JLC Computing on MacOS X


# cp /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/ppc/2.95.2/g2c.h /usr/local/include
# ln -s g2c.h /usr/local/include/f2c.h

$ export CVS_RSH=ssh
$ export CVSROOT=jlclogin:/proj/soft/CVSMASTER
$ export CERN_ROOT=/cern/pro
$ export ROOTSYS=/opt/root/pro
$ export LCLIBROOT=/proj/soft/lclib/pro
$ export JSFROOT=/proj/soft/jsf/pro


$ cd /proj/soft/lclib
$ cvs checkout lclib
$ mv lclib 2000-1
$ ln -s 2000-1 pro
$ cd pro
$ vi config/lclib.tmpl
 .... added ifdef section for MacOSX
$ vi gen/Makefile
SHELL = /bin/bash # zsh didn't work
$ vi util/Makefile
SHELL = /bin/bash # zsh didn't work
$ vi util/tbschk/termlib.c
#ifdef __DARWIN__
#include "ncurses/curses.h"
#include "curses.h"
$ vi util/lcful/src/prblk1.F
   ---> presta and prrsta added to force ld to link these commons, otherwise they became undefined upon linking of JSF
$ make


First get current JSF source files via CVS:

$ cd /proj/soft/jsf
$ cvs checkout jsf
$ mv jsf 1-16
$ ln -s 1-16 pro
$ cd pro

At this point, I had to make some modifications which include:

- conf/makejsf.tmpl :  MacOSX configs
 SOEXT  ---> so even for MacOSX (for bundle)
 DllSuf  ---> $(SOEXT)
 DylibSuf ---> so, sl, or dylib   (for shared libs)
 DYLDFLAGS ---> for shared libs
           = -dylib -r -nostartfiles (for MacOSX)
 SOFLAGS ---> for dynamically loadable modules (for bundle)
           = -bundle -undefined suppress (for MacOSX)
- conf/makespec : remove \n
- src/Imakefile
 DllSuf  ---> DylibSuf
- src/JSFGenerator.cxx
 Always create fParticles in ctor
- src/JSFHelicalTrack.h
 Remove static keyword from local vector objects defined in inline member  functions: otherwise, the compiler abends with "Can't emit relocs" errors:-(
- src/JSFHelicalTrack.cxx
 Added "static" to local globals
- src/JSFReadGenerator.{h,cxx}, JSFSIMDST.{h,cxx}
 vector-new is incompatible with big local arrays:-(
---> Had to separate array definitions and and vector-new by preparing private interface methods: otherwise I internal compiler error, saying something is out of range.
 This must be a compiler bug!
- src/JSFFULLGenerator.h
 fSpring --> //! or LinkDef.h as a temporary remedy
  ROOT V3 like Streamer does not work.
- src/jsfmain.cxx
 Invoke explicitly
 G__cpp_setupG__Pythia() and pydata_()
 in order to force linker to bind them into JSF: otherwise some important pythia  common blocks are left uninitialized.
- src/JSFFULLGenerator.h
- example/guiexam1/JSFEventDisplay.cxx
 In order to avoid random seg-faults, use
 fCanvas->Clear("d"); instead of fCanvas->Clear();
After the modification, just do

$ make install


First get current PHYSSIM source files via CVS:

$ cd /proj/soft/physsim
$ cvs checkout physsim
$ mv physsim 2000a
$ ln -s 2000a pro
$ cd pro

At this point, I had to make some modifications which include:

- Makefile   ---> SHELL = /bin/bash (sh = zsh doesn't work)
- config/kflib.tmpl : MacOSX configs
 Moved definition of ANALLIB and HELASV204 from individual Imakefiles:
  SOFLAGS : added install_name
  ROOTLIBS += -lEGPythia -lEG
  InstallSharedLibrary rule
- Anlib/src/ANLPairCombiner.h
 Added const key words to Compare to override virtual:
  Int_t Compare(const TObject *) const
- Anlib/examples/jsf/ww/4jet/WW4JAnalysis.cxx
 Found a bug:
  sol->Delete() should be removed, since its contents being W candidates will be deleted in dtor of ANLPairCombiner.
 Use SetOwner() for tracks and solutions.
 Cut stats mulfunctioned if no events left:
  "END" missing in the cut table titles.
- Individual generators in higgs, susy, top, twoph, and wz subdirectories :
 Imakefile ---> Remove ANALLIB definitions
   Added HELASV204 definitions
UserAnalysis.C if any : (ww, tt, and xcxc) :
---> Use SetOwner() for solutions and tracks and remove tracks.Delete(), etc.
---> Use new for ANLPairCombiner objects in local for loop scope: otherwise, dtor is called even when the loop is skipped:-(
---> This is probably a scope problem with CINT.

$ make


# vi /proj/soft/jsf/pro/conf/makejsf.tmpl
#  ifndef InstallSharedLibrary
#  define InstallSharedLibrary(libname,rev,dest)                        @@\
install:: Concat(lib,                                    @@\
 MakeDir($(DESTDIR)dest)                                         @@\
 @T=`echo Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib, | sed 's/\.[^\.]*$$//'`;\
 set -x; $(RM) $$T && $(LN) Concat(lib, $$T     @@\
 @if $(SOSYMLINK); then (set -x; \
 $(RM) Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,; \                @@\
 $(LN) Concat(lib, Concat($(DESTDIR)dest/lib,;
#  endif

$ cd baby
$ vi Makefile
SHELL = /bin/bash
$ vi src/Makefile
SHELL = /bin/bash
$ cd src
$ make
Back to Keisuke Fujii's HEP on X Page March 18, 2001