1995年 ILC-TRC報告
WG6, 1995年12月4日付の報告書(真の最終版)(PS,32ページ、376kB)
以下に、ワーキンググループのまとめ役であるRon Settles氏からの手紙を添えます。
Dear Experimentation-Working-Group Friends,
Now, this is really the final version of our TRC chapter,
because it has now been approved by the Reading Committee and
final details included. Please throw away all previous versions
of our report, because not only have cosmetics of the text been
changing, but mainly we (Daniel Schulte) have been iterating on
the Tables 3 and 4 of the relevant machine characteristics.
These numbers have been changing as we have improved our understanding,
and as they are now is the state of the art; thus the request to
throw away old versions, to avoid confusion in the world discussion
that might arise by someone pulling out an old number that has
been superceded. Of course our understanding will evolve in future
and such numbers will also, but this is it for now, and this is
the way they will appear in the TRC document.
Many thanks to all of you for your help, and my apologies
that it took so long and that I sent you so many of the iterations.
Feel free to use any of this for any reports you may be involved in
(but please give an appropriate reference).
Looking forward to seeing you at the next linear collider
Best regards,
WG6, 1995年10月9日付の報告書(最終版)(PS,32ページ、376kB)
WG6, 1995年7月31日付の報告書のドラフト(PS,33ページ、385kB)
WG6, 1995年7月15日付の報告書のドラフト(PS,31ページ、382kB)
WG6, 1995年5月23日付の報告書のドラフト(PS,15ページ、578kB)
田内利明, 1995年6月29日の第3回物理ミーティングで発表されたトラペン
(レポートの要約) (PS,15ページ、58kB)