CERNLIB, Dis45, and TDR on MacOS X

Of course, you need to install X11 (XFree86 or Xtools) beforehand.

Preparation: libdl (dlopen, ...) by Christoph Pfisterer

MacOS X does not support SysV style dynamic loading facility like dlopen, etc., though the source package of cctools contains a wrapper for SysV compatibility. Christoph Pfisterer improved it to allow runtime setting of library search path via LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Notice also that as of CERNLIB v.2001, lapack routines have been removed from mathlib. One thus needs to install the lapack and blas libraries, too:

# rpm -ivh dlcompat-20010123-2a.ppc.rpm
# rpm -ivh lapack-3.0-12a.ppc.rpm
# rpm -ivh blas-3.0-12a.ppc.rpm

If you just want to use precompiled binary packages, go directly to  Installation subseciton.

CERNLIB-2001 Building Procedure

Compilation Conditions
 MacOS X Release 10.1
Notice that as of CERNLIB v.2001, lapack routines have been removed from mathlib. One thus need to install the lapack and blas libraries as indicated above.

[0] Preparation

# cd /
# rm cern
# ln -s /home/cernlib cern
# cd /cern
# for i in `ls <somewhere>/src_*.tar.gz`; do tar -zxvf $i; done

The following trick was necessary, because HFS+ is a case-insensitive file system:-(

# pushd 2001/src/mclibs/pdf/spdf
# for i in ctq4* ; do new=`echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z] | sed -e 's;\.f;.F;'`; if [ $new != $i ]; then mv $i $new; fi; done
# popd

# cp <somewhere>/Imakefile 2001/src
# ln -s 2001 new
# ln -s 2001 pro
# mkdir -p 2001/work
# chown fujiik:jlc 2001/work
# chown fujiik:jlc 2001
# cd src
# patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/cernlib-2001-macosx.patch

[1] Build

$ cd /cern/2001/

$ mkdir lib

$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/liblapack.a lib/.

$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/libblas.a lib/.

$ cd work
$ mkdir logs
$ export CVSCOSRC=/cern/2001/src
$ cp $CVSCOSRC/scripts/cernlib ../bin
$ CVSCOSRC/config/imake_boot
$ make tree HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../logs/tree.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/tree.log
$ cd packlib/kuip/programs/kuipc
$ make
$ make install.bin
$ cd /cern/2001/work$ make HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../logs/make.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/make.log$ cd packlib
$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/packlib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/packlib.bin.log$ cd ../pawlib
$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/pawlib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/pawlib.bin.log$ cd ../graflib
$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/graflib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/graflib.bin.log$ cd ../scripts
$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/scripts.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/scripts.bin.log
$ cd ..
$ make install.include CERN_INCLUDEDIR=/cern/new/include \
  >& ../logs/install.include.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/install.include.log

[2] Tests

$ cd ../packlib
$ make test >& ../../logs/packlib.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/packlib.test.log
               ALL TESTS PASSED!
$ cd ../mathlib
$ make test >& ../../logs/mathlib.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/mathlib.test.log
       ALL TESTS but C327 PASSED!
$ cd ../graflib/higz/examples
$ make higzex
$ ./higzex
$ cd ../../../../src/pawlib/paw/demo
$ paw all.kumac
$ cd ../../../../work/mclibs
$ make test >& ../../logs/mclibs.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/mclibs.test.log
$ cd ../phtools
$ make test >& ../../logs/phtools.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/phtools.test.log
$ cd ../geant321
$ make test >& ../../logs/geant321.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/geant321.test.log
                ALL TESTS PASSED!

[3] Aftermath

# cd /home/cernlib
# chown -R root:wheel *
# mkdir 2001/tgz
# tar -zcvf 2001/tgz/cernlib-2001-bin.tar.gz 2001/bin
# tar -zcvf 2001/tgz/cernlib-2001-lib.tar.gz 2001/lib
# tar -zcvf 2001/tgz/cernlib-2001-include.tar.gz 2001/include
# tar -zcvf 2001/tgz/cernlib-2001-share.tar.gz 2001/share

Installation of Binary Packages


To install, just expand the tarballs in whatever directory you want, for instance:

# ls <somewhere>
# mkdir /cern
# for i in <somewhere>/*; do tar -zxpvf $i -C /cern; done
# ln -s 2001 /cern/pro


# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/readline-4.1-8b.ppc.rpm
# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/ncurses-5.0-10b.ppc.rpm
# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/dis45-1.36-3b.ppc.rpm


# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/tdr-1.7-2a.ppc.rpm

Back to Keisuke Fujii's HEP on X Page March 18, 2001