Summary: Topdrawer - histgram display Name: topdraw %define version 1.4c %define _ugsversion 2.10d Version: %{version} Release: 1d %define PREFIX /usr Copyright: The Board of Trustees of the Leland, Stanford Junior University Group: Applications/Math Source0: Source1: Patch0: topdrawer%{version}-macosx.patch Patch1: ugs%{_ugsversion}-macosx.patch Patch2: topdrawer%{version}-td2ugs.patch Packager: Keifuke Fujii BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/td-root %description This is a port of Topdrawer 5.12 to Linux with a number of en- hanced features (most of them are the revival of ones lost in the FNAL version). Please report problems to okamu- This is a private release and is NOT of- ficially supported by Univ. of Tokyo or by RIKEN. The latest release is available from . %prep %setup -n topdraw-%{version} -q -c -a 1 cd topdrawer %ifos darwin %patch0 -p1 %endif %patch2 -p1 cd .. cd ugs %ifos darwin %patch1 -p1 %endif rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{PREFIX}/X11R6/bin %build cd ugs xmkmf -a make cd ../topdrawer xmkmf -a make cd .. %install cd topdrawer install -c -m 755 td $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{PREFIX}/X11R6/bin/ mv HINTS INSTALL* README* examples doc .. %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %{PREFIX}/X11R6/bin/td %doc HINTS INSTALL* README* examples doc %changelog * Fri Jan 09 2004 Keisuke Fujii 1.4c-1d - 1st release on MacOSX 10.3. * Mon Jul 15 2003 Keisuke Fujii - Separated macosx and td2ugs patches * Mon Jul 14 2003 Keisuke Fujii - X now works as subscript/superscript control * Tue Oct 9 2002 Keisuke Fujii - 1st release built on MacOS X 10.2