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5.3 Central Tracker R&Ds
Present Baseline Design ; Mini-cell jet-chamber with cool gas
Requirements and Performances
- Position Resolution better than 100micron
; See Angelina-san's
- Two-track separation
of 2mm
; See Angelina-san's
- Momentum Resolution of 0.01%Pt (with VTX constraint)
- z-resolution of a few mm
- Timing resoltion of a few nsec for A TRACK
- Full-simulator improvements
(See Miyamoto-san
and Hoshina-san's
Technical Feasibility
- Wire ; Location stability, Wire creep,
Radiation damage
- Gas ; Gain, Velocity, Lorentz angle, and
Space-charge effect
under development for beam-test this Autumn ;
200MHz, 10bit, 2k-word-depth, 4ch/VME-6U
- Charge division
to help pattern recognition of stereo wires.
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yoshiaki.fujii@kek.jp, July 10, 2002 at 5th ACFA LCWS at Tokyo