%define prefix /usr/local %define version 2.4m %define bltver 2.4 %define soext so %define mansec n %define manext %{mansec} Summary: japanized BLT%{version} Name: jp-blt Version: %{version} Release: 1a Source: ftp.tcltk.com/pub/blt/BLT%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: localhost:/blt%{version}_destdir.patch Patch1: localhost:/blt%{version}_demos.patch Patch2: localhost:/blt%{version}_jp.patch Copyright: BSD Group: Development/Languages/Tcl Packager: Keisuke Fujii BuildRoot: /tmp/blt-root %description Source package for japanized BLT%{versoin}. The binary packages include descriptions of the functionality provided by each portion of this package. %package -n jp-blt-devel Version: %{version} Summary: headers and static libraries Group: Development/Languages/Tcl %description -n jp-blt-devel The header files and static libraries are only needed for development of programs using the BLT library. %package -n jp-blt-demos Version: %{version} Summary: Deomonstartion Programs for Japanized BLT%{version} Group: Development/Languages/Tcl %description -n jp-blt-demos This is version %{version} of the BLT demonstration programs. %prep %setup -n blt%{version} %patch0 -p1 -b .destdir %patch1 -p1 -b .demos %patch2 -p1 -b .jp rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} %build ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} make DEFINES="-fsigned-char -DKANJI -DKINPUT2 -DXIM_IMPROVE" \ EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Wwrite-strings -Wshadow -Wtraditional -fwritable-strings" %install make install instroot=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT ln -s blt%{bltver} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib/blt ln -s libBLT.%{soext}.%{bltver} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib/libBLT.%{soext} (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/man/man%{mansec} mv bitmap.%{manext} bltbitmap.%{manext} mv tabset.%{manext} blttabset.%{manext} mv watch.%{manext} bltwatch.%{manext} ) (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/demos/scripts sed -e "s;\.\./src/bltwish;%{prefix}/bin/bltwish;g" xcolors.tcl \ > xcolors.tcl.mod chmod 555 xcolors.tcl.mod mv xcolors.tcl.mod xcolors.tcl ) %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %dir %{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/ %{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/blt* %{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/dd_* %{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/pkgIndex.tcl %{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/tclIndex %{prefix}/lib/blt %{prefix}/lib/libBLT.%{soext}.* %{prefix}/bin/bltwish %{prefix}/bin/bltwish%{bltver} %{prefix}/man/man%{mansec}/* %files -n jp-blt-devel %{prefix}/include/*.h %{prefix}/lib/libBLT.%{soext} %{prefix}/lib/libBLT.a %files -n jp-blt-demos %{prefix}/lib/blt%{bltver}/demos %changelog * Mon Aug 28 2000 Keisuke Fujii - version 2.4m with Tcl/Tk8.0.5jp * Mon Apr 12 1999 Keisuke Fujii - version 2.4h with Tcl7.6jp/Tk4.2jp * Thu Feb 11 1999 Keisuke Fujii - version 2.3 with Tcl7.6jp/Tk4.2jp