Asian Committee for Future Accelerators


Accelerator-based science in Asia has made remarkable progress in the last two decades, and the trend will certainly continue into the next century. There already exist two electron-positron colliding machines ( BEPC/China and TRISTAN-KEKB/Japan ), a proton synchrotron ( PS/Japan ), and several electron storage rings used as light sources ( BSRF and HLS/China, Photon Factory and SPring8 /Japan, PLS/Korea, TLS/Taiwan, and INDUS/India ). In addition, another storage ring is being built in Thailand. As a result, there are growing activities in Asia through the design, construction and operation of these accelerators, and experiments with them in the fields of particle physics, nuclear physics, materials and biological sciences. Accelerators have also become an indispensable instrument in medical and industrial applications.

Considering the current pace of development and the increasing role of accelerator-based science in the future, we find it timely to establish a forum, the Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA), to discuss and practice the means of further promoting accelerator-based science together in Asia.


The primary purpose of ACFA shall be to strengthen regional collaboration in accelerator-based science. In particular, ACFA seeks cooperative ways ACFA will carry out its business according to the following guiding principles:


  1. Activities
    ACFA can engage in the following activities:

  2. Membership

  3. Structure
    ACFA consists of the Plenary ACFA, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Deputy Secretary, and {\sl ad hoc} study groups.

  4. Plenary ACFA meeting

  5. Observers

  6. Amendments
    The Plenary ACFA may amend this document based on the consensus of the representatives.

  7. Termination
    A participating region of ACFA may terminate its participation by submitting a written statement to the Chairman.

  8. Contractual Obligation
    Participation in ACFA does not constitute a legal contractual obligation on the part of any of the participating regions.