CERNLIB, Dis45, and TDR on MacOS X

Of course, you need to install X11 beforehand.

Preparation: lapack

Notice that as of CERNLIB v.2001, lapack routines have been removed from mathlib. You thus need to install the lapack and blas libraries:

# rpm -Uvh lapack-3.0-12c.ppc.rpm
# rpm -Uvh blas-3.0-12c.ppc.rpm

In addition if you want to use paw++, you need OpenMotif libraries:

# rpm -Uvh OpenMotif-2.2.2-1a.ppc.rpm
# rpm -Uvh OpenMotif-devel-2.2.2-1a.ppc.rpm

If you just want to use precompiled binary packages, go directly to  Installation subsection.

CERNLIB-2003 Building Procedure

Compilation Conditions
 MacOS X Release 10.3
Notice that as of CERNLIB v.2001, lapack routines have been removed from mathlib. One thus need to install the lapack and blas libraries as indicated above.

[0] Preparation

# cd /
# rm cern
# ln -s /Users/cernlib cern
# cd /cern
# for i in `ls <somewhere>/src_*.tar.gz`; do tar -zxvf $i; done

# cp <somewhere>/Inaccessible 2003/src
# ln -s 2003 new
# ln -s 2003 pro
# mkdir -p 2003/work
# chown fujiik:jlc 2003/work
# chown fujiik:jlc 2003
# cd 2003/src
# patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/cernlib-2003-macosx.patch
# patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/cernlib-2003-macosx.10.3.patch
# patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/cernlib-2003-macosx.O0.patch

# exit

where the last patch is to compile everything with -O0 (no optimization) for safety, though the situation with the tests described below was unaffected even without it.
Notice that the first patch has also been updated because of the following problems:

  1. The dlsym function in the system default libdl.dylib now looks for a symbol in the given dylib after putting a leading underscore to the symbol. This is the standard behavior, but different from that of the old dlcompat package for 10.2.The previous patch to pawlib/comis/code/csaddr.F became thus obsolete.
  2. The test programs for mclibs/lepto63 (demo.F, demo2.F) had to be patched to declare the lepto63 block data (LEPTOD) to be EXTERNAL. Otherwise, the block data would remain uninitialized and the program get in an infinite loop.

[1] Build

$ cd /cern/2003/
$ chown fujiik lib

$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/liblapack.a lib/liblapack3.a

$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/libblas.a lib/.

$ cd work

$ export CVSCOSRC=/cern/2003/src
$ mkdir ../bin

$ cp $CVSCOSRC/scripts/cernlib ../bin/
$ $CVSCOSRC/config/imake_boot
$ mkdir ../logs

$ make tree HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../logs/tree.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/tree.log
$ pushd packlib/kuip/programs/kuipc
$ make
$ make install.bin
$ popd
$ make HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../logs/make.log &

$ tail -f ../logs/make.log
$ cd packlib

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/packlib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/packlib.bin.log
$ cd ../pawlib

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/pawlib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/pawlib.bin.log
$ cd ../graflib

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/graflib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/graflib.bin.log
$ cd ../scripts

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/scripts.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/scripts.bin.log
$ cd ..
$ make install.include CERN_INCLUDEDIR=/cern/new/include \
  >& ../logs/install.include.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/install.include.log

[2] Tests

$ cd packlib
$ make test >& ../../logs/packlib.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/packlib.test.log
               ALL TESTS PASSED
$ cd ../mathlib
$ make test >& ../../logs/mathlib.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/mathlib.test.log
       ALL TESTS but C327 PASSED
$ cd ../graflib/higz/examples
$ make higzex
$ ./higzex
$ cd ../../../../src/pawlib/paw/demo
$ paw all.kumac
$ cd ../../../../work/mclibs
$ make test >& ../../logs/mclibs.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/mclibs.test.log
$ cd ../phtools

$ make test >& ../../logs/phtools.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/phtools.test.log
$ cd ../geant321

$ make test >& ../../logs/geant321.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/geant321.test.log

[3] Aftermath

# cd /home/cernlib
# chown -R root:wheel *
# mkdir 2003/tgz
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-bin.tar.gz 2003/bin
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-lib.tar.gz 2003/lib
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-include.tar.gz 2003/include

Installation of Binary Packages


To install, just expand the tarballs in whatever directory you want, for instance:

# ls <somewhere>
# mkdir /cern
# for i in <somewhere>/*; do tar -zxpvf $i -C /cern; done
# ln -s 2003 /cern/pro


# rpm -Uvh <somewhere>/dis45-1.36-3d.ppc.rpm


# rpm -Uvh <somewhere>/tdr-1.7-2c.ppc.rpm


# rpm -Uvh <somewhere>/topdraw-1.4d-1d.ppc.rpm

Back to Keisuke Fujii's HEP on X Page January13, 2004