Data Summary of JLC-CDC group

This page summarizes data of the beam and cosmic-ray test.

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Beam Test Schedule
Datum Summary

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Beam Test Schedule

Data Summary

  • Beam Test at KEK-Tanashi.

    Run##eventsTriggerTargetChamber PositionComments
    21 100 trigger counter * 2 cosmic-ray, cell1
    22 265 trigger counter * 2 change FADC stop signal delay(16.5 (us) -> 20.5 (us)), cosmic-ray, cell1
    23 100 trigger counter * 2 cosmic-ray, cell2
    24 100 trigger counter * 2 cosmic-ray, cell3
    25 500 trigger counter * 2 change FADC stop signal delay #1~6->16.5(us) #7~10->16.1(us) #11~12->20.5 (us), cosmic-ray
    30 100 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 single track
    31 100 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 single track, senseH.V.=2.8kV
    32 100 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 single track, senseH.V.=2.5kV
    33 100 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 single track, #1 disconnected, #7&8 wrong thres.
    34 100 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 single track, #1 disconnected
    35 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.8cm(2.5cm) single track
    36 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.3cm(3.0cm) single track
    37 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 36.8cm(3.5cm) single track
    38 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 38.3cm(2.0cm) single track
    39 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 38.8cm(1.5cm) single track
    40 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.8cm(2.5cm) single track
    41 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.3cm(0.0cm) single track, cell1 T0 run
    42 622 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.8cm(2.5cm) single track
    43 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 36.3cm(4.0cm) single track
    44 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 35.8cm(4.5cm) single track
    45 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 35.3cm(5.0cm) single track, cell2 T0 run
    46 693 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 39.3cm(1.0cm) single track, #7&8 change pedestal
    47 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 39.3cm(1.0cm) single track, #7&8 change thres.
    48 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 39.8cm(0.5cm) single track
    49 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.3cm(2.5cm) single track, cell1 T0 run
    50 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 35.3cm(5.0cm) single track, cell2 T0 run
    51 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 42.8cm(2.5cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    52 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 41.3cm(1.0cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    53 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 44.3cm(4.0cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    54 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 45.3cm(5.0cm) single track, cell1&3 read out, cell3 T0 run
    55 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 45.0cm(5.0cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    56 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.0cm(0.3cm) measurement failed!! (Disk error)
    57 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 42.0cm(1.7cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    58 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.0cm(0.3cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    59 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 43.8cm(2.5cm) single track, cell1&3 read out
    60 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.0cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=30, single track, cell1&3 read out
    61 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 38.3cm(wire#3:4.5cm) phi=30, single track, cell1&3 read out
    62 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 41.7cm(wire#3:0.5cm) phi=30, single track, cell1&3 read out
    63 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 39.4cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=20, single track, cell1&3 read out
    64 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 41.3cm(wire#3:0.5cm) phi=20, single track, cell1&3 read out
    65 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(wire#3:4.5cm) phi=20, single track, cell1&2 read out
    66 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 38.6cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=10, single track, cell1&2 read out
    67 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 36.6cm(wire#3:4.5cm) phi=10, single track, cell1&2 read out
    68 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.6cm(wire#3:0.5cm) phi=10, single track, cell1&3 read out
    69 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) failure
    70 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) failure
    71 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) single track, cell1&2 read out
    72 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) theta=30, single track
    73 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) theta=20, single track
    74 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) theta=10, single track
    75 222 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track, F10 trip
    76 178 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    77 24 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    78 31 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    79 626 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    80 462 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    81 361 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    82 954 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    83 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track
    84 689 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 36.0cm(4.0cm) double track
    85 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 36.0cm(4.0cm) double track
    86 588 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 36.0cm(4.0cm) double track
    87 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.0cm(1.0cm) double track, F10 trip
    88 476 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.0cm(1.0cm) double track
    89 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.0cm(1.0cm) double track
    90 351 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.0cm(1.0cm) double track
    91 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.0cm(1.0cm) double track
    92 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 36.0cm(4.0cm) double track
    93 504 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 36.0cm(4.0cm) double track
    94 1252 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(wire#3:4.5cm) phi=20, double track
    95 1500 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(wire#3:4.5cm) phi=20, double track
    96 1500 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.4cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=20, double track, cell1&3 read out
    97 477 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.4cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=20, double track, cell1&3 read out, near 2-hit
    98 700 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 39.4cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=20, double track, cell1&3 read out, near 2-hit
    99 1500 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 38.6cm(wire#3:2.5cm) phi=10, double track, cell1&2 read out, near 2-hit
    100 1000 16ch.hodoscope(OR9-16), T1, T2 2mm-thick Al 37.5cm(2.5cm) double track, near 2-hit
    101 1000 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 37.5cm(2.5cm) single track
    102 16ch.hodoscope, T1, T2 40.0cm(0.0cm) single track, stop
    103 1000 16ch.hodoscope(vertical-OR), T1, T2 40.0cm(0.0cm) single track, cell1 T0 run
    104 1000 16ch.hodoscope(vertical-OR), T1, T2 35.0cm(5.0cm) single track, cell2 T0 run
    105 1000 16ch.hodoscope(vertical-OR), T1, T2 45.2cm(5.0cm) single track, cell3 T0 run, cell1&3 read out
    106 3139 trigger counter * 2 cosmic-ray, cell1&2 read out

  • Cosmic-Ray test at KEK.

    Run##eventsTriggerTargetChamber PositionComments
    642 100 Clock pedestal run, att.=8dB
    656 100 trigger counter*3 trigger counter H.V. module change
    663 100 trigger counter*3 cable change
    665 5000 trigger counter*3
    677 1000 trigger counter*3 CAMAC-PC cable shield change
    681 100 Clock pedestal run
    682 1000 trigger counter*3
    683 5000 trigger counter*3
    685 1000 trigger counter*3 wire#1-8
    686 1000 trigger counter*3 wire#3-10
    687 5000 trigger counter*3 gas:200cc/min., wire#1-8
    688 535 trigger counter*3 gas:100cc/min.
    689 5000 trigger counter*3
    690 5000 trigger counter*3
    691 1000 trigger counter*3 shield H.V.=-1.675kV
    692 5000 trigger counter*3 did not push "stop bottun" (no [EOF])
    693 5000 trigger counter*3
    694 1000 trigger counter*3
    695 100 Clock pedestal run
    696 5000 trigger counter*3
    697 100 Clock pedestal run
    698 5000 trigger counter*3
    699 100 Clock pedestal run
    700 5000 trigger counter*3
    701 5000 trigger counter*3
    702 100 Clock pedestal run, att.=16dB
    703 1000 trigger counter*3 att.=16dB
    704 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=16dB
    705 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=8dB
    706 1000 trigger counter*3 O2 filter, att.=8dB
    707 5000 trigger counter*3 O2 filter, att.=8dB
    708 5000 trigger counter*3 O2 filter, att.=8dB
    709 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=16dB
    710 5000 trigger counter*3 O2 filter, att.=16dB
    711 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    712 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run", O2 filter, att.=13dB
    713 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    714 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    715 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    716 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    717 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    718 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    719 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    720 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    721 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    722 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    723 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    724 100 Clock O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    725 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    726 5000 trigger counter*3 "Normal run"
    727 100 Clock O2 monitor, O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    728 2250 trigger counter*3 O2:50ppm, O2 filter, att.=13dB
    729 4078 trigger counter*3 O2:50ppm, O2 filter, att.=13dB
    730 2048 trigger counter*3 O2:50ppm, O2 filter, att.=13dB
    732 100 Clock FADC#7,8 test, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    733 100 Clock FADC#7,8 test, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    734-751 100 Clock FADC#7,8 calibration data-taking
    752 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    753 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6, pedestal run, att.=16dB
    754 5000 trigger counter*3 O2:23.7ppm, O2 filter, att.=16dB
    755 100 Clock no O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=16dB
    756 5000 trigger counter*3 O2:49.7ppm, no O2 filter, att.=16dB
    757 100 Clock no O2 filter, pedestal run, att.=13dB
    758 5000 trigger counter*3 O2:49.7ppm, no O2 filter, att.=13dB
    759 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6,7,8 test run
    760 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6, pedestal run
    761 5000 trigger counter*3 FADC#3,2,1,6, O2:73.6ppm, no O2 filter, att.=13dB
    762 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6,7,8, pedestal run
    763 1000 trigger counter*3 FADC#3,2,1,6,7,8, O2:75.3ppm, no O2 filter, att.=13dB
    764 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6,8,7, pedestal run, remote control test
    766 100 Clock FADC#10,11,8,5, pedestal run
    767-776 100 Clock FADC#10,11,8,5 calibration data-taking
    777 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6,10,5, ADC#1,2,3, pedestal run
    778 1000 trigger counter*3 FADC#3,2,1,6,10,5, ADC#1,2,3, O2:86ppm, no O2 filter, att.=13dB
    779 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6,10,5, ADC#1,2,3, pedestal run
    780 100 Clock FADC#3,2,1,6,10,5, ADC#1,2,3, pedestal run
    781 1000 trigger counter*3 FADC#3,2,1,6,10,5, ADC#1,2,3, O2:74.3ppm, no O2 filter, att.=13dB
    782 1000 Hod1OR&TC1, 90Sr 32ch.hodoscope test, thres.50mV
    783 1000 Hod1OR&Hod2OR(ch#13-16), 90Sr 32ch.hodoscope test
    784 1000 Hod1OR&Hod2OR(ch#6-9), cosmic 32ch.hodoscope test
    785 1000 Hod1OR&Hod2OR(ch#6-9), cosmic 32ch.hodoscope test, amp. gain:20
    786 1000 Hod1OR&Hod2OR(ch#6-9), cosmic 32ch.hodoscope test, thres.100mV
    787 100 Clock pedestal run
    788 893 TC1&TC2, cosmic 32ch.hodoscope test
    789 53 TC1&TC2, cosmic 32ch.hodoscope test, TC1,TC2->amp.(*8)->att.6dB->ADC(ch#34,35)
    790 58 TC1&TC2, cosmic 32ch.hodoscope test, TC1,TC2->amp.(*8)->att.6dB->ADC(ch#34,35)
    791 56 TC1&TC2, cosmic counter test, TC1,TC2,ELC1 -> att.12dB -> amp.(*8) -> ADC(ch#35,34,36)

  • Two-Track Separation Exp. at Hiroshima-univ.

    Run##eventsTriggerTargetChamber PositionComments
    830 300 T1(s).T2(s).CsI 1mm-thick Pb 6.1cm (0cm) single track, cell1 T0 run
    832 300 T1(s).T2(s).CsI 1mm-thick Pb 11.1cm (5cm) single track, cell2 T0 run
    833 1000 T1(s).T2(s).CsI 1mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) single track run
    834 1000 T1(d).T2(s).CsI 1mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) double track
    835 2000 T1(d).T2(s).CsI 1mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) double track
    836 2000 T1(d).T2(s).CsI 1mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) double track
    837 2000 T1(d).T2(s).CsI 0.5mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) double track
    838 100 Clock pedestal run
    840 1000 T1(d).T2(s).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) double track
    841 2000 T1(d).T2(d) 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.6cm (2.5cm) 2-track for T1/2 but w/o CsI
    842 1000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.6cm (2.5cm) restored CsI, two-track run
    843 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.6cm (2.5cm) two-track run
    844 1000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.6cm (2.5cm) two-track run
    845 355 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.6cm (2.5cm) two-track run
    846 100 Clock pedestal run
    847 100 Clock pedestal run
    848 1000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 9.6cm (3.5cm) two-track run
    849 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 9.6cm (3.5cm) two-track run
    850 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) two-track run
    851 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) two-track run
    852 100 Clock pedestal run
    853 100 Clock pedestal run
    854 100 Clock pedestal run
    855 100 Clock pedestal run
    856 500 T1(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 7.1cm (1cm) 1st run w/hodoscopes
    857 374 T1(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2cm) 1st run w/hodoscopes
    858 501 T1(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2cm) H1(att +20dB for H1sum for ADC)
    859 366 T1(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2cm) H1(H1sum thresh. 150mV)
    860 1828 T1(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2cm) H1(H1sum thresh. 150mV & att +20dB)
    861 100 Clock pedestal run
    862 100 Clock pedestal run
    863 500 T1(d).T2(s).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) restored T2(T2 thresh. 30mV & att +0dB), H1(H1sum thresh. 150mV & att +20dB)
    864 500 T1(d).T2(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) T2(T2 thresh. 80mV & att +13dB), H1(H1sum thresh. 30mV & att +20dB)
    865 500 T1(d).T2(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.5mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) moved T2(T2 thresh. 80mV & att +13dB), H1(H1sum thresh. 150mV & att +20dB)
    866 266 T1(d).T2(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.5mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) T2(T2 thresh. 80mV & att +13dB), H1(H1sum thresh. 150mV & att +20dB)
    867 100 Clock pedestal run
    868 100 Clock pedestal run
    869 500 T1(d).T2(d).H1sum.H2or.CsI 0.5mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) CsI(CsI thresh. 30mV & att. 12dB), T2(T2 thresh. 80mV & att +13dB), H1(H1sum thresh. 150mV & att +20dB)
    870 1000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) two-track run
    871 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) two-track run
    872 561 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) two-track run
    873 100 Clock pedestal run
    874 100 Clock pedestal run
    875 1000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) theta = 30, two-track run
    876 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) theta = 30, two-track run
    877 2000 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) theta = 30, two-track run
    878 1300 T1(d).T2(d).CsI 0.25mm-thick Pb 8.1cm (2.5cm) theta = 30, two-track run
    879 100 Clock pedestal run

  • Two-Track Separation Exp. with UV laser at KEK(Fuji-B4).

    Run##eventsTriggerTargetChamber PositionComments
    881 100 Clock pedestal run
    882 100 Clock pedestal run
    883 2000 trigger counter*3 Cosmic-ray test
    888 100 photo diode pedestal run
    889 500 photo diode shield H.V.=0kV
    890 500 photo diode shield H.V.=0kV
    891 500 photo diode shield H.V.=-1.675kV, retake for run890
    892 500 photo diode shield H.V.=-1.675kV, retake for run889
    893 100 photo diode pedestal run
    895 365 photo diode test run
    896 500 photo diode 2.13cm test run
    897 500 photo diode 2.63cm test run
    900-915 50 Clock FADC#4,5,8,10,11 calibration data-taking
    916 500 photo diode 2.13cm single beam, FADC#4,11,8,10,5
    917 500 photo diode 2.63cm single beam
    918 500 photo diode 3.13cm single beam
    919 500 photo diode 3.63cm single beam
    920 500 photo diode 4.13cm single beam
    921 500 photo diode 4.63cm single beam
    922 500 photo diode 1.63cm single beam
    923 500 photo diode 1.13cm single beam
    924 500 photo diode 0.63cm single beam
    925 500 photo diode 0.13cm single beam
    926 100 photo diode pedestal run
    927 100 photo diode pedestal run
    928 500 photo diode 3.13cm theta = 0, single beam
    929 500 photo diode 3.13cm theta = 30, single beam
    930 500 photo diode 3.13cm theta = 20, single beam
    931 500 photo diode 3.13cm theta = 10, single beam
    932 500 photo diode 3.13cm theta = 0, single beam
    933 500 photo diode 2.85cm (wire#3:2.91cm) phi = 10, single beam
    934 500 photo diode 1.625cm (wire#3:1.71cm) phi = 18, single beam
    935 500 photo diode 0.08cm single beam, cell1 T0 run
    936 500 photo diode 4.99cm single beam, cell2 T0 run
    937 100 photo diode pedestal run
    940-950 50-100 Clock TDC test
    954 100 photo diode pedestal run
    955 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam
    956 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam(only near the sense wire of cell1)
    957 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam(only far the sense wire of cell1)
    958 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60%<-only far the sense wire of cell1)
    959 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 50%<-only far the sense wire of cell1)
    960 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 40%<-only far the sense wire of cell1)
    961 500 photo diode 1.88cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 20%<-only far the sense wire of cell1)
    962 500 photo diode 0.12cm double beam, cell1 T0 run
    963 500 photo diode 4.68cm double beam, cell2 T0 run
    964 100 photo diode pedestal run
    965 500 photo diode 2.65cm mistake
    966 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,40%)
    967 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%)
    968 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1
    969 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only near the sense wire of cell1
    970 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:60%
    971 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:50%
    972 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:40%, reset was pushed
    973 500 photo diode 2.83cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:20%
    974 100 photo diode 0.05cm double beam, cell1 T0 run
    975 100 photo diode 4.68cm double beam, cell2 T0 run
    976 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%)
    977 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1
    978 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%)
    979 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1
    980 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1
    981 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only near the sense wire of cell1
    982 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only near the sense wire of cell1
    983 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:60%
    984 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:50%
    985 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:40%
    986 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1->ND:30%
    987 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), only far the sense wire of cell1
    988 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%)
    989 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 10
    990 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 20
    991 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 30
    992 500 photo diode 2.35cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%)
    993 500 photo diode 2.35cm (wire#3:3.38cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), phi = 10
    994 500 photo diode 1.50cm (wire#3:4.12cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), phi = 18
    995 500 photo diode 1.75cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%)
    996 500 photo diode 1.75cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 5
    997 500 photo diode 1.75cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 10
    998 500 photo diode 1.75cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 20
    999 500 photo diode 1.75cm (2.5cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), theta = 30
    1000 500 photo diode 1.50cm (wire#3:4.65cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), phi = 18
    1001 500 photo diode 1.00cm (wire#3:4.12cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), phi = 18
    1002 500 photo diode 1.00cm (wire#3:3.38cm) double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), phi = 10
    1003 500 photo diode 0.00cm double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), cell1 T0 run
    1004 500 photo diode 5.00cm double beam(ND filter = 60,50,30%), cell2 T0 run

    Back to CDC Home Page Oct 6, 2000