@! @! jlc3T.com prepared in 25-January-2000 @! JLC detector parameter for 3 Tesla Solenoid field. @! 5 layers of intremideate tracker is also included. @! @!(Description) @! This is a sample input stream for the JLC quick detector simulator. @! Major detector parameters of this file are as follows. @! VTX : 4 layer from r=2.4 to 6.0cm @! 0.448 < Theta < Pi - 0.448 @! CDC : 45 cm < r < 155 cm, 50 sampling @! -155.0cm < z < 155.0 cm @! sigma-rphi= 85 micron m @! sigma-z = 0.3 cm @! ECL : dE/E = 15%/Sqrt(E) + 1% @! R=160cm, -190 cm < Z < 190cm (Barrel) @! 45cmNSMPVX+1, Hits of Inner tracker is @! created, with a spacial resolution different @! from VTX. See comments below about how to set @! parameters for Inner Tracker. @! 99/04/06 A.Miyamoto detect6.com is revised to have consistency @! with JIM and Background study @! 99/05/07 A.Miyamoto Thick ness of 1st VTX layer is changes from 0.0015 to 0.003 @!2000/01/25 A.Miyamoto Parameter set for 3T solenoid, with Intermideate tracker @! @! $Id: jlc3T.com,v 1.3 2000/01/25 08:01:25 miyamoto Exp $ @! @! Tracking device parameters. @! 1 314159 ! seed for smearing 2 30. ! B field (kG) ( dummy if Swimmer specifies B ) @! @! @! Tracking device parameters. @! 11 45. ! inner radius(cm) 12 155. ! outer radius(cm) 13 -155. ! Z-(cm) 14 155. ! Z+(cm) 15 50 ! # sampling points 16 10 ! cut on # sampling points 17 0.85E-2 ! sigma_(r-phi) 18 3.E-1 ! sigma_Z @! @! EM_calorimeter parameters. @! 31 252 ! # phi segments 32 90 ! # theta segments of barrel 33 29 ! # radial segments of endcap 34 45. ! inner radius(cm) 35 160. ! outer radius(cm) 36 -190. ! Z-(cm) 37 190. ! Z+(cm) 38 1.E-2 ! sigma_E/E pedestal for barrel 39 1.5E-1 ! sigma_E/E at 1 GeV 40 1.E-2 ! sigma_E/E pedestal for endcap 41 1.5E-1 ! sigma_E/E at 1 GeV @! @! HD_calorimeter parameters. @! 51 84 ! # phi segments 52 30 ! # theta segments of barrel 53 28 ! # radial segments of endcap 54 50. ! inner radius(cm) 55 190. ! outer radius(cm) 56 -190. ! Z-(cm) 57 190. ! Z+(CM) 58 1.E-2 ! sigma_E/E pedestal for barrel 59 4.E-1 ! sigma_E/E at 1 GeV 60 1.E-2 ! sigma_E/E pedestal for endcap 61 4.E-1 ! sigma_E/E at 1 GeV @! @! Vertex detector parameters. @! NSMPVX specifies # of measuring layers. Layer #0 is beampipe @! and layer #NSMPVX is CDC inner cylinder. A negative NSMPVX @! skips VTX simulation. @! @! ***** Caution ******************************************************* @! * Up to parameter #71 has a fixed format, while parameters #72 * @! * and after depend on NSMPVX. In the following, for instance, * @! * parameters #86-89 are for the CDC inner cylinder since NSMPVX * @! * is 3 here. If NSMPVX is 4, parameters #86-89 are for 3-rd VTX * @! * layer and the CDC inner cylinder parameters becom #90-93. * @! ********************************************************************* @! * 24-Dec-1998 : Data format is changed to allow gaussian error. @! * When word #70 (NERRVX) is 1, VTX space point is digitized by the @! * size of pixel ( phi and z pitch ). If NERRVX is 2, VTX Space @! * point is smeared by gaussian, whose standard deviation is given by @! * the word following CDC inner cylynder section. @! ********************************************************************* @! * 29-March-1999 : Add NERRVTX=3 format. @! * # of sampling layer is a sum of sampling layers of VTX and that of @! * inner tracker. Number of VTX layer must be greater than 2, since @! * they are used to create smeared VTX:Track_Parameters. @! * If NSMPVX+1 > NUMVTX, hit points for Inner Tracker are created and @! * stored in the bank, Production:IT;Hit_Points. @! * Spacing between VTX sampling layer must be equal since it is assumed @! * in the routine to create VTX Smeared track. @! ********************************************************************* @! 70 3 ! NERRVX Type of parameter format 71 10 ! # sampling layers + 1 = NSMPVX 72 4 ! NUMVTX Number of VTX layers ( those used for tracking) 73 4.E-4 ! r-phi resolution (cm) of VTX 74 4.E-4 ! Z resolution (cm) of VTX 75 40.E-4 ! r-phi resolution (cm) of Inner Tracker 76 40.E-4 ! Z resolution (cm) of Inner Tracker @! layer #0 (beampipe) 77 2. ! radius (cm) 78 -100. ! Z-(cm) 79 100. ! Z+(cm) 80 0.0015 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #1 81 2.4 ! radius (cm) 82 -5.0 ! Z-(cm) 83 5.0 ! Z+(cm) 84 0.003 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #2 85 3.6 ! radius (cm) 86 -7.5 ! Z-(cm) 87 7.5 ! Z+(cm) 88 0.003 ! thickness in radiation leng5h @! layer #3 89 4.8 ! radius (cm) 90 -10.0 ! Z-(cm) 91 10.0 ! Z+(cm) 92 0.003 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #4 93 6.0 ! radius (cm) 94 -12.5 ! Z-(cm) 95 12.5 ! Z+(cm) 96 0.003 ! thickness in radiation length @! @! Following is a parmeter set for Intermidiate tracker. @! This parameter sets are determined so as to @! (1) 5 layers to allow self tracking. @! (2) Uniform sampling between VTX to IT @! (3) Covers same costh range as vtx @! (4) Twice more thickness than VTX @! layer #5 (IT 1) 97 9.0 ! radius (cm) 98 -18.5 ! Z-(cm) 99 18.5 ! Z+(cm) 100 0.006 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #6 (IT 2) 101 16.0 ! radius (cm) 102 -33.0 ! Z-(cm) 103 33.0 ! Z+(cm) 104 0.006 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #7 (IT 3) 105 23.0 ! radius (cm) 106 -47.5 ! Z-(cm) 107 47.5 ! Z+(cm) 108 0.006 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #8 (IT 4) 109 30.0 ! radius (cm) 110 -62.0 ! Z-(cm) 111 62.0 ! Z+(cm) 112 0.006 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #9 (IT 5) 113 37.0 ! radius (cm) 114 -76.5 ! Z-(cm) 115 76.5 ! Z+(cm) 116 0.006 ! thickness in radiation length @! ......... @! ......... @! layer #NSMPVX (CDC inner cylinder) 117 40. ! radius (cm) 118 -230. ! Z-(cm) 119 230. ! Z+(cm) 120 0.01 ! thickness in radiation length @! @! For example to include a layer of Inner Tracker, uncomment following @! lines of parameter number 97 to 104, and set NSMPVX ( parameter number 71) @! to 6. Spacial resolution are specified by parameter number 75 and 76. @! @! layer #5 for IT @! 97 20.0 ! radius (cm) @! 98 -12.5 ! Z-(cm) @! 99 12.5 ! Z+(cm) @!100 0.003 ! thickness in radiation length @! layer #NSMPVX (CDC inner cylinder) @!101 25. ! radius (cm) @!102 -230. ! Z-(cm) @!103 230. ! Z+(cm) @!104 0.01 ! thickness in radiation length @! @! @! ......... @! Parameters for Clustering. @! ......... 1001 100. ! Eth(MeV) for barrel EMC 1002 0.4 ! C1 for barrel EMC 1003 0.2 ! C2 for barrel EMC 1004 1.0 ! C3 for barrel EMC 1005 0.3 ! Alpha (to determine poistion) of EMC 1006 100. ! Eth(MeV) for Endcal EMC 1007 0.4 ! C1 for Endcap EMC 1008 0.2 ! C2 for endCap EMC 1009 1.0 ! C3 for Endcal EMC 1010 0.3 ! Alpha (to determine poistion) of HDC 1011 100. ! Eth(MeV) for barrel HDC 1012 0.4 ! C1 for barrel HDC 1013 0.2 ! C2 for barrel HDC 1014 1.0 ! C3 for barrel HDC 1015 0.25 ! Alpha (to determine poistion) of HDC 1016 100. ! Eth(MeV) for Endcap HDC 1017 0.4 ! C1 for Endcap HDC 1018 0.2 ! C2 for Endcap HDC 1019 1.0 ! C3 for Endcap HDC 1020 0.25 ! Alpha (to determine poistion) of HDC