RE:Re: lgamma function in interpreter

Masaharu Goto (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 20:42:00 +0900

Chris and Rene,

>The CINT interpreter knows most math.h functions that are Posix
>compliant. lgamma is not.
>We could introduce this function in a future release of TMath
>unless Masa decides to include it by default in CINT.
>Rene Brun

A little correction. Cint only includes ANSI C math.h functions by default.
In my understanding POSIX does not have math functions. POSIX system call
functions are not included in cint either, but I started to provide POSIX
DLL in lib/posix directory. Now, there included only small subset of POSIX
system calls.

I do not have plans to include non-ANSI functions by default.

Masaharu Goto