> Recently I got a PC and was happy by the idea of working with
> on PC having a machine for me alone. Unfortunatly, I did not succeed
> 100%. First this is what I succeed in :
> (1) - installation of ROOT on the PC.
> (2) - installation of my code under Visual C++ with a makefile. I
> could compile my code, link it with the ROOT libraries and execute
> it ok.
> This is what went wrong :
> I had the surprise to discover that Visual C++ disables the
> debugger
> when one enter in Visual C++ with a makefile ( which is a
> non-standard way of using Visual C++ ).
I am very sorry but I didn't under what did mean "disables"
One can connect the VC++ debugger to any running process even
"on fly" via
"Build" -> "Start Debug" -> "Attach to Process"
Developer studio menu.
> So I tried to make, very painfully, a "developer studio project".
One doesn't need any "developer studio project" to use VC++ debugger
(see above)
> I had to find which were the libraries behind the "guilibsdll", how to indicate to Visual C++
> where to find the include files, and so on.
Usually all system libraires are supplied by Studio, so one is not
required to figure this out on his own. The system libraries are
defined with the project type
> I never succeed in linking my code that way. I give at the end of this message the kind
> of error messages I get, but I think it is much too complicate to
> try to solve this kind of problem by mail, so the aim of this mail
> is to kindly ask the Authors of ROOT to provide on the web some
> documentation about the use of ROOT in Visual C++.
The directory test contains Makefile but it doesn't generate the
debug information.
I'll try to correct it to provide this information.
Meantime I am forwarding you another makefile.
This makefile is used to generate C++ class for STAR experiment at BNL
and it does provide us a debug information
ObjSuf = obj
SrcSuf = cxx
ExeSuf = .exe
DllSuf = dll
OutPutOpt = /out:
RM = del /q
PAMSM = tpc
PAMS = pamc
# Win32 system with Microsoft Visual C/C++
!include <win32.mak>
CC = $(cc)
CXX = $(cc)
STAR_INCLUDE = /I$(STAR)/asps/staf/inc .... /I$(AFS_RHIC)\asis\share\cern\new\include
CXXFLAGS = $(cvarsdll) /Zi /Fd$(PDB) /G5 /MD -D_WINDOWS -I$(ROOTSYS)/include $(STAR_INCLUDE)
LD = $(lin LDFLAGS = $(conlflags) #
SOFLAGS = /DEBUG $(dlllflags) /PDB:$(PDB)_all
ROOTLIBS = $(ROOTSYS)/lib/*.lib
LIBS = $(ROOTLIBS) $(guilibsdll) $(LIB_STAR)\dsl.lib MSVCIRT.LIB
PDB = St_base
STMODULEO = St_Module.$(ObjSuf) St_Table.$(ObjSuf) St_DataSet.$(ObjSuf) St_FileSet.$(ObjSuf) St_XDFFile.$(ObjSuf)\
STMODULES = St_Module.$(SrcSuf) St_Table.$(SrcSuf) St_DataSet.$(SrcSuf) St_FileSet.$(SrcSuf) St_XDFFile.$(SrcSuf)\
MAINSTMODULES = MainSt_Module.$(SrcSuf)
MAINSTMODULEO = MainSt_Module.$(ObjSuf)
STMODULE = St_base$(ExeSuf)
STMODULESO = libSt_Module.$(DllSuf)
all: $(PROGRAMS)
BINDEXPLIB St_base $(STMODULEO) > St_base.def
lib /nologo /MACHINE:IX86 $(STMODULEO) /def:St_base.def $(OutPutOpt)$(STMODULELIB)
$(LD) $(SOFLAGS) $(STMODULEO) St_base.exp $(LIBS) $(OutPutOpt)St_base.dll
@echo "St_base.dll done"
@$(RM) $(OBJS) St_ModuleCint.$(SrcSuf) St_ModuleCint.h *.pdb
St_Module.obj: St_Module.cxx St_Module.h
St_Table.obj: St_Table.cxx St_Table.h St_DataSet.h
St_DataSet.obj: St_DataSet.cxx St_DataSet.h
St_FileSet.obj: St_FileSet.cxx St_FileSet.h St_DataSet.h
St_XDFFile.obj: St_XDFFile.cxx St_XDFFile.h St_DataSet.h St_Table.h
@echo #ifdef __CINT__ >LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link off all globals;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link off all classes;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link off all functions;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_Module-;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_Table-;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_DataSet;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_FileSet;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_DataSetIter;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_XDFFile;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class table_head_st-!;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ enum EModuleTypes;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #endif>>LinkDef.h
St_ModuleCint.$(SrcSuf): St_Module.h St_Table.h St_DataSet.h St_XDFFile.h St_FileSet.h Makefile
@echo "Generating dictionary ..."
@echo #ifdef __CINT__ >LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link off all globals;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link off all classes;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link off all functions;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_Module-;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_Table-;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_DataSet;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_DataSetIter;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_FileSet;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class St_XDFFile;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ class table_head_st-!;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #pragma link C++ enum EModuleTypes;>>LinkDef.h
@echo #endif>>LinkDef.h
type LinkDef.h
@rootcint -f St_ModuleCint.$(SrcSuf) -c -DROOT_CINT -I$(STAR_SRC)\SL98b\inc table_header.h St_Module.h St_Table.h St_DataSet.h St_XDFFile.h St_FileSet.h LinkDef.h
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
> For me the use of
> a debugger is essential and I return to unix on HP, where the
> debugger dde is working quite well, until I know how to get the
> debugger of Visual C++ to work.
I'd like to call your attention that there are three (at least)
sources of the information:
- documentation been supplied with your version Visual C++
- On line documentaion.
- http://www.microsoft.com/kb (MS knowledge base)
> This is the kind of error messages I get when trying to link my
> code
> in a true "developer studio project" in Visual C++ :
> messages if one take as libraries :
> msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib
> advapi32.lib \
> user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib msvcirt.lib
Since I didn't see your project it is quite complicate to say what
you did wrong.
I would advice first try to use the Makefile above (and Makefile
file from the ROOT test subdirectory and that supplied with ATLFAST
package http://root.cern.ch/root/Atlfast.html as well)
I hope it helps,
With my regards,
Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
------------------- Phone: +1 516 344 7806
Brookhaven National Laboratory FAX : +1 516 344 4206
Bldg. 510A /STAR mailto:fine@bnl.gov
Upton, New York, 11973-5000 http://nicewww.cern.ch/~fine
Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
LCTA/Joint Inst.for Nuclear Res. Phone : +7 09621 6 40 80
141980 Dubna, Moscow region Fax : +7 09621 6 51 45
Russia mailto:fine@main1.jinr.dubna.su