Summary: Postscript Converter to Various Graphic Formats Name: pstoedit %ifos hpux10 %define prefix /jlc/local %else %define prefix /usr %endif %define version 2.60 Version: %{version} Release: 2a Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/Graphics Source: pstoedit.%{version}.tar.gz Patch: pstoedit.%{version}-gs5.patch BuildRoot: /tmp/pstoedit-root Prefix: %{prefix} Packager: Keisuke Fujii %changelog * Wed Oct 28 1998 Keisuke Fujii - a dirty patch to make pstoedit work with gs5.50. - the patch probably makes it unable to handle pdf. - the problem with gs5.50 is that it does not allow to modify systemdict. * Fri May 15 1998 Keisuke Fujii - 1st release with v.2.60 %description pstoedit converts Postscript(TM) and PDF files to other vector graphic formats so that they can be edited graphically. The binary package has been extracted from Debian distributions. %prep %setup -n pstoedit.%{version} %patch -p1 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/bin mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/man/man1 %build cd src make %install cd src make install BINDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/bin MANDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/man %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %doc copying readme.txt news.txt %doc src/manual.html %{prefix}/bin/pstoedit %{prefix}/man/man1/pstoedit.1