2001/05/24    ROOT-3.01.03-CVS010522 on MacOS X Release

I've got an e-mail message from Fons Rademakers, one of the central members of the ROOT Team, that he fixed the problems with streamer generation for classes with enum type data members and with calling of custom streamers. In order to force ROOT to call a custom streamer, you need to specify splitlevel = -1 when you call the Branch method of TTree: appending - to the class name in LinkDef.h is no longer sufficient. It is a feature modification. I have confirmed that these problems are indeed absent from the CVS source tree.I got, however, a more serious problem: tutorials/benchmarks.C and test/hworld stopped working. I also got random EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors with my personal root applications. This happens only when you use the TrueType engine: TGX11TTF. It took me some time to realize that it's due to TGX11's copy constructor which is invoked in the initialization of TGX11TTF: the copy constructor copies pointers in a hash table, fColors, which point to XColor_t objects. These XColor_t objects are deleted when the TGX11 object is deleted immediately after the TGX11TTF object is initialized, thereby leaving some nonzero floating pointers. It looks like MacOS X tends to allocate the last freed space for a new object, so one of these floating pointers then ends up pointing to a wrong object. On other OSs, including Linux, the address assignment scheme is different and they tend to assign a fresh spece, thereby screening the problem. I reported this problem to Fons. As of today, if you want to use variants of v.3.01.03, you need this patch. A binary package built after applying this patch is root_v3.01.03-cvs010522-macosx.tar.gz.

As for the RPMs I have built for MacOS X Release, the following directories might be useful:


where you can find spec files, my private patches, source RPMs, and binary RPMs, respectively. Note that the RPMS directory contains two subdirectories, "ppc" for architecture-dependent binariy packages, while "noarch" for those architecture-independent. For those packages without real source RPMs or those provided only as tar balls, you can find the corresponding original source packages and my private patches in src. The binary tar balls are in tgz.

These packages have been tested on my machines (G3 Series PowerBook, aka Wallstreet and Ti PowerBook G4) but might not work on your platform. Install them thus at your own risk.

Notice also that new packages are under ~fujiik/macosx/10.0.X/, while the old ones built on Public Beta are directly under ~fujiik/macosx/ and will not be supported.

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