2001/05/09 with 10.0.02 and gcc-with-g77-2.95.2-1a 1) ranlib -s breaks libstdc++.a I got c++ -O -Xlinker -bind_at_load bench.o TBench.dylib -L/Users/fujiik/sandbox/mypkg/hep/root/build/3.01.00-cvs010508/lib -lCore -lCint -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript -lMatrix -lPhysics -lm -ldl -o bench /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols: __t23__malloc_alloc_template1i0.__malloc_alloc_oom_handler __t24__default_alloc_template2b0i0._S_end_free __t24__default_alloc_template2b0i0._S_free_list __t24__default_alloc_template2b0i0._S_heap_size __t24__default_alloc_template2b0i0._S_start_free make: *** [bench] Error 1 2) dst/usr/lib/gcc/darwin/2.95.2/libstdc++.a does not work. I got a lot of undefined symbols when I run root. This libstdc++.a has been created by $ libtool -o dst/usr/lib/gcc/darwin/2.95.2/libstdc++.a obj/ppc/libstdc++/libstdc++.a.2.10.0 $ strip -S dst/usr/lib/gcc/darwin/2.95.2/libstdc++.a 3) Without libtool -o and ranlib -s, it works! Found that ranlib is symlinked to libtool, so the problem is in libtool which has the modification date of May 2 (update 10.0.02?).