use the new LATEX commands which are defined in html.sty : Make sure that LATEX knows where the html.sty file is, either by putting it in the same place as the other style-files on your system, or by changing your TEXINPUTS shell environment variable, or by copying html.sty into the same directory as your LATEX source file. The environment variable TEXINPUTS is not to be confused with the LATEX2HTML installation variable $TEXINPUTS described next. * There is an installation variable in latex2html.config called $TEXINPUTS , which tells LATEX2HTML where to look for LATEX style-files to process. It can also affect the input-path of LATEX when called by LATEX2HTML, unless the command latex is really a script which overwrites the $TEXINPUTS variable prior to calling the real latex . This variable is overridden by the environment variable of the same name if it is set. * The installation variable $PK_GENERATION specifies which fonts are used in the generation of mathematical equations. A value of ``0'' causes the same fonts to be used as those for the default printer. Because they were designed for a printer of much greater resolution than the screen, equations will generally appear to be of a lower quality than is otherwise possible. To cause LATEX2HTML to dynamically generate fonts that are designed specifically for the screen, you should specify a value of ``1'' for this variable. If you do, then check to see whether your version of dvips supports the command-line option -mode . If it does, then also set the installation variable $DVIPS_MODE to a low resolution entry from , such as toshiba . It may also be necessary to edit the MakeTeXPK script, to recognise this mode at the appropriate resolution. change_begin 97.1 If you have PostScript fonts available for use with LATEX and dvips then you can probably ignore the above complications and simply set $PK_GENERATION to ``0'' and $DVIPS_MODE to "" (the empty string). You must also make sure that gs has the locations of the fonts recorded in its file. This should already be the case where GS-Preview is installed as the viewer for .dvi-files, using the PostScript fonts. change_end 97.1 If dvips does not support the -mode switch, then leave $DVIPS_MODE undefined, and verify that the .dvipsrc file points to the correct screen device and its resolution. * The installation variable $AUTO_PREFIX allows the filename-prefix to be automatically set to the base filename-prefix of the document being translated. This can be especially useful for multiple-segment documents. * The makemap script also has a configuration variable $SERVER , which must be set to either CERN or NCSA, depending on the type of Web-server you are using. * To set up different initialization files: For a ``per user'' initialization file, copy the file dot.latex2html-init in the home directory of any user that wants it, modify it according to her preferences and rename it as .latex2html-init . At runtime, both the latex2html.config file and $HOME/.latex2html-init file will be loaded, but the latter will take precedence. You can also set up a ``per directory'' initialization file by copying a version of .latex2html-init in each directory you would like it to be effective. An initialization file /X/Y/Z/.latex2html-init will take precedence over all other initialization files if /X/Y/Z is the ``current directory'' when LATEX2HTML is invoked. Warning: This initialization file is incompatible with any version of LATEX2HTML prior to V96.1. Users must either update this file in their home directory, or delete it altogether. * To make your own local copies of the LATEX2HTML icons: Please copy the icons/ subdirectory to a place under your WWW tree where they can be served by your server. Then modify the value of the $ICONSERVER variable in latex2html.config accordingly. change_begin 97.1 Alternatively, a local copy of the icons can be included within the subdirectory containing your completed HTML documents. This is most easily done using the -local_icons command-line switch, or by setting $LOCAL_ICONS to ``1'' in latex2html.config or within an initialization file, as described above. change_end 97.1 Warnings: If you cannot do that, bear in mind that these icons will have to travel from Livermore, California!!! Also note that several more icons were added in V96.1 that were not present in earlier versions of LATEX2HTML. * To make your own local copy of the LATEX2HTML documentation: This will also be a good test of your installation. Firstly, to obtain the .dvi version for printing, from within the docs/ directory it is sufficient to type: make manual.dvi This initiates the following sequence of commands: latex manual.tex makeindex -s manual.idx makeindex -s -o manual.gls manual.glo latex manual.tex latex manual.tex which the two configuration files and for the makeindex program, are used to create the index and glossary respectively. The 2nd run of latex is needed to assimilate references, etc. and include the index and glossary. (In case makeindex is not available, a copy of its outputs manual.ind and manual.gls are included in the docs/ subdirectory, along with manual.aux .) The 3rd run of latex is needed to adjust page-numbering for the Index and Glossary within the Table-of-Contents. Next, the HTML version is obtained by typing: make manual.html This initiates a series of calls to LATEX2HTML on the separate segments of the manual; the full manual is thus created as a ``segmented document'' (see a later section). The whole process may take quite some time, as each segment needs to be processed at least twice, to collect the cross-references from other segments. The files necessary for correct typesetting of the manual to be found within the docs/ subdirectory. They are as follows: + style-files: l2hman.sty , html.sty , htmllist.sty , justify.sty , changebar.sty and url.sty + inputs: changes.tex , credits.tex , features.tex , hypextra.tex , licence.tex , manhtml.tex , manual.tex , overview.tex , problems.tex , support.tex and userman.tex + sub-directory: psfiles/ containing PostScript graphics used in the printed version of this manual + images of small curved arrows: up.gif , dn.gif + filename data: l2hfiles.dat + auxiliaries: manual.aux , manual.ind , manual.gls The last three can be derived from the others, but are included for convenience. * change_begin 98.1 To get a printed version of the `Changes' section: Due to the burgeoning size of the Changes file with successive revisions of LATEX2HTML, the `Changes' section is no longer supported for the manual. Please refer to text file Changes instead which is part of the distribution. change_end 98.1 * To join the community of LATEX2HTML users: More information on a mailing list, discussion archives, bug reporting forms and more is available at ml 2.2 Getting Support and More Information A LATEX2HTML mailing list has been set up at the TeX Users Group. The LATEX2HTML mailing list archive is available. (Thanks to Ian Foster and Bob Olson .) To join send a message to: with the contents: subscribe To be removed from the list send a message to: with the contents: unsubscribe The mailing list also has a searchable online archive at It is recommendable to start with that URL first, to get in touch with the topics actually discussed and to search for articles related with your interests. Enjoy! 3. Known Problems _________________________________________________________________ Here are some of the problems that were known to exist with previous versions of LATEX2HTML. Most of those that were real errors are either fixed completely in the current version (V98.1), or are much less likely to occur within correct LATEX source. (Some are not really errors but indications of poor style in the user's choices among various ways to organise their source code.) Several are indeed limitations inherent in the way LATEX2HTML currently performs its processing. * Correctness and Efficiency: The translator cannot be guaranteed to perform as expected. Several aspects of the implementation need optimisation and improvement. Apart from possible bugs the translator may place heavy demands on your resources. change_begin 97.1 The current version works much more efficiently than previous versions; many subtle bugs have been identified and eliminated. change_end 97.1 change_begin 98.1 The process of command substitution has been improved significantly, resulting in memory savings and faster document text translation. change_end 98.1 * Unrecognised Commands and Environments: Unrecognised commands are ignored and any arguments are left in the text. Unrecognised environments are passed to LATEX and the result is included in the document as one or more inlined images. change_begin 97.1 There are very few standard LATEX commands that are not recognised. Many common TEX commands are recognised also, even though not explicitly mentioned in the LATEX #!lamp:latex!#. Any aberrant commands should be reported to the LATEX2HTML mailing list. change_end 97.1 * Cross-references: References in environments that are passed to LATEX for processing (e.g. a \cite, or a \ref command), are not processed correctly. \label commands are handled correctly. change_begin 97.1 All citation, reference and label commands should work correctly now. Report any problems to the LATEX2HTML mailing list. change_end 97.1 * Order-Sensitive Commands: Commands which affect global parameters during the translation, and are sensitive to the order in which they are processed may not be handled correctly. In particular, counter manipulation (e.g. \newcounter, \setcounter, \stepcounter, etc.) commands may cause problems. change_begin 97.1 Counter commands now work correctly; dependencies are also implemented. change_end 97.1 * Index: The translator generates its own index by saving the arguments of the \index command. The contents of the theindex environment are ignored. change_begin 97.1 This remains true. When using the makeidx package, very sophisticated Indexes can be built automatically. The Index for this manual is a good example. change_end 97.1 * New Definitions: New definitions (\newcommand, \newenvironment, \newtheorem and \def), will not work as expected if they are defined more than once. Only the last definition will be used throughout the document. change_begin 97.1 This remains true. Stylistically it is bad to declare new environments or theorems outside of the document preamble, so these should cause no problems anyway. Changes to commands using \def or \renewcommand should usually be made only locally, within special environments, to set a needed parameter; e.g. a basic length in a picture environment. But when such environments force an image to be generated, then LATEX will make the correct redefinition. change_end 97.1 * Scope of declarations and environments: If the scope of a declaration or environment crosses section boundaries, then the output may not be as expected, because each section is processed independently. change_begin 97.1 This is inherent to the way LATEX2HTML does its processing. It will not be fixed until later versions change this strategy; e.g. when LATEX2HTML-NG becomes fully integrated. change_end 97.1 * Math-mode font-size changes: Math-mode font changes made outside the math-mode are not honoured. Thus the two equations in $a_b$ and {\LARGE $a_b$} would come out looking the same. The trick is to write $a_b and $\mbox{\LARGE $a_b$}$. change_begin 97.1 This remains. The work-around is effective. change_end 97.1 3.1 Troubleshooting Here are some curable symptoms: * Cannot run any of the Perl programs: If your Perl installation is such that Perl programs are not allowed to run as shell scripts you may be unable to run latex2html , texexpand , pstoimg and install-test . In this case change the first line in each of these programs from #!/usr/local/bin/perl to : # *-*-perl-*-* eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"' if $running_under_some_shell; * The install-test script gives uninformative error messages: If, for any reason, you have trouble running install-test , do not despair. Most of what it does is to do with checking your installation rather than actually installing anything. To do a manual installation just change the variable $LATEX2HTMLDIR in the beginning of the file latex2html to point to the directory where the LATEX2HTML files can be found. Also, make sure that the files pstoimg , texexpand and latex2html are executable; if necessary use the Unix chmod command to make them executable. * It just stops. Check the style files that you are using. It is possible that you are using a style file which contains raw TEX commands. In such a case start LATEX2HTML with the option -dont_include . Alternatively, add the name of the style to the variable $DONT_INCLUDE in your $HOME/.latex2html-init file. If you don't have such a file then create one and add the lines: $DONT_INCLUDE = "$DONT_INCLUDE" . ":