Phase-I -> Energy up Center-of-mass energy 0.5 -> 1.5 TeV Luminosity 5 -> >10 x10^33/cm^2/s Total length ~25 km Accelerating gradient 20~40 -> 120 MV/m Repetition rate 150 Hz Number of particles/bunch ~1 -> ~3 x10^10)BŒ Number of bunches/pulse 50~100 bunch Total wall-plug power <200 MW Normalized emittance Horizontal 5x10^-6 rad m Vertical 5x10^-8 rad m Beam spot size at interaction point Horizontal ~300 nm Vertical ~3 nm bunch length ~80 microns Energy loss due to beamstrahlung <10 %The JLC accelerator goes up in energy step by step through enforcements of high-power RF system including klystrons, etc.
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