------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00/08/30 K.Fujii JSF-1-15.29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removed dynamic loading of shared libraries from bases.C and sim.C because theay are now handled by jsf through JSF.SharedLibraries entry in jsf.conf. Fixed JSFSpring::ReadBases so as to call Userin before CopyHists, since CopyHists assumes existence of empty hists instantiated in Userin beforehand. Requires ROOT V2.25.02 or greater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00/08/24 K.Fujii JSF-1-15.26 and Physsim-2000a-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physsim-2000a-4 uses the standard gui.C and JSF.SharedLibraries key to load process-specific shard libraries. Requires ROOT V2.25.02 or greater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00/07/13 K.Fujii Moving to JSF-1-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Userin call from the ctor of XXBases has been removed, since it is called from JSF now. Physsim-2000a-3 requires JSF-1-15 or later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00/06/25 K.Fujii Moving to JSF-1-14 (Bases++) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physsim-2000a-2 is now compatible with JSF-1-14 using BASES++. This version requires JSF-1-14 or later and will not work with the older version. The conversion of the source code has been carried out with a dirty perl script: tobasesxx, which is a good documentation of what has to be done to move to BASES++. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00/05/10 K.Fujii Moving to ROOT v.2.24.04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEnv related classes have been modified and a member function Lookup became virtual that cased a problem overriding it with differing return type. As a temporary remedy, Lookup has been renamed to LookUp in JSF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99/10/30 K.Fujii Moving to ROOT v.2.23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Conversion Rules to 2.23 TRotMatrix ... and other classes in G3D_*.cxx suppose the existence of an instance of TGeometry object. This is the reason why JSFGUI stopped working since I switched to v.2.23. [1-1] Some member functions have been renamed in Pythia related classes. (e.g.) LuComp ---> Lucomp PyStat ---> Pystat To get version info from inside a root macro do: sscanf(gROOT->GetVersion(),"%d.%d/%d",&rootver,&rootmver,&rootplevel); Should use #if directive in programs for compilation in order to avoid undefined references. [1-2] GUI API changed a lot: TGXW ---> TVirtualX gGXW ---> gVirtualX [1-3] ROOT library structure drastically changed. Use root-config whenever possible. (e.g.) ROOTLIBS = $(shell root-config --libs) -lMinuit ROOTGLIBS = -lGui Once this is defined, we can expand them with += directive: (e.g.) ROOTLIBS += -lEGPythia -lEG -Wl,-u,pytest_ $(CERNLIBS) [2] Modified Files [2-1] Changes due to Pythia related modifications macro/InitPythia.C /PythiaZH.C example/demo/DemoPythia.C: /ZHStudy/zhsim.C LuComp(...) --> Lucomp(...) Int_t rootver, rootmver, rootplevel; sscanf(gROOT->GetVersion(),"%d.%d/%d",&rootver,&rootmver,&rootplevel); if (rootver >= 2 && rootmver >= 23) { Int_t kc=tpy->Lucomp(kf); // Get kc code for Higgs. } else { Int_t kc=tpy->LuComp(kf); // Get kc code for Higgs. } src/PythiaGenerator.cxx PyStat(...) --> Pystat(...) [2-2] Changes due to X related modifications example/guiexam1/InputDialog.c /JSFEnvGUIFrame.h /JSFEventDisplay.h /JSFGUIAnalysis.h /JSFGUIFrame.cxx /JSFGUIFrame.h GXW --> VirtualX: --> : gGXW->... --> gVirtualX->... [2-3] Changes due to geometry related modifications example/guiexam1/JSFEventDisplay.h #include .... TGeometry *fGeometry; example/guiexam1/JSFEventDisplay.cxx .... fGeometry = new TGeometry("jlc","jlc"); // in ctor .... delete fGeometry; // in dtor .... [2-4] Changes due to macro modifications src/JSFLCFULL.h EXTERN JSFLCFULL *gJSFLCFULL; --> R__EXTERN JSFLCFULL *gJSFLCFULL; /JSFSteer.h EXTERN JSFSteer *gJSF; --> R__EXTERN JSFSteer *gJSF; [2-5] Changes due to library reorganizations conf/makejsf.tmpl #if __ROOT_VERSION__ >= 2 && __ROOT_MINORVERSION__ >= 23 ROOTLIBS = $(shell root-config --libs) -lMinuit ROOTGLIBS = -lGui #endif example/ZHStudy/Imakefile /FFbarSpring/Imakefile /ww/Imakefile Renived RIITGKUBS macro. ROOTLIBS += -lEGPythia -lEG -Wl,-u,pytest_ $(CERNLIBS) example/CCDAnal/Imakefile example/guiexam1/Imakefile Removed ROOTLIBS and ROOTGLIBS macros. src/Imakefile Renived RIITGKUBS macro. ROOTLIBS += -lEGPythia -lEG -Wl,-u,pytest_ $(CERNLIBS) [2-6] Some bug fixes example/FFbarSpring/anal.C Fixed segfaults caused by missing type cast