Maybe it is of general interest (a priori it is not clear that
it works), therefore I forward to roottalk, too.
(1) create the named pipe
# mknod pipename p
(2) another process must be filling the pipe e.g. by stdin/stdout
# daq_producer > pipename
This process can actually run on a different server
# rexec hostname daq_producer > pipename
(3) start your root session and execute a daq_consumer macro similar
to the following (it is shortened, just to show the principle)
FILE *fp;
Float_t x;
Int_t i=0;
// open named pipe
fp = fopen("pipename","r");
// open memory mapped file
mfile = TMapFile::Create("mapname","RECREATE", 100000, "T805 output");
// create histogram
// the histo is then automatically in the mapfile
hpx = new TH1F("hpx","SOM output",100,0,1);
// read x ascii float data from the named pipe
// fill x data (range [0,1]) into 1-D histogram
while ( fscanf(fp,"%f",&x) != EOF ){
if (!(i % 10)) {
(4) You can start another root session on a different computer
and access the shared mapfile without disturbing the concurrent
filling process
// open memory mapped file, read mode is default
mfile = TMapFile::Create("mapname");
// hpx is visible ...
and that's it.
The (maybe obvious) advantages of using root for such purposes
are given by
* several root sessions can look at the same data at the same time
* each DAQ online user can choose his favourite platform
(among the root distribution platforms)
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